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Everything posted by Coffeespiller87

  1. Oh then I should not have typed anything in the comment section yet? So I’m guessing around one we’re only doing the pole part? The comment section is for around two?
  2. I am confused. I was doing the instructions i thought vote on 5 to not have on it then post the 5 remaining?
  3. I am safe but shaken up its been going for quite a while. I think planes are pouring water on it right now the smoke is thick and black.
  4. why two life sentences? How does one serve this?
  5. well I am thinking its partly the mans thinking that does not seem right. he should know better than to think its okay to ask a minor out on a date. I think whats illegal really though and I dont know all state laws but i think its an adult engaging in sexual behavior with minors that is illegal not an actual date but that a dating going on between a adult male and a minor girl sets up a bad appearance. if I was a parent I know if a teen daughter of mine was dating a grown man (18 or older) I wouldnt be comfortable with it. I am guessing his intentions were not good. Its hard for me to believe an older man wants nothing but just a "date."
  6. how can that man say shes of legal age if she is 16? that is a minor that is not legal age. maybe in his mind that age is appropriate to him but I dont see it as him being discriminated against. Teens should be able to work without having to worry about creepy old men hitting on them. He should know better hes probably just using the discrimnating thing to make himself not feel about about his wrong doings.
  7. oh I thought this is in general discussion I thought general discussion means general topics.
  8. This is my titanic necklace isnt it exquisite? Took me forever to find the right one.
  9. went to a fun brunch and we played a fun ornament exchange game and also I ate a lot of food
  10. Moon selfie the third one is the actually the first photo that occurred it is a blooper so to speak
  11. what do u all think of my new hair style yay or nay? This is not what I was expecting btw when I went to get my hair cut this morning lol
  12. yeah its fine guys. Shes not talking down to me at all. okay no american flu only Spanish flu thanks Jadey I will tuck that nugget of info away in my memory bank.
  13. oh grate just what this country needs is more worser sicknesses. The American flu isnt bad enough now there is a Spanish flu?
  14. I love oreos but I cant see myself trying those or even liking them. Rather buy oreos I know i like then risk buying ones I wont eat again lol.
  15. oh wow. so someone made a mistake when it went to print? That is so confusing.
  16. Was anyone really surprised this would be the result? People in such high positions and wealth seem to think they are above laws. My trust is in Gods plan not in what happens I am not worried. God is in control in all situations. However please do not think that means that I am okay with what she has done. I am not okay with it but I see no use worrying or being concerned. My focus is on God instead.
  17. I agree Robert because if it was just about getting equel rights why go after christians and Christians churches or establishments?
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