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Everything posted by AnotherSinner

  1. So basically if there is any other name on the ballat that I feel can run the country better than those two, I am sinning? Thought there was usually more than two names on the ballat. Thought there was always a third party name. Just making sure I have not misunderstood you. Keyboard and text does so little to convey one's true thoughts. Now do not get me wrong, if there were only two names on that ballat and I had to pick the best of the two, Obama would NOT get my vote. I said, "If I know the Good I am to do and neglect to do it I am sinning." There is a personal pronoun there in the form of the I. What other Candidate will be on the ballot that will have a chance of stopping Obama? If Obama is not stopped what do you suppose will happen? By all means vote your conscience, but please oh please do not complain or even say a peep after the Election as we spiral down into despotism. So I vote one way...either I vote for the GOP elected or basically do not vote then. Because either way, I am sinning. Okay....will keep my mouth shut then. Until I know I can support the strong runner against Obama and know that it is right and not just voting for another Obama or worse, I am not casting a vote. An uneducated or uninformed vote is no better than voting the devil into the seat..... The last vote I cast or would have cast would have been for a third party who did not make it last election. Going to give this matter to God in prayer. When election day comes...will see what will be. Just sad that I am being judged by my own brothers and sisters for wanting to make an educated vote before just casting a vote blindly against a man, I know I would not vote for, just simply for the sake of getting him out of office. Seems no more intelligent than voting for Obama because he is black, or whatever.
  2. So basically if there is any other name on the ballat that I feel can run the country better than those two, I am sinning? Thought there was usually more than two names on the ballat. Thought there was always a third party name. Just making sure I have not misunderstood you. Keyboard and text does so little to convey one's true thoughts. Now do not get me wrong, if there were only two names on that ballat and I had to pick the best of the two, Obama would NOT get my vote.
  3. ....Obama has not been making many decisions I agree with or support, this is just another on that list..... America is going to need some serious prayer this election.
  4. Will likely vote for a third party. America is going to really need prayer.
  5. This is why we need to pray and show the real way of peace. Never understood how anyone could declare this a religion of peaceful practice when the message is so clearly one of hate towards the world. This is why Jesus is needed now more than ever.
  6. A couple of problems. If you believe the Bible, it plainly says we are not appointed to wrath, as children of God, and believers in Christ. That only leaves two options available. 1) The Church, as a Body is either removed from the Earth before the sixth seal is opened, when there is absolutely no doubt remaining that it isn't just tribulation and persecution at the hands of people and Satan, but is now directly God's wrath, or: 2) The Church, as a Body, if it is left behind during the Tribulation, and has to be supernaturally protected from any harm. Every single believer. Those are the only two options. The second option wouldn't make much sense, since other people who come to know Jesus during this time will mostly be martyred for their faith. The oft-heard objection that it isn't "fair" for the Church to escape the Tribulation isn't relevant because the Church has never escaped tribulation or persecution and people who make this argument always display that they have no clue as to what the difference is between earthly persecution and Godly wrath. The point of the Rapture is not for the Church to "escape" anything. The Church doesn't belong in the Tribulation. It has no function in that age and no purpose for being there. And if you believe the Church stays here through the Tribulation, then you have to believe that it is supernaturally protected, otherwise, your ignoring clear scripture on the subject. So even if you believe that the Church has to stay on Earth during this time period, the Church still "escapes" because it would have to be protected by God Himself from any harm to keep His Word, which He always does. And it still makes no sense that God would leave the church here for the Tribulation, protecting it's believers and yet others who come to Christ after the Tribulations begins are martyred. Any scenario that places the Church on the Earth after God begins to pour His wrath out is at odds with scripture. I do not believe you can biblically make the case that the tribulation is the wrath. We are PROMISED tribulations. Where does it say that the great trib is God's wrath? And I did not make the case that it "wasn't fair" so don't refute a point I didn't make as if I had made that error. None of this changes the fact that Tim LeHaye wrote fiction and that it should be read as fiction. Agreed, if that is going to be seen as fact...why not say the same of books with opposing points of view that tend to twist scripture such as The Divinci Code?
  7. GOD'S word should be what our faith is placed in, not any work of fiction. No matter how good intended it may be. That is all the Left Behind Series was, FICTION.
  8. I have been reading various documentation in regards of this bill or reform and one thing that seems to remain the same is this: If people do not get healthcare coverage, they are going to get fined if not jail time for it. That is something that I do not agree with. Treat people as criminals because they cannot affort medical coverage or may not feel comfortable getting such. Some people are simply afraid of or try to take care of themselves as best they can so they do not land in a hospital. Some, do not believe in going to doctors much like some do not believe in having blood transfusions or being resusitated. So why make everyone have healthcare that simply cannot be afforded, or that many really do not want to have to use?
  9. Because it is likely more self defense than it is destruction. I don't think Pat gets tempted to go out and destroy people, but if someone was attempting to "destroy" his wife or child, he wouldn't hesitate. Would you call the police if your life is in danger? Would you hope they protected you by shooting someone trying to kill you? In some way I think most of us do believe in self defense, but we feel comfortable asking others to do the defense because we don't like it. There isn't anything wrong with that, and as a woman it is an instinct of sorts I guess. Yes, I would call the cops...but I am not so sure I would want them to just up and shoot someone. The weight of another person's life on a person's conscience is pretty heavy. You do realize cops only carry guns to protect themselves? (and the doughnut shop ) Sadly....yes. The only respectable cop I ever knew in my area, my grandfather (on my mother's side) retired. Otherwise...it is not so much donuts...but drugs you have to worried about them being bribed with.
  10. Ummmm Anothersinner, you are a vegetarian aren't you? Guns are for more then just killing something, I reload cartridges and it is great to find a loading recipe for a load that can give me less then a one inch group on paper. More shots are fired on the shooting range, then they are at any living thing. It is a stress relief to spend a day at the range for fun or competition shooting. I like long range shooting and to be able to hit a soda can pass three hundred yards is awesome. I also like hunting, and venison butterfly steaks on the outdoor grill taste great (God gave the okay ). Got to go, I'm getting hungry. Oh my...this is going to sound real hypocritical of me.....but no. I am not a vegetarian. I could not make it without eating fish, chicken. I love both. Guess it is just....I have to admit, I feel a bit intimidated by guns. So many people of various ages that I know speak of either how awesome they are so long as they are used right....or how dangerous they can be if used incorrectly that I have a hard time not seeing them as a flat out lethal weapon. My apologies for any misreprestentation or miscommunication.
  11. Like the two of you, I too am against it. Cost is a concern I have seeing as $600 or more dollars in fines will result if a person should fail to get some form of medical coverage. It just also does not seem right to me to force everyone to get some kind of medical coverage when so many people today have problems with the manner in which the medical field today is practiced. If someone is going to see another person about their overall well-being, it is someone that they should be able to trust with their health and well, if it comes to it life. While things are promised, I really cannot see them being delivered.... when our men were supposed to go home, they ended up over seas longer. There are other promises too that have had similar result which makes me try not to cringe when thinking of what may come from this reform. Was more or less curious if anyone actually liked or supported it....and why? At the time, there is no way outside of Medicaid that my husband and I could afford to pay for some form of health plan. We barely make enough to live on as is. This is with him working full time and me staying home and tending to the kids. While he is considering getting a part time job on the side to make it easier as he does not want me working....I do not see the point in some of us having to literally work ourselves to death just to make ends meat. Then that is beside the point...
  12. Because it is likely more self defense than it is destruction. I don't think Pat gets tempted to go out and destroy people, but if someone was attempting to "destroy" his wife or child, he wouldn't hesitate. Would you call the police if your life is in danger? Would you hope they protected you by shooting someone trying to kill you? In some way I think most of us do believe in self defense, but we feel comfortable asking others to do the defense because we don't like it. There isn't anything wrong with that, and as a woman it is an instinct of sorts I guess. Yes, I would call the cops...but I am not so sure I would want them to just up and shoot someone. The weight of another person's life on a person's conscience is pretty heavy.
  13. This is a sensitive topic, that I do understand. All I ask here is that this topic is kept as civil as possible. Otherwise I am curious....where do you stand on the Obama Health Care Reform? Are you for it, or against it? Why? If you can, please provide either or both scriptural or some form of support even if it means quoting part of Obama's Health Care Bill. Would like to discuss this in depth, but again...civilly.
  14. Maybe the reason I am not understanding the ownership of one can be stated in a question....if it is a means to take a life...why invite that sort of tempation in? While it may not be anyone's intention to take a life....there really is no other use for a gun. Be it for taking the life of an animal or human being, a life is a life. Just do not see anything good coming out of it that is all. There will be no agreeing on my part with the use of a gun. Please though, do not think I am saying that anyone who carries one is any less Christian. That is not what I am trying to imply, I just...do not know how anyone can carry or hold that kind of temptation in their home day after day. A gun to me has always been a tool for destruction. It is going to be hard for me to see it any other way. On this thread, I am going to have to simply agree to disagree. I thank those of you who have provided scripture. It is always enlightening. May God Bless You Dani
  15. Please let me know if I misunderstand you, but what you are saying here is that if Scripture does not say it is a day we can celebrate we should not? So if I were just to pick a random day and celebrate all that God has given me I would be doing something wrong? If that is the case, then I am sorry but I am going to have to disagree. No that's no what I meant at all. I am sorry if I was unclear. The religious leaders of Jesus day were VERY legalistic. They not only held the people in slavery to the law but their countless traditions and additions to the law as well. Some people today come up with clever answers as to why we should or should not celebrate Christmas or Easter. However putting the requirement to do so on someone is realism since scripture addresses neither holiday. Romans 14:5-8 KJV One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. From this passage we can see that it is all a matter of the individual. If someone chooses to celebrate a day he certainly may. It DOESN'T have to be a God created day. On the other hand, if someone chooses NOT to celebrate a day, that is their choice and its not wrong. It is completely up to the individual. However it IS wrong to attempt to force someone to celebrate or not celebrate a certain day since only God knows the motivation in that persons heart. In a nutshell : If you celebrate Christmas and Easter and the Jewish holidays, that is fine, and if you DON'T celebrate Christmas and Easter and the Jewish holidays, that is fine too. I hope I made myself more clear this time. If not I will try again. Sorry for being so confusing. Taylor, thank you for your patience with me. I appreciate it. Sorry for my misunderstanding. That makes more sense. Agree with you all the way. My hubby and I keep Easter and Christmas in our own way. The Easter Bunny is not part of our Easter. Simply Jesus. We are trying to read passages for our little ones about their Savior on both holidays. Also if we can get up, we try to go to church too. My oldest has a sleeping problem so it makes it hard, but we still strive to go as we all love our church family very much. May God Bless You Dani
  16. Ahhh...that is Crystal Lewis! I have that song... Thank you Floating! That is IT!!!!
  17. Be it a tattoo....a chip....or something else, it is time we all started praying that God would open our eyes to it. This way when we are faced with it, we know where to stand in our faith.
  18. Please let me know if I misunderstand you, but what you are saying here is that if Scripture does not say it is a day we can celebrate we should not? So if I were just to pick a random day and celebrate all that God has given me I would be doing something wrong? If that is the case, then I am sorry but I am going to have to disagree.
  19. This...makes me think of words to a song, cannot remember who sings it...but some of the words are that ring clearly in my ears right now: People Get Ready, Jesus Is Coming Soon We Will Be Going Home People Get Ready, Jesus Is Coming To Take From The World His Own Think it is time...we get ready......
  20. How can we be sure when a holiday is God ordained? Have yet to see something in scripture that abolishes Jewish Celebrations. There were some issues with how firm tradition had become practiced. Think we might want to be careful on just what we are saying is not condoned by God. For Jesus said he came NOT to abolish the law, but fulfill. Do not think He completely meant to do away with everything that His own people practiced. Then this is just my two cents. I am no scholar or prophet. Sorry if my post offends, none was meant. May God Bless You Dani
  21. Very true. It is sad but most, if not all holidays have pagan roots. A lot of what is now Christmas is well....from what I have observed, I apologize now if any offense is taken for none is meant, but the church's way of trying to put Christ into them so as to get the good news out there. Have done some research, not as much as others but know that Easter, Christmas, and Halloween for sure have Pagan origins. Personally do not see anything wrong with celebrating Jesus. Been trying to remove Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny from the holidays and share the truth with my children. They are still very young yet, so may not understand for some time. It is something to truly go before the Lord with in prayer....as far as remembering and how far we go in order to do so. Just my two cents. May God Bless You Dani
  22. It is something I strive to do, though whether I make it or not....hubby and I have it dead set to read some Baby Bible Stories of Jesus for our boys coming Easter. My mom mentioned buying some plastic eggs and putting within them items that would help tell the story of Jesus for the little ones to find and us to show them. Think that is something worth looking into. Otherwise we may also sit and watch some Veggie Tales: An Easter Carol and Twas The Night Before Easter. Both are cute and have a biblical message to them. Do not want our boys getting too mixed up with the Easter Bunny or other things that are a bit too openly promoted around us. God knows the heart...
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