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Everything posted by pwfaith

  1. History of the church. Any "requirements". At our last church we had to attend a 2 hr thing where we were told the history of the denomination, that particular church, statement of faith, views on basic issues, etc taught by the pastor (it was a very small church). We have not yet had the chance to do the membership class here though. This is from our website though: We have been there for about 3 yrs. I really want to take the class at this point b/c we are pretty involved now - teaching, helping out a lot, etc. It's a huge church too. It just happens that the class is on Sunday mornings when we're teaching and I had to work the last time they had a one-day class. Generally we attend a church about 1-2 yrs before we "join" and become members. It's not something we take lightly and just do regularly. We want to be sure we want that church as our home church, it's a big commitment, imo.
  2. Thanks! I'll have to check that out. I like using playlist.com for when I'm playing around online. I can make my own playlists of my favorite artists or soundtracks, etc and let them play while I sit online. And it's free.
  3. I'm glad I am not the only one! I was saddened to see other Christians, even one in training to be a minister, agreeing with the non-Christians that we cannot know and cannot be 100% sure of our faith. Stephen that is an excellent point, the closer we get to God the more it doesn't seem like faith. Truth is real. 1 John 5:13 "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." I expect non-Christians to not understand how we know b/c it's through the Holy Spirit within us, but other Christians?
  4. I stole this from another group, thought it might be interesting here. Is anyone 100% sure of their faith? (hope I'm putting this in the right place too) Can we, as Christians be 100% sure of our faith? I was told on the other site that we can't be. Of course it was by non-Christians so I know it's a spiritual thing. DH and I started to discuss it and it was an interesting discussion. I think we CAN be but often are not b/c of our humanness. I was also told by them that we can't "know", which Scripture clearly says we can know and that through the Holy Spirit we do know what we believe is true and real. I know I am 100% sure of my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior, and the basis of my faith, God. I know I'm not always 100% sure in every area of my faith though, although I believe I can be if I continuously, daily walked with God and did what Eph 6 says with putting on the armor of God so that Satan could not fill my head with doubts. But again my humanness gets in the way. I'm not 100% sure of every doctrine of my faith but the basis of my faith, Jesus Christ and God's love, I am fully confident in that. I have often been accused of being arrogant b/c I have such a strong confidence in Jesus Christ and what I believe - Jesus is the only way, the trinity, the work of the Holy Spirit, etc. (basics of our faith) Thought this was an interesting question asked by a non-Christian - can people be 100% sure of their faith? Or is that an oxymoron?
  5. Yes I think they can, but I think it would depend on where they are in their relationship with God. We do not have to be 100% correct in our doctrines, beliefs or views when we come to Christ, but one would think over time through the working of the Holy Spirit ones values would change and it would be evidenced in their life. There are many conservative Christians who are just as "in danger" as many liberals who claim to be Christians. They are "lukewarm" in their faith, stagnant. Scripture has a lot to say about "lukewarm" Christians - whether they are conservative or liberal. Being conservative doesn't mean mature Christian either. My problem is more with Liberal Christianity as a faith system. It is all pick & choose. There are no standards, or core beliefs, it's basically whatever you want it to believe. Like was said above, most do not believe in a literal 7 day creation but rather evolution, most believe all religions lead to God, most don't believe in sin really either. None of these things are biblical. While I will not judge the state of their heart (only God can do that), by looking at their beliefs and values, I find it hard to see the Holy Spirit residing in them, working in them.
  6. I have people tell me I'm closed-minded all the time I tend to take it as a compliment depending on who's saying it and what they're talking about. A liberal telling me I'm closed-minded b/c I don't agree and accept their views of Scripture - compliment! I like the old saying about if you're too open minded your brain will fall out. Sillly but somewhat true. Those who are SO open-minded are also widely open to anything. "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything" I want the something I'm standing for to be true and have a strong foundation. What good is it to stand for something if it's just going to fall apart later anyway.
  7. Paul never went aound defending his faith, He simply preached the Gospel, the truth, if people accepted it they did if they didnt they didnt, shouldnt be any differenet now. I dont need to defend my faith. If people dont went to believe in Jesus, it is not my problem, i do not have to defend my beliefs, is between me and God not me and man. What do you consider to be the difference between "defending" your faith and being prepared to give an "answer" for it, like Scripture says we should be? Just curious, this may be simply a difference in defining terms and thoughts.
  8. This verse was my first thought after reading the OP too! I LOVE Lee Strobel's testimony and messages. I first heard him at our church 2 yrs ago. I was simply amazed! Incredible!! Scripture has a lot to say about arguing and debating, to be careful of doing such but it is balanced with scriptures like above, as well as ones about speaking the truth in love. Our hearts motive is what is important - if it is to simply prove others wrong or show them the truth in love, God knows.
  9. I would say ancient religions existed for much the same reason false religions exist today. Mankind really hasn't changed THAT much over the years. Mostly it's due to rebellion, selfcenteredness and deception
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