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Everything posted by Cajunluvie

  1. I noticed several things going on in the debate. She would give a full repeat of the question to Obama but gave a short comment for Romney to give his rebuttal and her facial expressions seemed to be of interest to me. I was praying for any revelation during the debate and I guess I was directed to the nature of how it was going. The Libya issue: I almost wanted to crawl into the t.v. and shake them senseless! I'm glad Romney put Obama on the spot about the Rose Garden thing when he was not truthful and Crowley helped him out only to admit after the debate (check it out on Youtube CNN: Anderson and Crowley) that Romney had been right but she didn't like the word he used. WHAT?!
  2. What was amusing to me when I noticed the fall out by the mainstream media was the responses on Obama's performance. They were blindsided and in some cases, literally having a meltdown on t.v.
  3. Oh yes, I remember what happened with Bin Laden. I had been following a website that apparently was similar to "Deep Throat" of Nixon era which had an insider at the White House discussing Valerie Jarret, Daly, Panetta and the power struggle in the administration weeks BEFORE the OBL assassination attempt. And then I see same info come out in the Washington Post, the Times, and even in my local newspaper. The info over OBL showed how disorganized and chaotic it was where no body knew their left from their right.
  4. I do have an FB account. Mostly family relatives I don't get to talk to much so FB is best avenue to know how everyone's doing. And it is easy since 3/4 of my family on both sides don't know how to sign. I recently got in touch with child hood friends on FB and also have some friends from few Christian boards. I set up my page for Limited/Privacy so no one can look my name up. My friend couldn't find me for a time until she ran into my stepmother and gave her a phone nbr for me to reach her. We found out we are on Facebook so I set my page to public so she could find my page then I reverted back to private. Some of the games were fun to do but I didn't enjoy the updates. I noticed that now the requests for games don't show up on my wall.
  5. Yep. I don't think this was a topic deeply discussed in Women and Gender Studies that I took recently before I graduated. Abortion was briefly introduced, however, I have noticed that some of the post-feminist arguments actually reinforces sex discrimination when they support sex-selective abortions. This sort of practice will have a negative impact on society in terms of unbalanced proportion of male and female population. I see this being an example of going backwards.
  6. I've read one of his books. I did watch some of his programming on t.v. But one time, I was disturbed when they had an interview with some of the attendees to his church- One Muslim, Christian, and whoever else (a family) were attending. I forget exactly what he said but it seemed to me they were treating it as a social event. After that, I didn't really watch him anymore. However, as for Jesus- I will allow the words of Peter, one of the disciples of Jesus, speak to that "question" of Jesus as the only way to salvation... Peter spoke under the power of the Holy Spirit to the rulers, elders, and scribes of Israel including the high priest, Annas. Acts 4 from the New American Standard Version Peter clearly says there is no other name that offers salvation to men but Jesus and Him alone. If that is not sufficient... Consider the words of Jesus Himself. John 10 NASB version John 14 NASB version Jesus did not say He was "a" way but "THE" way. The Scriptures does not provide any wiggle area for this. The "multi-path" belief that any way to reach God is equivalent to each other is becoming more common these days. That is not what Scripture teaches us. To be a Christian is to believe that Jesus is The WAY. In fact, "Christianity" as a Jewish sect in Israel in 1st century a.d. used to be called "The Way" until at Antioch, believers were labeled "Christians". It isn't concidential.
  7. Yep. And we forget how much others are suffering for Him while we are relatively "comfortable" here.
  8. My stepmother knows about this church. She told me about the current pastor- he was the replacement after the previous one or the one before the previous one died. Now, it has become increasingly more of a cult than it used to be. He's nutty. I remember attending a service or two at the Dove church when I was a kid during a revival wave in the town.
  9. There would be folks "having cows" ....... ooooouuuu, now that's something I'd like to get on film. LOL
  10. Quite possibly, other one. Wouldn't be surprised if a parent sued.
  11. I'll re-word. Parents would be pulling their children out of school if the norm was cuffing students...the only problem with that is, schools would be empty because like I said before, this kids behaviour is unfortunately the norm - most parents don't know that because they don't see what happens during the school day. Sad but true, extreme temper spats are becoming all too frequent. The US is not alone in this problem - it's a Western sickness. Perhaps. Perhaps not. These acts aren't uncommon in the UK, US and Aus - I'd say NZ also cops this behaviour at schools as well. I work at a school and this is everyday behaviour unfortunately throughout all year levels. Cuffing a student (especially a six year old) just seems so extreme though. It would be an outrage in Australia if that happened. I'm quite cynical for the reason that parents have allowed their kids to behave like this for so long. They would usually gripe and throw a hissy fit then keep sending the kid back to school if they don't transfer the kid to another school. I grew up in the public school system. Grade school to High school were zoned in the "bad part" of town which incidentially used to be the segregated part of town. It happens in all kinds of schools, both public and private. My daughter goes to a private school. Sorry but I don't think ALL parents will be outraged. If there were enough parents outraged then we would not have a persistent problem with misbehavior, suspension, etc.
  12. I'll re-word. Parents would be pulling their children out of school if the norm was cuffing students...the only problem with that is, schools would be empty because like I said before, this kids behaviour is unfortunately the norm - most parents don't know that because they don't see what happens during the school day. Sad but true, extreme temper spats are becoming all too frequent. The US is not alone in this problem - it's a Western sickness. Perhaps. Perhaps not.
  13. I doubt millions would rush to homeschool. 1. It takes dedication to WORK to homeschool a kid. I did that in the summers with my daughter inbetween the school year. Not all parents will have the drive to homeschool. They'd rather let the teachers do that. 2. Many Parents have to work for variety of reasons so they might not be likely to give that up. I think at this point, there are enough parents who are more than satisfied to let the public school system teach their kids. Homeschooling would be a bit overwhelming for some/many. There are problems in school that doesn't prevent the parents from sending their kids there.
  14. Maher.... eh. I never liked any of his comments. It seems like they invariably end up in the stratosphere reserved for pomposity.
  15. Oh yep. I remember being whupped on my rear end MANY MANY times. Papa was the kind that you knew NOT to sass back. I suspect I was "Daddy's Girl". My stepmom would kind of half-complain that I had him wrapped around my finger. Hehehe. Though, I was a sassy girl- too clever for my own good. I had more run-ins with my stepmom. We didn't get along for years and that kind of broke his heart. (btw, we do get along most of the time now) My mom didn't discipline me much when I was very young so my father and my stepmom used to say they had to work hard to "straighten" me out. I was also made to kneel. We used to live in a rented house that had real wooden floors. When my stepmom punished me, she'd tell me to kneel until I apologized or until she said for me to get up. But the reason I usually ended up kneeling for a long time was due to my stubborness. I refused to give anyone satisfication until I was tired of kneeling. My twin brothers on the other hand.... whenever Papa went to get his belt in the other room, they started bawling like crazy! I remember saying to them, "why are you crying for? He hasn't spanked you yet!" I think they didn't catch on when Papa got irritated, they'd just keep doing it until he'd say, "Alright, That's it!". One day, one of my brothers cussed at Papa. He was in shock. And sure enough, my brother learned NOT to ever cuss him back. I remember I said a bad word when I was middle-school age and my parents made me wash my mouth with soap. I didn't even know it was a bad word. I had picked it up from kids at school. I learned real fast not to say bad language around them. Funny- people thought I was such a sweet girl. One lady at my previous church years ago told Papa that "she's such a sweet girl!". Papa said... "You meant my daughter, right?" I was standing right there while they were talking. LOL. I did have a good laugh at that one. Hey, they weren't perfect but I don't begrudge them any of it now. Considering Papa came from an abusive home (one of 7 kids) he was way more lenient with me.
  16. Interesting. My ancestors were not Anglo-Saxons nor descendants of the original 13 colonies. Like I said before, most were Cajuns with exception of my maternal grandmother's side of family (German-French). Though, I LOVE Revolutionary War history- I would say Ben Franklin most likely did behave according to propriety as much as he could when he was in Europe for his delegation on behalf of the Colonies. I read a biography on him that mentioned a visit with King George III. John Adams, however, was a solid American colonist through and through. He probably would agree with the sentiment in this thread of not bowing to the monarchy. Otherwise, I do believe in that time and age, men did doff their hats or did neck bows and women did curtsies out of a sense of proper respect. When I was with my ex, I observed African culture up close. I picked up on that if I inclined my head slightly that they recognized I was being "respectful" in their presence without acting like a doormat. THey do bow to each other (the males) out of respect/ shake hands. Especially to the older members of the family or close acquaintances. I notice body language fairly quickly as I observe people around me and how they react. Interesting to see, IMO. Different cultures behave in certain ways. With that said, would I bow to the Queen, perhaps out of propriety. I know my heart is in the right place. I would not make a spectacle of myself unless I was demanded to worship the person as a "god" like the early Christians were expected to do in the Roman Empire. I would have flatly declined on that reason.
  17. Interesting. The African immigrant community I was around when I was with my ex clearly does not identify with African-Americans/Blacks and also vice-versa. My ex doesn't call himself African-American. He calls himself a naturalized citizen who is African. I guess some people see it differently.
  18. His father was white but his mother was Peruvian. Not too uncommon in FLorida. Grew up with two kids whose father was white (spoke fluent Spanish) but their mother was Latin-American. She was a combination of Columbian and either Paraguay or Pananamian. I know this newspaper. I used to live in that town for several years then lived in the country right outside that town for several more years. I think I may know what kind of location that occurred in. And this attack was beyond stupid. But of course, we have certain people to thank for stirring the pot with this.
  19. By continuing as they always have, more race baiting. Many years ago, the prominent newspaper in arizona published an article on how journalism has changed. They no longer just report the news. They now feel they have a mandate to alter society and push agendas. All journalists and media. Not just the one paper. They were thrilled at this new purpose to shape society with their news reports. I took two journalism classes. The high school version was pretty bland and tame. The college version was a bit interesting. The textbook hinted at that. I read the book "Liberal Bias" (I think was the title) by Jonah Goldberg who discussed what went on in his media career. Put it mildly, his book didn't endear him to the mainstream media.
  20. http://www.onenewsnow.com/Perspectives/Default.aspx?id=1569730 http://www.aim.org/aim-report/can-justice-survive-media-lynch-mob/ This is yet two more articles discussing the situation. Some may question the procedure the police did in arresting and questioning Zimmerman. Does it meet preponderable evidence to hold Zimmerman in jail until trial? Seems there were some issues with the police department. IF the actual 9-11 call had more to the conversation between Zimmerman and the operator then that brings some doubt on what was really going on between him and Travyon. The lawyers could possibly have a field day with this. I really doubt if he will ever have a fair trial now. Seems nigh to impossible. In light of NBC- how can we really trust the media to be honest about this situation? If one network withheld information in order to paint the situation a certain way... why would they unless they had a reason to do so. How can we make the politicians- even, the one in White House, to understand the WORDS they say may come across that wouldn't help the situation? People doing the exact thing they are judging Zimmerman/the police/the whole situation of doing. A 15 yo Hispanic kid was beaten because he was Hispanic all due to this. This situation was exploited to the nth degree. Travyon's death was made into a martyr cause. His death is a very sad sad end to a short life. His parents will have to live with the loss.
  21. What in the world are you talking about. If Obama had a son he would look black like Trayvon. He would be a young black male...background hardly has anything to do with it. Would he be more privileged...yep..but he would still be black and male. Lastly your comment about the old days doesn't even compare. Even attempting to juxtapose it is ridiculous. Let's just keep to the facts of the story. This kid was walking home after getting some snacks for him and his brother. He made it to the store fine..was coming home, was followed, then murdered. Dave you may not like the word murdered, but right now that what it is. Zimmerman had every right to watch his neighborhood. He had every right to call police all the times he called them. He should have taken the advice from the operator and not follow the kid. He initiated the confrontation when he got out of his car and continued to follow the kid. Also, the police did a horrible job. If his defense is he was defending himself, and he had a broken nose and head all gashed up...where are the pictures. Funny that there are no pictures. Funny that Zimmerman's dad is an ex-judge. Funny that one of the cops on the scene already had issues with a previous case. Honestly there is no way for Zimmerman to get a fair trial, because of the media attention. But if the cops there had done their jobs in the beginning there would be no need for this circus. This isn't about a black or white...this is what the media made it. This is about a young man, being killed by a man who assumed that he was up to no good...because "they always get away" whatever that means. He should have called the police and let them handle it, but he didn't and he should have been held accountable for it...even if that meant only going to a trial where they found him innocent. There still should have been more done. Sadly there wasn't..and we once again see that race is still a problem in this country...although some naive ones will say that its not. Post like yours with that outrageous "old days" comment shows just how much of a problem it still is. This doesn't get Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Panthers, or any other black race baiter off the hook either. All of it is sickening...but I find attempting to compare what happened then to now is terrible It may be ridiculous to you but it is no less true. The rush to judgement was poorly done. I noted the similiarities. Obama DID intentionally say it and as a sitting President, he knew better. He helped to stir it up with that comment. Disagree with me all you want. There are some African-Americans who are saying the same thing about his comment. So it isn't just me. I would bet if it was Bush or someone else who said that about a white kid killed- there would be very upset people who found that offensive. Don't try to pretend that wouldn't happen. There are more information coming out now. NBC is now reportedly claiming to do an internal investigation that they withheld partial information on the actual 911 call. Would they be held liable now due to how this situation has become? Now, it seems that Zimmerman did go back to his car (as per the actual 9-11 call) and something happened. Just what happened is up to to be discussed within a courtroom. Some eyewitnesses and character witnesses of Zimmerman's are actually not all white nor Hispanic. One was a former newscorrespondent and an African-American who stuck up for Zimmerman. When I first heard the media furor over him, it was a "white man on a little boy with Skittles". Later, it wasn't 12 yrs old boy but a 17 yr old kid who had some issues/suspended. The white man turned out to be half Hispanic and white who looks Hispanic. I didn't comment at the time but waited to see if any information was coming out. There are some people who ran along with it at first then now backing away. There are now race incidents stemming from this incident. No one even THOUGHT this would happen? I feared this would happen. Like I said on another board, I felt there were more to the story. I used to live in Florida for years so this is a little bit "closer to home" for me. It is a mess. Travyon died. Zimmerman is already judged guilty. Several celebrities threw a hissy fit. One actually tried to tweet the address of an elderly couple who had the unforunate luck to share the same surname. Another threatened she'd show up at Zimmerman's house if the police didn't arrest him. A black supremacist group called out for a hit on Zimmerman. The dominoes keep rolling through, one by one- It appears to me a lot of people lost common sense along the way with American jurisprudence. My gut instinct is that it is not as simple as some want to believe it is. It might end up that the truth may indict both sides- not just one side.
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