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Everything posted by Creed

  1. Yes, usually right before a major dental appointment! Lord, take me away!!!!
  2. In more ways than one I guess...... (18 days now) OH MY H E A V E N S!!!!
  3. Creed


    I'd say you were safe w/ the autograph . . . . if you had bowed down three times with your face to the ground . . now that'd be a different story.
  4. Creed


    I do . . .but only if you're going to be famous one day. Then I can sell it on e-bay for a handsome sum (tithing a tenth, of course!)
  5. It sounds like God is up to something in South Africa!
  6. I'm sure that whatever it was . . it was brilliant!
  7. I'd go, calmly present the truth, and then let the judge decide. Accept his decision (good or bad) with grace. (I'd be prayed up before entering the courtroom though! )
  8. Kitty, That's an excellent step to take! We're so glad you've joined us! Blessings to you!
  9. All of the things you've listed are noble endeavors . . . . I'm just wondering if He's calling you to do ALL of it. As an example, let's say you got pregnant and had a baby. You'd literally have to sandwich time in with him/her between youth ablaze, community projects, and counseling, etc. A "time out" to be with God sounds like an excellent idea. At which time you could ask Him to show you what He's called you to do. How do you let everyone know about your 2 weeks off . . . pick two weeks on the calendar, send a memo/e-mail/announcement to all involved that they'll see you again on ______________ (fill in date).
  10. I'm getting the uncanny feeling that I know this young ranger . . . His shenanigans sound so . . . so . . . . familiar. Don't you mean "the guilty?????"
  11. I'm getting the uncanny feeling that I know this young ranger . . . His shenanigans sound so . . . so . . . . familiar.
  12. Butero That is about the most ageist remark I have heard in a long time! I know more younger people from this generation who's minds are not there at all Believe it or not, very often older people are actually quite wise, and there are companies here who actually prefer employing them because of their work ethic and experience I wasn't meaning to offend anyone, but there are things like alzheimers that effect people when they get older. I guess I was just trying to give the teller the benefit of the doubt. There is a jewlery store in my town being run by an elderly woman, and I took a watch to her for repairs. She lost the watch, and I had to help her find it. She couldn't figure out how to run the credit card through the machine and couldn't figure out what to charge, so I had to help her run the card, and had I wanted to, I could have easily cheated her. Later I found out from someone she has alzheimers but refuses to close the business she has run most of her life. Of course, I have known many seniors that are very smart their entire lives. All of my Grandparents were fully aware of everything going on around them into their late 80s and mid 90s, so I wasn't meaning this as a slur on elderly people as much as I was saying the teller might not have been a crook, and perhaps this should be looked into? Ahhh ok . . . I've decided to knit you a sweater with my arthritic hands instead.
  13. Butero That is about the most ageist remark I have heard in a long time! I know more younger people from this generation who's minds are not there at all Believe it or not, very often older people are actually quite wise, and there are companies here who actually prefer employing them because of their work ethic and experience I agree with Fez . . . . and seriously considering hitting Butero with my cane.
  14. Perhaps what happened this month in a town near me will happen in this case. The leader of the KKK was in the news every day with his plans to hold a rally, have a march, etc. He was angry that all of the locations he tried to reserve were booked. He didn't believe that they were really booked and felt the KKK was being discriminated against. He decided they would still meet at one of the "booked" areas and then just march on the sidewalk. The area he chose was one that a church had reserved for an Easter outreach. (Don't you know that small church was praying up a storm!) The big day arrived . . . all the local TV stations, newspapers were out there with reporters for the big story. You know how many KKK members showed up? One. . the vocal leader. It appears that those he had called to attend from out of town got lost in route.
  15. Any examples with pictures? Actually, yes, but I don't know how to post them here. This will suffice I hope. http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-...light-close-up/ http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...Chevrolet-Aveo/ http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/hatchb...i/photo_09.html http://www.edmunds.com/flipper/do/MediaNav...irstNav=Gallery http://www.gotbroken.com/2008-honda-osm-co...front-side-view (this one is particularly creepy to me) http://www.gotbroken.com/2010-honda-jazz-s...z-si-front-side http://www.gotbroken.com/2009-honda-cr-z-c...t-front-picture http://www.gotbroken.com/search/2010+honda+hybrid I see what you mean . . . especially the third picture.
  16. I received my census form this week . . . . just run of the mill questions. It took about 4 minutes to fill out. I didn't feel any of the questions were too personal or probing.
  17. All they get for being the world's biggest person is being bedridden, sick and dead. Not a very good prize, huh? Joyful, I'll bet you could never be that big because most people can't. I don't understand it at all OR why anyone would deliberately try to weigh 1000 pounds! Perhaps a small blurb in the Guiness Book of World Records? Although she might already be in there under "Woman Who Actually Dated Wyguy." i will not laugh, i will not laugh, i will not laugh, i will not laugh.... Well it at least explains why she is so unhappy and her life is a mess...... Good point, Fez! We have finally found the "bottom line" to all this!
  18. MorningGlory, according to my calculations, it's Mr. You Know Who's fault by his admission that he dated her. The rest is history. And yes, please do join us (along with your camcorder) . . the more, the merrier!
  19. Hey Believer and Joyful, Wouldn't ya'll just love for us to go on a girl's night out with those two and hear all about the restraining orders!
  20. All they get for being the world's biggest person is being bedridden, sick and dead. Not a very good prize, huh? Joyful, I'll bet you could never be that big because most people can't. I don't understand it at all OR why anyone would deliberately try to weigh 1000 pounds! Perhaps a small blurb in the Guiness Book of World Records? Although she might already be in there under "Woman Who Actually Dated Wyguy." i will not laugh, i will not laugh, i will not laugh, i will not laugh.... Didn't work, did it? Wyguy is precious and I'm quite positive that he is funny, smart and handsome. He's blackmailing you, isn't he? Do you honestly think I'm scared of him??? (is he behind me?) I don't know. Is he the one with the horns?
  21. All they get for being the world's biggest person is being bedridden, sick and dead. Not a very good prize, huh? Joyful, I'll bet you could never be that big because most people can't. I don't understand it at all OR why anyone would deliberately try to weigh 1000 pounds! Perhaps a small blurb in the Guiness Book of World Records? Although she might already be in there under "Woman Who Actually Dated Wyguy."
  22. Many years ago from ages 12-21, I was a Rainbow Girl (girl's offshoot organization, so to speak, of the Masons). After getting saved in my 30's, the Lord convicted me to get rid of all the Rainbow paraphernalia and renounce my association with them. As I began to research the origins of Free Masonry, it became clear as to why. The book I used as a reference was What You Need to Know About Masons by Ed Decker.
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