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  1. This post appears pretty condemning to me. I was under the impression that the Holy Spirit convicts, not condemns. None of us are righteous except through Jesus and thankfully it's His job to be the one to change us. Sharing what He shows you is great but it doesn't mean that is the message He has for everyone else at that time. Before teaching we are called to love.
  2. Remember that you have been saved by grace, not by works. Reading the bible and spending a long time praying are great to help you in your relationship with God but they make no difference to how he sees you. Don't worry about coming to him in a different way from other people.
  3. We'd all be in trouble if we needed the answers first. Yes, you will always have questions and luckily God didn't say thou shalt feel guilty. Trust him to work it out for you.
  4. Can anyone explain that bit about Jacob? That's never made sense to me!
  5. I don't think you need to be feeling guilty to understand it. What it really comes down to is that it is God who saves us whether you feel bad or not. Everyone comes to him in different ways and just because a lot of peole realise their need for a saviour first doesn't mean you will. He reveals things in his own time and whether you understand it or not doesn't change the fact that Jesus died to reconcile us to God. Forget about needing to feel guilty, if you accept Jesus you have been made right with God and he will do the transforming.
  6. Hi Dwayne, I experienced this for a long time and I think you're right, it is a faith issue to am extent. I was so worried about God not accepting me, and even though I knew all the right answers in my head it wasn't until I gave up and just started believing that he had done it all until I had a breakthrough. I know it's easy to say and if someone had explained it to me before I'm not sure I would have got it. He really has done it all for us through Jesus. The part in Galations is worth reading "you foolish Galations, who has bewitched you...". You actually need to choose to believe that it's not up to us to do anything to gain his approval but believe. Try not to put the pressure on yourself because it won't work and turns it into a religion. Praying works best for me when it's just short conversations in my head whenever, not feeling pressure to have to pray all the right things all the time. There are some great books on grace out there. I hope that you really do find his grace so you can be free
  7. What about sin and free will? It seems to me that he chooses to step back. Things will be good at the end, not half way through the story. I don't think that all bad things build character. He has promised never to leave nor forsake us, and that he will bring good out of any situation, slightly different to allowing them to happen for our good (which really sounds more like sending them) And Dakilang - who is actually fully surrendered here on earth? We're all on a journey.
  8. Whether it's right or not, it would be hard to take concerns from other people without giving them at least some thought, so I don't think worrying about what people are saying means it's not right. Are they concerned just about the age difference or are there other issues? Can you both talk about anything? Do you both have approximately equal 'control' in the relationship (That's not the right word but I'm not sure how to say it, I mean are you both able to get your needs met? One of you not giving in to the other all the time) I would think the main things to work out are whether you are heading in the same direction, spiritually, what you want for your lives, what you like doing for fun etc. Have you talked about all the decisions eg children, where to live, friends, seeing family, past. Do you have enough in common? I think these things are more important than age. Premarital counselling is a great idea.
  9. Their freedom to choose is our freedom to choose. It seems very unfair to dictate what someone can wear on the street. I definitely agree with passport photos, identification etc but just on the street?? Doesn't seem like the government's place to me. Although on the other hand it really does promote gender inequality, it's one thing if they are choosing to wear it, but not if they are forced into it by male family members. At least a ban would solve that problem.
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