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Everything posted by Matt712

  1. Matthew 10:34 "Do not imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword." 'Don't mess with the man from Galilee' is right! I've been meditating on this, and reading scripture relating to this topic. Jesus in his life as a man was very kind and forgiving, but no fool. He rebuked the pharisees(and many others) with righteous anger, and did not hesitate to let people know the judgement he would personally pass upon them if they denied him. He commanded that we love him more than our own parents, children, husbands and wives. From anyone else this would seem self-centered and crazy, but he possesses the authority to make such a command!
  2. This is a story that may be of some interest. I was raised without religious teaching or instruction in a secular home and secular schools. I was an atheist because I knew nothing about God and didn't see why I should care. The first time an overly exuberant believer told me I was in danger of hell, I had to ask what they meant. Even though they explained it in an over the top manner and called me a sinner, I only resented their tone of voice. I was a true atheist, who believed in nothing beyond this life and so I couldn't take offense at a non-existent God. A little later in life I had become an angry cynical teenager. I was a raging agnostic! I hated God, hated being preached to, and hated most other things that had nothing to do with the issue at hand. I couldn't believe that God would allow suffering, condemn anyone, or forgive sins easily at all. Especially mine. I was insecure to the core. About two years ago I began my search for God in earnest and, long story short, wound up as a believer very quickly. The point of all this is that people aren't neccessarily atheist, agnostic, christian etc. Those are just steps on their journey towards God. Seeking union with our creator is as instinctive as a lost child seeking his mother. But don't be surprised if the child, upon finding them, rebukes their parent for 'abandoning' them!!!
  3. You are not being selfish. You are being practical. I have a close friend and mentor who is always reminding me that everyone has needs, myself included. You are concerned that your needs will not be satisfactorily met by the new arrangement. If you pray for God to help you resolve the situation in a manner that is best for all involved, I am certain that he will let you know, in your heart, how to proceed.
  4. Amen! We don't need to see the gritty details unless we really want to. I've seen enough grit in real life to ever want to be reminded of it in the movies! A film can call itself christian or not but WE, as christians, decide if we consider it to be appropriate in content. If it inspires positive christian values in EVERY aspect of the film, I would personally call it christian, but it sounds like this movie goes a step beyond that in the way those ideas are conveyed. P.S. I also have seen some movies that use our christian values and beliefs to 'suck us in' while the movie itself twists the message that was handed down to us.
  5. People always do what they do for a reason. The reason may not be clear, or it may seem like a foolish reason, but it makes some sense to them. Even if she is being abused, she is getting something from the relationship that she thinks she needs. When people think they NEED something they are usually angry at anything that stands in their way. Pray every day about this until you reach a decision, but be very cautious about how you involve yourself. She is an adult and may need to live with negative consequences from her decisions, no matter how unfair that seems to you(or her!). She does live within literal shouting distance of you though. If you are hearing them through the walls, and it's upsetting you, then as her landlady you have the right to bring the situation up with her. Please don't ever put yourself in the position of being physically attacked or intimidated by this boyfriend. With Love, Matt712
  6. Thank you for the scriptural quotes that indicate something of who he was, beyond what is most commonly known and quoted. This Website and it's forums are a blessing to believers who need a chance to express, and grow, their faith.
  7. This is an unusual topic, and one that might not meet with approval by all readers. Nonetheless, these are the thoughts that are running through my mind today. This seemed the most appropriate forum for this though it is not meant to be a discussion, but rather a collection of musings. Who was Christ as a man? There can be no doubt for me that He was the Son of God. There is scripture and plenty of historical evidence to show the most vital parts of His ministry, and He left an eternal mark on all of us by sacrificing Himself in every possible way to save us from sin. But what about when no one was looking? What about when he was surrounded by those who never made any permanent record of their encounter with him? What about the days when not so much was going on, and he had time to sit and just talk with those he loved and cared about? Those days, or moments within days, may have been rare during the last three years of his life, but they can't have been absent. What a charismatic man he must have been! What a pleasure it must have been to talk to him! So many people followed so willingly, and I do not think it was enough that he performed miracles, or said he would save their souls. They must have seen a truly good man. They must have said 'now here is someone who really understands what it's like!'. No doubt the largest crowds gathered when he performed public miracles, but the people whose deepest loyalty he commanded were not bought with shows of power. They saw a great teacher, a great man, and eventually came to realize that he was truly the Son of God. In his daily life, did he ever offer just a kind word, or a gentle touch for reassurance? The tales of miraculous healing are many, yet the tales of a brief chat by the fireside are lost to time. I picture a man who was friend, brother, spiritual advisor, and teacher to all he met. A man who shouldered a great responsibility with grace and dignity beyond human measure. What do you suppose he wanted personally? Did he only ever think about his mission to save us, or did he dream about living a long life among us as brother and friend and neighbor? Of course his obedience to God came first, yet I wonder if he ever even considered doing things differently. Jesus was the embodiment of God made flesh with a human mother. How human was he? That's enough of my ramblings for now. You can respond if you like, but remember that I'm not asking anyone to actually answer these questions. I am curious if anyone else's mind turns down this path from time to time though.
  8. Even as evolution theory goes, Darwin's science is archaic. It is funny that there's a Darwin's day though. I bet the concept is that whichever scientists have survived the time since last year's Darwin day must have more beneficial theories than the ones who did not.
  9. Well, I don't think of Jesus as 'a sandal-wearing hippie' I can assure you. In regards to what's been said so far, perhaps I need to spend more time meditating on Jesus as King. Kings, after all, have onerous responsibilities. If I were a King of men, I would feel it important to root out and destroy treasonists, instruct those who carried out my laws, harshly if neccessary, and tend to a thousand other responsibilities every day. Jesus is reffered to as a 'Conquering King' and is also the King of our souls. That job must come with a host of choices that would be difficult for any ordinary man. But He has the wisdom of the Lord.
  10. I used to think socialism could be a good thing if only applied properly. Gingerly even. Recently I've looked at it from the perspective of a believer, and it seems that socialist countries haughtily disdain faith, religion and anything spiritual beyond cold philisophical discussion(which gets us nowhere in the Lord's eyes I'm sure). It's ironic that this would be the case, since as believers we seek a spiritual unity with Christ, who in turn asks us to use all that we have to help our fellow man. Some of the socialist concepts almost mirror Christ's kindness without giving any glory, or honor, to Him. It's unsettling to observe the 'WE can do it' attitude that excludes our greatest benefactor yet somehow seems to thrive in these times.
  11. Thank you for your thoughts on this matter, and feel free to keep them coming if you are so inclined. I need to think about what's been said a little, but it has definitely shifted my perspective a little. It is, after all, God's universe in every sense. If He chooses to do something I do not neccessarily need to question His purpose, and it might be better not to. I will continue to read posts on this thread as they come in. Thank you to all who have given me their wisdom so far!
  12. You may very well be right about that. I'm curious not why God does these things, so much as how people have reconciled for themselves the appearance of two different versions of God. Old Testament 'fire and brimstone' as I've heard it called, and the New Testament 'Lord of peace' that I have surrendered myself to. I want to surrender myself more fully to ALL of what God is, without reservation. I'm frankly afraid to bear witness to an angry God, though I do not doubt the days of 'Revelation' are coming.
  13. When I see that.....I join a militia and become an anarchist. No matter who they elect next I might have to become an anarchist over it! Everyone in office (with only a couple exceptions) at every level of government is morally and ethically questionable at best. With people like that 'leading' us, It's amazing we are still any kind of Republic. And on the original topic, yes, we are a republic. That was the intent of the founding fathers all along. In a democracy everyone votes on everything, which is just not reasonable for any country, especially one this size. I have to say though...... America in places is starting to remind me of history lessons on ancient Rome. We need a 'decadence meter' posted somewhere prominent just so people know how far this nation has fallen. I still love America BTW!! Just sayin' we gotta' lot o' shapin' up to do. I have edited this to state that my tone may seem imflammatory and pessimistic, but I really do remain hopeful. It's hard to know that so many people in such a wonderful country are embracing values that will lead them, and others, to sorrow and separation from God.
  14. The actual word 'Repent' has it's roots in greek. It means in the literal sense to turn 180 degrees, completely about, to face the opposite direction. For christians it means much more than that. We are expected to maintain repentance, in that once we have turned from sin, we should not turn back to it. It is not nearly enough for me, therefore, to simply repent and be done with it. I must seek new and more wholesome activities to fill my time or I will undoubtedly 'repent' again, right back to sin. That is why many people say 'repent your sins' (turn and face away from your sins) instead of merely 'repent'. I know that seems like a silly technicality, but it is helpful to me to know the intent of what is said in scripture. To maintain a state of repentance from sin is one step in the journey. It does not make us holy exactly. It just reduces the temptation to turn completely from God, in favor of the pleasures of the earth.
  15. I am glad that I read this. There are a rare few passages in scripture that so completely confuse me, and this has helped to clarify the intent of these words for me.
  16. God has killed personally by wiping out sinful cities, sinful people etc. If you look at OT books like Judges, he even commands others to kill and intructs them on exactly how to carry out that job. My Bible study group can never make much headway on this topic since we only know a loving God who forgives us and treats us with even greater kindness than we treat each other. I find my experiences with coming to know God to run counter to this view of a vengeful Lord who smites the wicked. I'm not refuting anything, or wavering in my faith. I just am interested in feedback and heartfelt opinions. I ask that you tell me from your own heart how you feel about this. P.S. If you are not christian, please don't use this for a base of argument about the nature or existence of God.
  17. Hosea 4:1-3 1 Hear the word of the Lord, O people of Israel! The Lord has brought charges against you, saying: "There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God in your land. 2 You make vows and break them; you kill and steal and commit adultery. There is violence everywhere - one murder after another. 3 That is why your land is in mourning, and everyone is wasting away. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea are disappearing. What you are doing is indeed adultery because you are planning to pursue this relationship when the divorce is final. You are coming between a man and his wife, even if you do not really intend to. If you continue to spend time with her while she is in such a delicate position, and probably a delicate emotional state as well, you will be taking advantage of her. Don't play the role of knight in shining armor, and don't be her personal savior. Leave the rescuing of fair maidens to Jesus, he'll do a better job of it for certain.
  18. Matt712


    Well Spoken! To everyone who reads this post, go to the book of Judges and read a few pages. ANY few pages..... Human beings(God's chosen among them) have been straying and returning for a very long time.... since the beginning in fact. Adam and Eve had scarcely begun to live when they defied God's will for them! Let us always strive to practice our faith with kindness and mercy, to extend God's Grace even to the unworthy, for we ourselves are unworthy of what we've been given so freely. Denominations form because people ARE trying to return to the heart of Christ's message, but tradition inevitably stifles new growth, hence another split and another denomination. I belong to a non-denominational church where we call ourselves only 'Christian', but I know in time it could happen there too. It is the responsibility of church elders to keep the church moving in the right direction, and the responsibility of individual believers to raise concerns before problems become crippling.
  19. Matt712


    I agree with the general tone of this thread, that denominations can be, and often are, divisive. Jeremiah 17:10 "But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve." 1 Corinthians 4:9-10 Instead, I sometimes think that God has put us apostles on display, like prisoners of war at the end of a victor's parade, condemned to die. We have become a spectacle to the entire world - to people and angels alike. Our dedication to Christ makes us look like fools, but you claim to be so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are so powerful! You are honored, but we are ridiculed. Let us not be so wise in Christ that we miss his coming!
  20. You are uncomfortable with the role and uncomfortable saying no. Disappoint others who want to make a musical, or disappoint yourself because you are intentionally doing what you feel wrong about? If you boil a problem down to it's most basic root, the answer becomes apparent. Perhaps there is some way to alter the role slightly so that everyone can be happy. But if not, then I think you know where you stand. Pray and listen as God writes his answer on your heart.
  21. Imagine Eternity. Imagine Immortality. Now imagine that it's just like this world..... forever. You travels the same roads, see the same dreary, world-weary faces. The brightest and best of all the people you've ever known have disappeared! Only the weary and heartbroken and hopeless are left. Everyone is bored all the time, because they've done it all before. There is no peace of mind because the Lord is very, very far away. No comfort, no hope of change or growth.... stagnation eternal. That's hell in my opinion. We make the choice when we know God is there, and we say 'I don't want you!'
  22. Actually I think there's an unspoken law about that. We're supposed to hold back until some fabricated holiday comes along, then gripe about how much it cost us to make you happy. I'm certain it's in my user manual somewhere....... if I could only find it.
  23. Why? Are you? Do you have a relevant response to the research I've linked? BTW, I see you are a fellow Texan! I lived in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for a number of years. Why, you ask? Because if someone is posting research and pontificating I want to know their title. In other words, are your words your own or those of someone else? I am not a scientist, I'm an engineer. And I would hold forth on engineering principles if they were being discussed. (The subject doesn't seem to come up much here....). Lol, the subject of engineering principles doesn't seem to come up much anywhere MorningGlory!! And I say that in a friendly, not a derisive way. Sam: I understand that the Bible can be interpreted very literally, but in science assumptions are made all the time. When someone starts with a scientific assumption these days, and stretches to found it on something, people give them a lot of leeway. When someone starts with the belief that there is an intelligent force behind creation and THEN works science into that, they are viewed with deep skepticism. The two are not mutually exclusive at all. God, in my belief, created space AND time and anything else that is required to perfectly balance this very unlikely universe. Try not to get caught up in the idea that if we only knew enough, we could prove or disprove the existence of God. That is the pride that leads us to a fall.....
  24. I saw my 90yr old grandfather decline rapidly after the death of my grandmother to whom he had been married for 60 yrs. There is no question that he was very depressed and cared about very little in life after that. He started mumbling obscenities under his breath at the slightest frustration and began to do things he never did when she was alive. He was heartbroken and followed soon after her into God's Hands. The Good News is that each of us who has accepted Christ into our hearts are forever His. Your mother is no doubt a good woman who is trying to live the best she can through a terrible time. Have faith that God understands all the frailties of the human heart, knows the reality of pain better than we do, and will not abandon the faithful. Ask your mother gently to pray with you when you call and do not expect, nor ask of her, that she feel anything but broken-hearted. God will heal her in his own time. He is with you both even now. Psalm 13 O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand? Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die. Don't let my enemies gloat, saying,"we have defeated him!" Don't let them rejoice at my downfall. But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me.
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