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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2010 in all areas

  1. Saw this and absolutely had to post it...to you eschatological mavens...read the article....there's 16 nations...if Ireland, Portugal and Greece pull out of the EU, that leaves 13...then 3 MORE get into trouble...what does that leave??? Even me, who is math-deficient, knows that leaves 10....Found this quite interesting, but I want to hear opinions on this.... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40371908/ns/business-world_business/ tell me what you think.... a.
    1 point
  2. I would like to know your thoughts if you would like to share them... I have always wondered what "Church/worship" is like in countries closer to Israel and of course Israel itself. Because.....as I have stated on here many times before, I feel the Western Church has become very commercialised and have added extras to "go with" the service to make it more "exciting" for the congregation........it 's unnecessary I believe... One morning service I went to, had me comparing it to a rock concert as there was a rotating multi-coloured light ball in the centre of the room, and smoke machine on the stage..the room was dimmed and the band was loud.....actually the room was pretty pumping...I am not kidding here... I felt extremely uncomfortable with that style...
    1 point
  3. I just bought a new (well, gently used) living room set at work. It smells so strong of cigarettes and I've tried Febreze and Lysol both but it still stinks. Dad's wife suggested I try baking soda on it, but I haven't tried it yet. Can anyone help me? I'm allergic to cigarettes and this doesn't help!
    1 point
  4. Why don't I just rub chicken droppings in it instead?
    1 point
  5. I've never been on the site for more than just a few minutes filling out their long questionare. I have no idea what their price structure is, how long it takes to meet someone on there, how long you have to talk via their site before you can meet someone in person, etc. All I know is I keep seeing the commercials advertising how good it is but obviously I don't always trust commercials. I'll be honest; I'm tired of being alone. I have single friends my age in this area, but they're not Christians so that knocks that in the head. I know friends who have dated/married non-Christians and while it might be okay for some, it's not what I truly want to do. I'm not in any type of financial shape to invest in a long distance relationship at the moment, so that knocks that in the head also. I joined a Christian dating site called Christian Mingle a few years ago and loved it. I met a lot of wonderful people, some online and some in real life, but nothing lasting. I guess it boils down to the LDR thing again....just don't have the $$$ to invest in a long distance relationship. I've thought about checking about E Harmony, but just not sure. Has anyone tried it or know someone who has? Is it hype or is it worth the price?
    1 point
  6. Not all do, but a lot do. I have met several people that I came to know on Christian Mingle. Most have seemed to be what they say but I went out w/ a lady from the St. Louis area. After meeting her, I realized in none of her photos was she smiling enough to show her teeth. It turned out she had black teeth in places. I'm not making fun, but between that and her being bigger than what her photos led one to believe (mainly head shots) I was a little disappointed. We actually had a good time for what it's worth. However, a few days later I found her posting on Facebook talking about she could never date a guy who "let himself go." Really? I wore brand new khakis and shirt that I bought special to meet her, hair was combed neatly, I was shaved, etc. The only thing I can figure is if it was aimed at me (as I thought) is my weight....I am overweight but it's not like she was skinny minnie either.
    1 point
  7. Missionary dating...ummm not usually advisable. 100% on the mark!!! I can be a witness to my single, non-Christian female friends but past that, I would absolutely have to hear it from God to date a non-believer. If a non-Christian were interested in coming to church with me, talking about the Bible or something of the sort, I'm all for that. That, on the other hand though, is different than dating them.
    1 point
  8. Bunk. I'm sorry you don't know what it is like to have God talking back to you, Paul. I think Paul is simply here to stir the pot at times. Paul, I've rarely had God "speak" to me via an actual vision or dream (usually, for me, it's the "still, small voice" giving me peace about something), but I know of one time a few years ago He did. The dream concerned my church and some things I had no clue at the time was going to happen. A friend of mine gave me what she believed to be the interpretation and a situation that happened a couple of years later fell in line right down to a tee with the dream God gave me. Paul, be careful calling God's work "bunk."
    1 point
  9. I understand one doesn't want a bum who isn't going to work and if one isn't employed, yeah, that's a problem. However the thing of "how much" is too personal and tells me what someone is looking at. LOL, this ole boy ain't rich by any stretch of the imagination!
    1 point
  10. I'm going to second that, RGR. I'm single too and I would NEVER consider a nonbeliever for anything other than friendship, not even just casual dating. I also believe a Christian would have to be desperate to marry a nonbeliever. I'd rather be single than yoked to someone who didn't share my main reason for being on this earth. What would be the point? Spot on, MG, spot on. I went through a marriage with someone who claimed to be a Christian, but the fruit never bore it out. Why would I want to put myself through that heartache again? No matter how good morally a non-Christian may be, it would still be akin to giving Superman Kryptonite; it will kill you spiritually. I will never forget a demonstration I was given as a teenager. One person, representing a Christian, was told to stand on the altar (you could substitute a chair, a stepstool or something else, but the logic is still the same). A second person, representing a non-Christian, was told to lie in the floor next to the altar. The person standing on the altar was told to try to pull the 2nd person up to the altar. Of course, it was a very tough, laborious process. Then the person in the floor was asked to attempt to pull down the person standing on the altar. You can figure that was MUCH easier than pulling the person up. The point being is that it is much easier for a non-Christian to pull us down to their level than for us to pull them up to ours.
    1 point
  11. And if they are not receptive to the gospel message, then there is no ground for a longer term relationship. What fellowship has darkness with light? I have a few folks who have become friends over the years, but I will not enter a long term dating relationship with someone who does not share my love for Jesus. This is by my choice, and I'm not trying to force it on anyone else. Exactly, Walla!!!! I've pondered what would I do in an instance of a non-believer being interested in me (which I've had happen). If that person would go to church w/ me and be open to the gospel message, I would gladly talk to them about salvation/invite them to church.. I'm sorry, but if someone isn't even willing to go to church or listen to the Message, why even consider them? I know a lady at our church who married a non-Christian and I believe full well she knew he wasn't. What I see every Sunday is her dragging 3 kids to church and the only time her hubby shows up is on a special event like a baby dedication (last one was when their youngest son was born) or a wedding. I don't want that. I want someone who will walk into church with me, side by side, to worship the Lord.
    1 point
  12. Basically that - it could be something you see - sleep dream, day dream - or a concept vision (inspiration, thought, etc.) Thank you, Neb.
    1 point
  13. I know, Neb, and I understand what you're saying. I was in a "thinking" mood and was giving some thought to at least checking it out but really wanted to see what others knew about it. I fully intend to wait on His timing and I don't want it seem to seem otherwise. I also realize (and I don't think E Harmony is how) God can use various means to bring His will into our lives. I did join a dating site, Christian Mingle, after I became single. Of course it was a snap decision and in all honesty, I was "determined" I was going to "find" someone. I realize now that was a mistake. Ya know, I've made a lot of great friends from Mingle even having met several people in person after getting to know them over the course of a couple of years. I'm still friends with most of them, but I also found we weren't the ones God intended for each other. One lady has become like a big sister to me; whenever something good (or bad) happens, I usually text her and let her know. Absolutely no interest in her at all; it's something we've tried to make happen and it winds up disastrous every time, so we've learned we are more of a sister/brother combo and when/if she finds someone, I will be the 2nd most happy person for her behind herself. Would you care to expound on the vision thing? I'm not trying to be cute, I'm just trying to understand what you're meaning. God has given a vision before of something dealing with our church, something that I saw happen and something He used me in. This was a literal vision in which I was an active participant. I've also had just a "vision" of things God has in store for me, but it's not been a physical dream, but rather a "God's going to do this and I know it" type of thing. I'm just simply trying to understand what you're saying. Thanks!
    1 point
  14. I agree with WYGUY. Unless Poppa told me to do otherwise, I wouldn't send them any more money. Praying for them is always in order though as they obviously need thankful and appreciative hearts.
    1 point
  15. Fantastic info.! Thanks, MorningGlory. I'm all for natural remedies.
    1 point
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