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Everything posted by Sevenseas

  1. You are only salt and light if what you teach is correct. If what you teach is false, all you are doing is aiding the enemy. That is so very true.
  2. Fresno? Arab countries are not the US...Hollywood is in the US...the statement was that Hollywood was anti-Jewish What you refer to, is Israel and Arab nations.....not the same as the article you quote But hey, it makes no diff to me...whatever...LOL!
  3. Even though this was posted in March........ ummm...not really jason......half the actors are Jewish and probaly more than half the producers/directors etc Even the late Michael Landon was Jewish (changed his name)...you can't go by a Mel Gibson rant Dustin Hoffman,..even Lauren Bacall..., Robert Downey Jr, David Duchovny, Sarah Jessica Parker...and on and on and on...and those are just some of the more famous ones Thought you'd wanna know ... Steven Spielberg...Jewish also
  4. What are you talking about? The problem here is that you assume...a l o t...to try to prove what cannot be proven The enemy is afoot? Read all about it" he prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour... Do you know what salt is and was? Let me tell you then. Salt, was considered as good as money in many places in a world where trading caravans made their way from country to country. Salt, was used to put food away so it would not spoil in a world where ice was unheard of and the freezer even less so. Jesus was not calling Christians leaders when he made that statement. He was making a comparison of the ability of salt to save the perishable and also to add flavor...nothing to do with leadership. He also made mention of a light on a hill...meaning Christians are the light in this world as He is the light OF this world Please examine my signature verse and you will see what Jesus REALLY said about Christians in the world.
  5. Yep It's always the person's fault if you don't get healed. Not the fault of the faulty and false doctrine. No one blames anyone. One who is seeking after God fully doesn't mind knowing that he must come up higher in his faith. We can all use some of that. It is only pride that is insulted by that. Even small faith moves mountains. What does the moving is the greatness of that small faith. That is not so. You have stated numerous times and in several threads that a lack of faith prevents healing. The real problem is that that statement is not biblical. That teaching is not in the Bible. It just isn't. No, I don't read pride in other people's posts and I am pretty perceptive. More to the point, we would like to read the scriptures upon which you base your statements.
  6. Which is why God allowed Paul to suffer even though Paul asked 3 times to be healed. Finally God told him NO. I'm not going to heal you. That doctrine is not biblical.
  7. Unfortuneatly, tithing for Christians is more rumor than fact as you so courageously point out.
  8. I'll add this to as a general type response in here. NO where does the Bible tell us we are to be rich or expect to be rich or be the leaders of the world or be better than everyone else. That is a false doctrine and one that those who believe in it, adhere to fiercely and there is no (apparent) persuading them otherwise and especially not by using what the Bible actually states. That would be too complicated.
  9. Hi believin ~ those who preach the gospel should not be among the highest or actual highest on earth. Not meaning to offend you, but where did you get that from? It certainly is not found in scripture. I am afraid that many people who think the gospel is about monetary gain (and I realize this does not apply to your personal situation) will have nothing but rust up in heaven. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27 There are many churches that opperate like a financial institution. That is not the gospel either. Turning your wife away when your family was in need is not Christian. Did you know that a body of believers is under obligation to look after each other and the member before anything else? How can the pastor of your church think it is ok to turn away a member of his own congregation and send gajillions somewhere else? Something not right with that picture at all.....
  10. No worries Fez...I'll clarify....simply, Jesus IS the fullfillment of the law...but why was the law given? What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator. Gal. 3:19 The entire focus of the law was not about a series of complicated actions or sacrifice, but rather what is stated above ^^^^ Since no one can keep the law, the only purpose the law woud have would be to condem...right? However, Jesus never broke the law and in Him the law is fulfilled...He is perfect, the law must be kept perfectly...we cannot...Jesus died in our place. We are no longer under condemnation....we are set free of the law. That does not mean we are free to sin (as some suggest) but as the law has been fulfilled we no longer have to do so. Again Fez, what do you make of the episode with Ananias and his wife where Peter states that ALL the proceeds from the sale of the property was theirs to do with as they wanted? At no time would I ever suggest we don't have to give from what we have...I also believed at one time we should tithe and was very strict about that 10%. However, we do not actually see that rule of giving in the NT The Bible states that God loves a cheerful giver...money is not the only thing we can give...we give of our goods, our time, whatever. I have no problem with those who want to use the 10% rule of giving and I am sure that neither does God. I do object to being told that I must give 10% because scirpture demands it. It just is not so. Thanks
  11. Fez: Well, unless one is prepared to follow all of the law, I don't see the point in keeping any of it as it cannot save us. I believe the law is now written on our hearts and we are not under obligation to follow OT law. It was not even given to Gentiles but I am fine with those of the Jewish faith who have become believers in Christ to observe certain days or whatever...as long as they do not believe they can perfect their salvation by the law Quoting the OT does not give credence to the 10% application for Chrisitians and especially not for gentile Christians. How about that passage in Acts I quoted? Peter, an Apostle, seemed to believe that Ananias did not need to give anything of the proceeds from the sale of his property. Why quote the OT when the NT is the fullfillment of the law in Jesus Christ? We are not under law, but grace. And before someone brings it up, I do not believe we now have freedom to sin. I believe we have freedom to follow the Lord and I believe we are free to give as he puts upon our heart. Thanks
  12. Exactly!!! That was what my post was about. This is what I said at the end............ Now if you see in the Word where we bring our tithe, and God said he will open up the windows of heaven and bless us, and rebuke the devour for us, and it was part of the Blessing of Abraham. If that don't move you to tithe, and put God first, something is wrong, very wrong. Because we are blessed WITH Faithful Abraham, and they did tithe a 10%..................... Then If we see that Blessing for tithing, we should also tithe to take part in that blessing. That is not an obligation, or law. I also said if you SEE it in the Word, or revealed to you that way. Tithing out of obligation, or duty, is sort of like paying the MOB protection money. Your doing it out of obligation to be protected, because if you don't, then there will be no blessing for you. (As preached on some of these Christian TV shows.) Would be wrong motive, and not out of a cheerful heart. I see God telling us to prove to him if he will not open the windows up to bless us.................. I also don't see where he mentioned He changed his mind about tithing and stealing. To me, stealing is still wrong though we are not under the Law, and would need God's Word that he changed what he considered stealing. God said above, that he changes not. Now, was 10% to little and more is expected? Or, is all giving just out of the heart? Not tried it that way, because I saw the promise on tithing and giving offerings above the tithe, and always putting God first when money comes in. That has gotten me out of poverty, and supernaturally put us in a much better place financially. I still have lots of room to receive though, but I suspect God's Wealth system is not a get rich quick scheme, but a faithful, with little, then promotion from faith to faith. If I was smart enough, I would have gone to college, had a awesome Job, and just know things about taking care of my family.......... I skipped all that smart stuff, and did dumb stuff. So the Word looked like my only options to get out of debt, and stay above water. It meant putting God first, and tithing as God said so the blessings come. Be blessed. I agree in the spirit of your post, but not about the 10% because I do not find it in the NT. There are people who give and give and yet they are still in poverty. Or in financial difficulty. Or sick or whatever. I guess I basically disagree with one size fits all and if you do this, God will do that for you. That would be because I have heard this really abused with preachers begging for money and telling people God will bless them. That is not what a preacher should be doing. And God is not their puppet to order about. I know that is not what you saying...I appreciate what you wrote. Thanks 'believin'. God bless you also.
  13. Respectfully, don't you think a Chrisitan should pay for what they use/buy? I believe scripture certainly indicates we are to pay our taxes etc as per Jesus' words. I believe the evidence of God in a person's life is evident by the fruit that is seen....ie: patience, love, longsuffering and so on... not meaning that someone is perfect; but definately wanting to change and follow Christ. I do not believe we are compelled to give 10% any more than a man must undergo circumcision to show he believes in Christ. The law was given to evidence sin...it was never meant to be held over someone's head to 'make' them do right. No one can keep the law because if you break even the smallest part you have broken all of it. (I'm sure most Christians realize that) If we back up from chapt 5 of Acts to Acts 4:32, we see that all the believers were one in heart and mind. They shared what they had with one another. You can believe this was a work of the Holy Spirit and not a command or a law to compel one. I think it works the same today. Only God can change the heart and outward acts of compliance do not prove anything anyway.
  14. Why a tenth? We aren't giving to the temple upkeep. And if we were under the old system, we'd be paying much much more than 10%. Truth is we no longer tithe at all. We offer free will offerings. I don't tithe. A question in general then. When the third temple is rebuilt, how will it's upkeep be financed? I agree. And I have heard many sermons on why we should give 10% and it is our 'obligation' to give 10% and we are stealing from God if we do not give 10% and even God will punish us if we do not give 10%. This is very convenient for the church coffers of course...and the salaried pastor etc The story of Ananias and Sapphira reveal that we are not under obligation. (Acts 5) 1 Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold a piece of property. 2 With his wife’s full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself, but brought the rest and put it at the apostles’ feet. 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.” Ananias and his wife agreed together to state they were giving every cent they received fromt he sale of the property. Peter says to him "Didn't the land belong to you before you sold it and after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal?" Peter never states you could have given just 10% and all would be hunky dory...no...he states that ALL the money was Ananias' for his own use. I would concur from the above, that we are not under obligation, but free to give as the Lord lays it upon our hearts. I do believe we should give and I do think it is right to do so. I think that Sunday morning sermons about giving are out of place and usually go hand in hand with the latest 'building' fund or project. Most churches could use a peope outreach and not a floor plan that is bigger than the one currently in use.
  15. They are banned? I think that says it all. Obviously not quite right ... possibly not even Christian, definately not knowledgeable of scripture. Defiantely needs help/prayer. My question is, why post it (since it really is quite bad) and discuss? I'm guessing you know what most would think of it? Just wondering..........thanks
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