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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Zayit, I'm not really sure what to make of the quotes, I'm not even sure what's supposed be wrong with them. Hope you will get back to us soon and explain. God Bless Anne
  2. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    I'm not ignoring you Ian, I am looking into this. But thus far, I have found no evidence that evolution occured at all, in fact many scientists, will tell you themselves that there is no evidence. Look, I found a great site last night, and if I can find it again, I'll post it here for you, so you can read what i'm reading and respond if you wish. You'd think with me being intelligent and all, i would have written the address down God Bless Anne
  3. Anne


    Thanks guys, Now i've got more questions, in my head. There are currently 66 books in the Bible, so if there were originally 80, that leaves 12 missing, (a great bit of mathematical deduction there ). Could someone name the 12, the Book of Enoch I know about. Thanks Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  4. Good one, I liked it too
  5. Anne


    thanks other, i've got that one. I'm just wondering why it isn't included in the Holy Scriptures.
  6. Anne


    Does anyone know of the origins or anything about the Book of Enoch?
  7. Thanks guys, love you all Hey, 5 more people saved at church last night, that's a grand total so far of 22, that's 22 new souls going home!
  8. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Thanks Ian, I'm going to read those when I get a chance, but in the meantime, why do you suppose there are these subtle, yet important differences? Anne
  9. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Hey Ian, you got anything for me yet?
  10. This is not good, and does not bode well, have they learnt nothing over the past weeks? What will it take? How long do they envisage they will be able to shake their fists at God
  11. Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I posted one of my Bible studies on here. However, given the worlds current turmoil, I thought i'd pop this one in. There is much to rejoice for this week, yet there is much to be prayed for, the problems in Israel, hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans and surrounding areas leaving devastation in her path, and one of the members here who is seeking the face of Jesus. Indeed, there is much to pray for, but unless we learn, as christians united in prayer, that includes myself, to pray unceasingly, with every ounce of our heart, with all the strength we can muster from our bodies, until the tears run dry. Unless we pray united with everything we have, and then some more, can we expect our prayers to be acceptable unto God? I think we could all learn a lesson from the following verses, God Bless you as you read, and may the Holy Spirit rest on your hearts and mine, and convict us of what is required. Amen Luke Chapter 1 Verse 5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain Priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughter Araon, and her name was Elisabeth. Verse 6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. Verse 7 And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years. Verse 8 And it came to pass, that while he executed the Priest's office before God in the order of his course, Verse 9 According to the custom of the Priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord. Verse 10 And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense. Verse 11 And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense. Verse 12 And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. Verse 13 But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. Zacharias executed the priest's office; it was his week of waiting, and he was upon duty. Though we have not the desired mercies, yet we must keep close to enjoined services; and in diligent and constant attendance on them, we can hope mercy and comfort will come at last. While Zacharias was burning incense in the temple, and the whole multitude of the people were praying without. These all addressed themselves to their devotions, in mental prayer, when the priest was gone in to burn incense. The true Israel of God, were a praying people; prayer is the great and principal piece of service by which we honour God, and keep up our communion with Him. It is not enough for us to be where God is worshipped, if our hearts do not join in the worship, and go with the minister in all parts of it. If he burn the incense ever so well in the most lively prayer, if we are not at the same time praying in concurrence with him, what will it avail us? All the prayers we offer up to God here in his courts, are acceptable and successful only in virtue of the incense of Christ's intercession in the temple of God above. We cannot expect an interest in Christ's intercession, if we do not pray, and pray with our spirits, and continue instant in prayer. Nor can we expect that the best of our prayers should gain acceptance, and bring an answer of peace, but through the mediation of Christ, who ever lives making intercession on our behalf. When thus employed, there appeared unto Zacharias an angel of the Lord. It was a surprise to him, even terrified him, as it would have done us, I suspect. Though he was righteous before God, and blameless in his conversation, yet he could not be without some apprehensions at the sight of one, whose visage, and surrounding lustre, spoke him more than human. Ever since man sinned he has been unable to bear the glory of such revelations, and his conscience is afraid that evil tidings will be brought by them. The prayers Zacharias has offten made, now receive an answer of peace. Prayers of faith are filed in heaven, and are not forgotten. Prayers made when we were young and entering into the world, may be answered when we are old and going out of the world. The prayers thou now makest, and all thy prayers, are accepted of God, and come up for a memorial before Him; and shall be a sign that you are accepted of God. Mercies, long awaited for, when they come at last, are most acceptable. Many parents, if they could foresee what their children will become, instead of rejoicing of their birth, would wish they had never been! The mighty and affluent of our world are indeed mean and obscure, when compared with a poor prophet such as this, who is filled with wisdom and zeal, who wants not the pleasures of this world, who's work and joy it is to bring sinners to repentance, to turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to call men to believe in Christ, and to prepare for his coming to judge the world. Yet, it is true to be said of myself and others, even though we are true believers, it does bare us shame that there are times when we doubt God, and if truth be known in our hearts, we must then know how this dishonours God. May we be like the true children of God, humble and faithful in our devotions to Him. God Bless you your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  12. amen to all that has been said so far. Agnostic, God Bless you and may the flood gates of Heaven open and the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father guide you step by step and light your path ahead. We will be praying you find the Lord Jesus, God Bless you Brother, see you in Heaven. Anne
  13. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    I for one wish you would accept Jesus SA, however, it is not for me to force the issue. Can I please ask, pretty please guys, that this thread not turn into another argument, I'm waiting on Ian getting back to me on a topic, and don't want to see the moderators close this thread because people are flinging insults. Come on guys, take a deep breath, hug and shake hands. Your Sister in Christ Jesus Anne
  14. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    No problems Ian, I look forward to hearing what you have to say, so take your time. God Bless you Ian Anne
  15. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Sorry Ian I was just having my own wee joke about Occams Razor, it was funny at the time. Many evolutionists (if that's the right word to use), from my point of view, speak about alot of the similarities between us and chimps/apes, etc. What I would like to try and understand, and if you wouldn't mind going through them, is the differences. If you wouldn't mind could you take me through the differences in our DNA in comparison to say apes/chimps. Just to let you know, I am not ignoring your previous post detailing the Vit C gene, just taking time to think about that one. Anne
  16. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Occams got a razor? Has anyone told his mum? Ian, You have accepted the theory of evolution, because you believe it to be the best possible answer to all you have seen and heard of in your life, you believe it to be the solution to the equation? Let me ask you, if you were given absolute proof, would you abandon your evolutionary theorys? Anne
  17. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Hey God permitting I have plenty of time, so please do continue. And do not worry about explaining it in simple terms, I'm a simple minded person What i'm trying to ask you to explain, is why is it that you believe man evolved from apes, not your theory on how it occurred, but why have you accepted this as apposed to any other possibility? Anne
  18. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Understood Ian, So am I wrong in concluding that you have no evidence to back up your theory? That you are just filling in the gaps, which provides you with a plausible scenario? Yet through of what you said, you have not told me why you believe this, you have not provided any evidence that says, yes, man evolved from apes, you have merely put forth your opinion. Like I said, please don't take that as an insult. I'm just curious. Anne
  19. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    So you believe that the environment changed for whatever reason, (women finding smaller tails more attractive sorry, i did laugh at that). Causing us evolve? On what facts to you base this belief, you personally, why is it you believe this?
  20. Anne


    Nothing wrong with pointing out what you believe let's shake hands and get along
  21. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    Again Ian, What was the event which occured, that required ancient species to evolve into humans?
  22. Anne


    SF, IC I have not attacked the writers who put forward their beliefs of evolution, so I ask sincerely, that you do not attack the prophets and disciples of the Holy Scriptures. Just a small request
  23. Anne

    Chimp vs human

    So are you saying that natural selection is the reason for mans evolution? So my next question is, what event caused this apparent change to what we have become now? I am genuinely not trying to pick holes in your belief, I just want to understand why it is you believe so. So please, don't take offence to any questions i may ask. I do agree that animals adapt to their surroundings, have a survival instinct. But to say we became an entirely different species, well, that is impossible.
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