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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by angels4u

  1. Welcome Wayne, Very interesting reading..... God Bless,Angels
  2. Hi Wisdom, Did I ever feel like given up on the Lord, no no no. That does not mean I'm always as close to Him as I should, but thank God ,He is faithful and doesn't give up and me either and I know He never will. Often when I'm doing things on my own He makes me aware what's going on and He wants me to make more time for Him. And it takes disipline to take time to pray and read, it does not always come easy, if you wait until you are ready ,you will never be ready because the enemy knows how to keep us busy with other things, How do you experiece this? Love in Christ, Angels
  3. Hi Wisdom, I was so suprised when you said there is not much information about Joseph.... You are right Potifar and Pharaoh are not the same person,I didn't realize that. Thanks for the correction, what do you have for infomation for the Joseph from the O.T. We might as well do him first,don't you think?
  4. Hi Wisdom, Things didn't change since April 24, God is still very important in my life, we go through ups and downs and He's always there, even when I'm not there for him. I find it diffecult in the summer when I work, there are lots of Sundays I don't go to church because of my job, and the place where I work is far from Christian, I have experienced the Lord during my work alot, When I am around non-christians,He makes me realize that I am the salt of this world and that I'm in the light. The darkness cannot always comprohend it and that gives strife. (without words) Well, life is not always easy,but there is a better life coming!! Love in Christ, Angels
  5. George, you keep us reading with those strange questions.... This is what I found, Rev 14:6,7 The angel flying in midheaven with the everlasting gospel seems to correspond with Matt24:14. And this gospel will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations and then the end will come. The subject of the gospel in given in vs 7. Men are commanded to fear God ,rather then the beast,to give glory to Him rather than idolatrous image and to worship Him rather then mere men. Of course there is one gospel but there are different emphases in different dispensations. During the great tribulation ,the gospel will seek to turn men away from worship of the beast and prepare them for Christ's Kingdom on earth. What do you think?? Angels
  6. Joseph was only 30 years old when he became govener of Egypt and 17 years old when he was sold in slavery,he spend 11 years as an Egyptian slave and 2 years in prison. Wow, his life was an easy road. What did you find for information on Joseph? Please write down everything you know so we can learn from it!! Can we learn something from Joseph? Who does he remind you of? I really like doing this, it keeps you reading Love, Angels ( sometimes we think we have it so bad.....)
  7. Joseph : An example for today. He seeems to be one of the few characters who seems to have no flaw. * He teaches us to seek excellence in whatever situation we may find ourself .What we archieve in life's small things will train and equip us for the greater things. *Joseph teaches us to live morally pure lifes. We too, live in a world filled with tempatations. Keeping ourself pure honours God and shows respect for others. *Joseph teaches us to maintain a positive attitude when treated unfairly,he never gave in to despair. *Joseph reminds us that it is divine to forgive,we must also be wise in our relationship with those who harmed us. We always have to be willing to forgive. * Joseph reminds us that fulfilling Gods purpose in our life is more significant then our experieces along the way. Many great people of God have suffered for God's greater good. We need to look beyond ourself beyond our wants and desires and take satisfaction in serving Him. *Joseph reminds us of the wonder of forgiveness and healing power. As God had forgiven us ,so are we to forgive others,freely and completely.
  8. Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel.Jacob's best loved wife,his father showed him such obvious favoritism that his brothers resented him deeple. I think he was naive and didn't realize their jealousy. When he had the dream that his parents and brothers would bow down to him,they hated him more. While Joseph was still a teenager, his brothers sold him to merchants traveling to Egypt. I Egypt,Joseph was sold to a high official named Potifar and he became soon Potifars most trusted agent and was put in charge of his estate. Potifars wife falsely accuses him of attemting to rape her,and Potifar imprisoned him,soon he became the warden's agent and run the prison. Joseph correctly interpreted 2 high officials dreams, one was going to be hanged and the other restored to his position. Joseph remained faithful and committed to God in all things. He also interpreted Potifars dream of the 7 years of abundence of crops and the 7 years of femine,Joseph advised Potifat to prepare for the famine by storing up for it. Pharaoh was very impressed by him and made him second ruler of Egypt. When the famine came ,Joseph's family came for food to him and Joseph tried them to see if they had changed. And Joseph forgave them for what they did to him.
  9. OK. Lets do Joseph next,but not tonight anymore......be back hopefully soon! Do you have information on Joseph?
  10. God called Adam responsible since he was the head of the family. Through he was present when Eve commited the sin, he did not stop her.In fact he blamed her and said the woman you gave me ...made me sin. Eve past the quilt on to someone else too,she blamed the serpent instead of admitting that she accepted his offer. She failed the test offered to her as a human beingto obey God out of voluntarily love. Judgement followed ,tthey had to leave the garden and the entire world was cursed. Eve who had completed Gods creation -was the last link to happiness on earth and had thrown it away by her disobedience. Joy of motherhood would be tempered by pain and trouble. Adam would now rule over her . And their result of sinning was death. Far worse then natural death was spirituel death. Satan tries to move every person against God just as he did with Eve. The result of their sinning will continue until the new Kingdom. Every person will be warned not to follow Eve's exemple.Eve provides a frightening exemple. What do you think is the most important warning in her life story? How does this effect our lifes personally??
  11. Maybe we can go a little more indept about Eve? The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam,not made out of his head to rule over him,nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him,under his arm to be protected and near to his heart to be loved. Eve the mother of all living. Gen 1:27-28 God created Adam and Eve both in His own image. Gen.2:18 God said, it is not good for the man to be alone and I will make a helper suitable for him. Gen 2:20-25 The man gave names to all the cattle all the birds and every beast of the earth. After that God took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place and God created the woman. (Do you know that men still have 1 rib less than women?) Correct me if not. Gen.3:1-20 The serpent told Eve that she woudn't die if she ate from the tree of good and evil.It would be for her own good,so she would be like God, knowing good and evil. Adam who was with her ate also the forbidden fruit.Then their eyes were opened and they knew they were nakened ,they sewed figleaves together and made themself loin coverings. They were hiding themself from the Lord and the man blamed the woman and the woman blamed the serpent for decieving them. Everything before they sinned was so new and refreshing,the water was sparkling clean the air they breathed was unspoiled. Their marrige was perfect and they had fellowship with the Lord. Then she had to make a choice and she decidedto listen to the devil by eating from the forbidden fruit. Satan's first blow was succesful,and that moment their life changed.
  12. Shall we start with Eve also?She is the mother of all of us. What were her strenghts and accomplishments? Her weakenesses and misstakes? Can we learn something from her?
  13. I did a little more reserch on Adam, I think that we can learn so much of this, I might get a scribbler to make note from what we learn.. Anyway this is what I found to start with We can hardly imagine what it must have been liked to be the first and only person on earth. It
  14. What does the Bible say say about depression? How do we handle it and why and who will get depressed? Angels
  15. Hi everybody, Want to do a study on men in Bibletimes? Please suggest with who we start. In Christ, Angels
  16. Hi everybody, Instead of debating something why don't we start discussing people from the Bible and discover how they lived, their weaknesses and their strenghts and everything what is interesting about them. Anybody suggest who we start with? Angels
  17. I am like Shilo without words and in awe that I'm in heaven and sit at His feet just to enjoy His presence, I will be so amazed by His Love for me and for who He is that I problaly will be speechless for a long time!! I know I'm going to heaven but to actuel be there...JOY JOY JOY!! all the days of my life........ Angels
  18. Ishmael became the father of the Arabs,can it be that because of the sin from Abraham the Arabs got in trouble from then on until now...until Jesus comes back? Cain was not pleasing the Lord ,I believe that it was because of the sacrifice he brought to the Lord, he should have brought a blood offering instead of fruits and vegtables. He substituted the bloodoffering. Abel 's offering point to the death of Christ who takes away the sins of this world. God marked Cain as sign for protection,so nobody would kill him. Your thoughts about this? Love in Christ,Angels Do you want to start a little Bible course where we discuss one person from the bible at the time and go more indept? Keeps us reading the Bible!!
  19. Wordsower,where are you???????? Will you please explain all this negative stuff and all it says? does anybody know how to translate this in plain English? Sounds interesting! Angels
  20. RollinThunder I need more explanation about this too, where did you find that information? Can you translate itfor us in plain english please? Thanks, Angels
  21. I was reading the story from Lot a few days ago too, maybe we ought to discuss this more, because it doesn't make sense Sodom is destroyed because of sin and look what they do right after they escaped! I read here in a Bible commantary that Lot was a just man, but had become worldly and he lost his testemony 2 Peter2:7-8-14 And his daughters they have been influenced by Sodom's vile standards. God saved Lot and his daughters because of Abrahams prayers, if Abraham didn't pray ,would God still have saved them? Angels
  22. Traveler reminded me of Lot, and I always wondered how Lot could give his daughters to those men in Sodom..which parent can do such a thing? He is a man of God, this boggles my mind... And also how could Lots daughters use their own father to get offspring and make him drunk first? Angels
  23. http://members.aol.com/Cuttyhunk/Angels.html What if??
  24. Every night I lie in bed, this little prayer inside my head. God bless all those I hold so dear, and keep them safe thru coming years. And, God, there's just one more thing I wish you would do. If you don't mind my asking, would you bless my 'puter too? Now I know that it's not normal to bless a small machine, but listen just a second, and I'll try to explain. You see, this little metal box holds more than odds and ends. Inside those small components rest a hundred loving friends. Some, it's true, I've never seen, and most I've never met. We've never shaken hands or even hugged, and yet... I know for sure they love me, by the kindness they give. And this little scrap of metal is how I get to where they live. By faith is how I know them so if it's ok with you... Just take an extra minute from your duties up above... To bless this little hunk of steel that's filled with so much love. Amen. Author-Unknown
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