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World Rulers - After the Flood.

Marilyn C



Q. Where did Noah`s descendents go?

                                                      4. Noah`sfamily.jpg


After the flood God told Noah and his sons –

`...be fruitful and multiply: bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it.` (Gen. 9: 7)


Noah`s sons and their wives then has many children and they in turn had children also. They travelled from Mount Ararat in the east and came to a plain in the land of Shinar and dwelt there.

They should have spread out and repopulated the earth as God said, but instead they decided to build a city and a tower in defiance of God.

`They said to one another,

                              “Come, let us build ourselves as city, and a tower

                                          whose top is in the heavens;

                                    let us make a name for ourselves,

                   lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.`

                                                                                                                            (Gen. 11: 4)

The people thought that they could establish a world empire that would be independent of God. This would mean power and control be a few, `lording it over,` others, which is man`s way of operating.

The city was called Babel or Babylon.

In judgment God sent a confusion of tongues and scattered them abroad. (Gen. 11: 8 & 9)



After the flood God establishes human government – the government of man by man. The highest function of government is the judicial taking of life. All other governmental powers are implied in that. Man is now responsible to govern the world for God.

`Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, & from the hand of man. From the hand of every man`s brother I will require the life of man.

Whoever sheds man`s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man. (Gen. 9: 5 & 6)


                                                 5. Babel..jpg



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 The city Babylon was built by Nimrod, the mighty hunter (Gen. 10:8-10).


It was the seat of the first great apostasy against God after the flood. Here the Babylonian Cult was invented by Nimrod and his Queen, Semiramis. It was a system claiming the highest wisdom and ability to reveal the most divine secrets. This cult was characterized by the word "Mystery" because of its mysteries. Beside confessing to the priests at admission to this cult, one was compelled to drink of "mysterious beverages," which says Salvert (Des Sciences Occultes, Page 259) was indespensible on the part of those who saught initation into these mysteries. The "mysterious beverages' were composed of wine, honey, water, and flour. They were always of an intoxicating nature, and untill the aspirants had come under the influence of it and had their understanding dimmed they were not prepared for what they were to see and hear. The method was to introduce privately, little by little, information under seal of secrecy and sanction of oath that would be impossible to reveal otherwise. This has been the policy of the Roman Church and the secret of the power of the priests over the lives of men whom they could expose to the world for their sins that have been confessed to them. Once admitted, men were no longer Babylonians, Assyrians, or Egyptians, but were members of a mystical brotherhood, over whom was placed a Supreme Pontif or High Priest whos word was final in all things in thelives of the brotherhood regardless of the country in which they lived. The ostensible objects of worship were the Supreme Father, the Incarnate Female or Queen of Heaven, and her Son. The last two were only objects of worship, as the Supreme Father was said not to interfere with mortal affaires (Nimrod 111, Page 239). This system is believed to have come from fallen angels and demons. The object of the cult was to rule the world by these dogmas. Much more can be said but to simplify things, Damasus, Bishop of the Christian Church at Rome, was elected to the office of Supreme Pontif. He had been bishop for twelve years, having been made suchin 366 A. D. through influence of the monks of Mount Carmel, a college of the Babylonian religion originally founded by the priests of Jezebel and continued to this day in connection with Rome. So, in 378 A. D., the babylonian system of religion became part of Christendom, for the bishop of Rome, who later became the supreme head of the organized church, was already Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order. All the teachings of pagan Babylon and Rome were gradually interspersed into the Christian religious organization. Soon after Damasus was made Supreme Pontiff, the rites of Babylon began to come to the front. The worship of the Roman Church became babylonish, and under him, the heathen temples were restored and beautified and the rituals established. Thus, the currupt religious system under the figure of a woman with a golden cup in her hand, making all nations drunk with her fornication, is called by God "MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT."

The first practice that grew up after this union was the introduction of the worship of the saints, especially of the virgin Mary. Thousands of pagans entered the church in those days who were accustomed to worshiping the gods of towns and places, who were not thoroughly Christianized. The veneration of saints and holy men became a worship. Saints were considered lesser dieties, whos intercession availed with God. Places connected with the lives of holy men were considered sacred and pilgrimages were started. Relics or bones of saints were believed to have miraculous power. The worship of the virgin Mary was set up in 381 A. D., three years after Damasus became bead of the Babylonian Cult.

Just as the Babylonian cult worshiped the "Queen of Heaven and her Son" and did not worship the Supreme Father because he simply did not interfere with mortal affairs, so the Roman Chrurch has a similar worship in that they worship Mary as the mother of God and her Son. The image of mother and child was an object of worship in Babylon long before Christ was born. From Babylon it spread to the ends of the Earth. The original mother was Semiramis, the beautiful queen of Nimrod, who was a paragon of unbridled lust and licentiousness.

In the "mysteries," which she had the chief part in forming, she was worshiped as Rhea (Chronicon Paschal, Volume 1, Page 65), the great "Mother of the God's" with such atrocious rites as identified her with Venus, the mother of all impurity. She raised Babylon, where she reigned to eminence among the nations as the great seat idolatry and consecrated prostetution (Hesiod, Theogonia, Volume 36, Page 435). The apocalyptic emblem of the harlot with cup in hand was one of idolatry derived from ancient Babylon, as they were exhibited in Greece, for thus the Greek Venus was originally represented (Herodotus, Historia, Book 1, cap. 199, Page 92).

Ironicilly the Roman Church has taken this as her emblem. In 1825 a medal was struck bearing the image of Pope Leo X11 on one side and on the other side Rome symbolized by a woman with a cross in her left hand and a cup in her right hand and a legend around her "Sedet Super Universum"; that is, "The whole world is her seat."

From this original practice, practically all nations have copied a similar worship, but in each land the same figure is carried out under different names. In Egypt the mother and child are known as Isis and Osiris; in India, Isi and Iswara; in Eastern Asia, Cybel and Deoius; in pagan Rome, Fortuna and Jupiter-puer; In Greece, Ceres or as Irene with Plutus in arms, etc. In Thibet, China, and Japan the Jesuits were suprised to find the counterpart of the madonna (the Italian name for virgin) and her child as devoutly worshiped as in Rome itself. Shing Moo, the mother of China, is there represented with child in her arms and a glory around her exactly as if a Roman artist had paintd her. Where did these nations get this common worship if not from Babylon before the dispersion by God in the days of Nimrod (Gen. 11). Thus the worship of Mary in connection with her Son is of Babylonian origin for there is no mention of such worshipin Scripture.

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Hi Hazard,

Very interesting there bro. This would be the religious aspect of what we now know as Babylon. In my topic here at the moment I am just looking at the government side of humanity & how it developed, & what God plans for it.

Thanks for sharing, Marilyn.

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hello Marilyn


After the flood God establishes human government – the government of man by man.

it had room for improvement! obviously so, as Moses was given the 10 commandments because there was not much civilised behaviour - unconscious drives and appetites and then Moses brings the law and man then is conscious of his base reflexes. ah the head knowledge but not the heart. nothing wrong with the 10 commandments...but man needs a change of heart. as with the head you can intellectualise yourself into/out of trouble.

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Hi mabel,

Yes we tend to go straight to the 10 commandments when thinking about government & God`s judgment. However......did you ever realise that that was NOT God`s desire.

`And Moses went up to God, & the Lord called to him from the mountain saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, & tell the people of Israel: "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, & how I bore you on eagle`s wings & brought you to Myself. Now therefore if you will indeed obey My voice & keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for the earth is mine, and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests & a holy nation." These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.` (Ex. 19: 3 - 6) 

So all the people of Israel had to do was to `obey` the Lord & keep His covenant. The people readily agreed. However.....when they witnessed the thunderings & lightnings, they were afraid. They told Moses to speak with God but not to them.

`Now all the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, & the mountain smoking; & when the people saw it, they trembled & stood afar off. Then they said to Moses, "You speak with us, & we will hear; but let not God speak with us lest we die.

And Moses said to the people, "Do not fear, for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin."  So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was.` (Ex. 20: 18 - 21)

The law was given as a `tutor` to bring us to Christ. (Gal. 3: 24)

So the people of Israel had to be under the law but it was always God`s desire to speak directly to His people. Some OT saints knew this. For example king David, who had a heart after God says -

`For you do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it: You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken & contrite heart - These, O God, You will not despise.` (Ps. 51: 16 & 15)

God is always after the heart as that is what needs changing. 



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Good stuff here. Circumcision is of the heart. Moses.The and the prophets like Daniel were circumcised in the heart. That's why they obeyed God's laws. We are circumcised in our hearts through faith in christ. 

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Thanks Wayne.

Yes circumcision of the heart. Painful but oh the joy of a broken proud heart to find the sweet rest in Christ alone.

regards, Marilyn.

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