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Everything posted by SavedByGrace1981

  1. As I look out my window and see that it snowed AGAIN last night, your lovely post reminded me . . . . . . that summer IS coming. Eventually Blessings! -Ed
  2. Good morning! There is a TV series on the Biography Channel titled "I Survived, Beyond and Back" in which people relate their near-death experiences. The few that I have watched seem to run the gamut - from vivid descriptions of Hell to various concepts of Heaven. My opinion on this may sound somewhat wishy-washy, but here it is: As a mature Christian, personally I see no problem with it. It's an entertaining program, but I am certainly not going to base my theology on it. I haven't seen enough of them to form an opinion, but they may air episodes that conflict with Christian teaching. That would be problematic for new Christians or non-believers. Your agnostic friend asks a good question, and to that I would reply to always be skeptical and use caution where extra-Biblical things are concerned. We can say with 100 percent certainty that what God wants us to know about Heaven and Hell is contained in Scripture. Anything beyond that is pure speculation. Have a Blessed day! -Ed
  3. Just like when I was a kid, and yes, I remember reading that issue of Time magazine. The "climate gospel" then was its getting colder. Now the climate scammers are trying to push the warming thing -- but its cooling off again. Darn planet just won't cooperate . . . When nothing else makes sense . . . follow the money.
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