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Everything posted by Adarian

  1. The prince of the kingdom of Persia is still doing his mischief, that one who withheld the angel Gabriel from the prophet Daniel for three weeks. Will there be any left standing in Iran after the coming of the Lord?
  2. It was the murder of Hariri that got the Syrian troops out of Lebanon. After the death of the leader of Hizbollah, Hariri's assassination seems more to be the work of Hizbollah itself than Syria. It would seem logical then that Syria would feel free to blam slam the man as an act of vengeance. The intrigue thickens.
  3. A religion of peace? That is absurd. The word destroy is used in connection to Islam every day.
  4. Actually Hell is not the same as the Lake of Fire. Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire,this is the 2nd death. Hell is were sinners go when we die to await judgment,the lake of fire is were they will spend eternity after the judgment. Hell itself will be cast into the lake of fire,hell is not going to be cast into hell,they are not the same place. But neither of the two is any were you want to be,so if you are not saved yet,repent ASAP,now perhaps. <== what onwingsaseagles said <== For certain, outer darkness is where there is no connection to or fellowship with God. It is a complete disconnect from God and an absolute lack of access to Him.
  5. One thing that puzzles me greatly, is that when whales beach themselves, why are the evolutionists not there preventing the environmentalists from putting the whales back into the water. After all, the whales are trying to become human.
  6. God is able to stop all of the foolishness going on in the world, but certain responsibilities have been given to we the believers: 2 Chronicles 7, 13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. The people who are called by His name are now we the Christians, since the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, since the land is a grievous mess, it must be that those who believe are living as if they are of the world, not repenting, and not praying. At least not enough of us are praying for God to heal our lands.
  7. Certain denominations are excellent and useful: The $5, the $10, the $20 for instance.
  8. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. As with one person, so it is with all persons as far as God is concerned. He has never made anyone He did not love. From the passage in 2 Peter we know that it is not the will of God that any one should perish, that is to die outside of Christ and be sent to hell, so every human being found in hell is there contrary to the will of God. The gospel of salvation is for every single person period. The article is deception.
  9. These mental health problems are most likely caused by the mercury used as a preservative in the vaccines soldiers are required to have before going overseas. Common problems associated with vaccine sourced mercury are: Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Dementia, Alzheimers, Autism and the so called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  10. Hi JamieLea, The video is on youtube.com Search youtube with "The Unfunny Truth about Scientology" and it will come up with several other related videos.
  11. What a creep show. Scientology-worship and promotion of self.
  12. I like to think of these people as "brilliant idiots", having great knowledge, great scientific skill, and no sense at all. Great numbers of people who haven't been conceived yet are going to suffer much because of this foolishness.
  13. (Get rid of mercury amalgam dental fillings, and Ethyl Mercury in vaccines, and Parkinson's goes away along with Alzheimer's. So does Autism. Autopsies of Autism and Alzheimer's victims reveals identical brain tissue damage. Mercury is the cause.) But then, on the other hand, a mixture of human and animal DNA might produce a more efficient politician.
  14. When food, clothing, shelter, utilities, education, transportation, electronics, hair cuts, dental, medical and all the other things that come up over the years are added up, it costs about eight hundred dollars a month per child for eighteen years. I have three children. Deductions are fair but perhaps not large enough. School fees, shoes and some extra clothing for three run fifteen hundred dollars total just to get them started in september every year. As for the "civil union": eewwwww.
  15. The population of Edmonton proper is 800,000. The population of Calgary proper is 1,000,000. Contrary to advertising, the birth control pill is not a contraceptive. It simply prevents the embryo (child) from adhering to the wall of the uterus. Imagine every sexually active woman in the USA losing a child a month unknowingly. The tool and die murders of 1.2 million, however heinous, are only a small part of the problem.
  16. I am lady's husband. The management part cracks me up! On the myers-brigs personality test, I am a mastermind! I share a laptop with her and really don't post much but wanted to say that this whole discussion is helping. That may be amusing, but if a man seeks responsibility within the church, the following instruction is given: 1Timothy 3, 2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) The passage speaks well to marriage also.
  17. Where did that come from? I have been studying and haven't had the time to look into what has been written and I get this response? Okay, I see how that looks a little harsh: Sorry, that is not my usual way. Are you seeking the way God has commanded men to treat their wives? Or are you seeking the God given hierarchy of authority in the church and the home? And does this query have anything to do with your siggy? Edit: We are commanded to love our wives as ourselves; and love does no harm to its neighbor. None, zero. I am seeking the God given hierarchy authority of the church and home. Yes, the query has a little to do with my siggy. Trust me when I say that my husband is definetely the head of the house. Being the head of the house encompasses the management of it and seeing that the members of the household are obedient to God and in fellowship with God. It also comes with a grave responsibility to set an example of love, generosity and kindness to all the members of the household. It does not extend to the curtailing of personal freedom or unseemly control of the personal activities of one's wife. It does not extend to hateful abuse or nasty hurtful words. If the wife's responsibilities of the marriage, motherhood and household have been properly handled, she should be free. A wife is not a bond servant, she is a partner in the marriage. She is not an employee. She is to be treated with gentle, loving respect, as a friend, as an equal in status, although not in authority. Is your husband born of God? Or is he an unbeliever? Note: I have to go to work now, and may not be able to post again until the weekend, so please don't think I am ignoring you when I don't post for a while.
  18. sounds like you know what to do, doesn't it? You can pray for this man, but you can't help him yourself. Get away from this relationship for your own safety.
  19. Hi Trusting Jesus, I looked over my post there and had to kick my own backside. I caught a few of the responses along the way in this thread and lost sight of the thread's originator. The post was not actually directed at ladyoflight. Just give me a second to remove the boot from my mouth............much better, so much easier to talk. For ex, "insecurity, passivity, small minds and legalism....." "The roll of the Husband is as follows: ----Submit to their wives! (mainly to her needs which is another topic in and of itself taped.gif ) or in other words "love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her" (Eph. 5:25). ----make yourself of no reputation and take on the form of a bond servant just as Chrst did for us (Phil. 2:7)"
  20. Where did that come from? I have been studying and haven't had the time to look into what has been written and I get this response? Okay, I see how that looks a little harsh: Sorry, that is not my usual way. Are you seeking the way God has commanded men to treat their wives? Or are you seeking the God given hierarchy of authority in the church and the home? And does this query have anything to do with your siggy? Edit: We are commanded to love our wives as ourselves; and love does no harm to its neighbor. None, zero.
  21. You ask for responses from men and then ignore them. Perhaps you wish for a shared authority model. Such a thing does not occur in the Word of God. The man is the head of the household. Simple. It is the design of God. All other variations are rebellion: From 1 Samuel 15: 22 And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams. Mark 12:33 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. Rebellion is witchcraft, and The Lord will keep rebels from their appointed purpose. It is a dangerous place to walk.
  22. "As far as a man's role in the church goes" we could be talking about the body of Christ, or we could be talking about the places we go to worship. Essentially we have this: from 1 Timothy 2, 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Leadership and positions of authority in the church belong to men. This being the Word of God concerning authority in the church. As for the body of Christ in general, the husband's authority has been firmly established during the rest of this thread. However, a man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church, ..................He gave Himself up for her. He is to love his wife as he loves his own flesh, which means anything a man will do for himself to care for himself he is to provide for his wife. Period.No debate.Clear command.Get it done.
  23. It was only a short time ago that a European cop took part in an experiment to test facial recognition technology. He left his starting point, and the computer used to track him tapped into all of the public cameras mounted in banks and streets all over the world. It toook four days for the program to recognize him at a bank in (I think) New York City. Add this to their funky database and we have a new monster.
  24. It was impossible to sell "Global Warming", so now its called "Climate Change". I see that this new tack is getting a lot bigger response.
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