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Everything posted by BlessedByTheBest

  1. not sure if anyone has seen this..but if you haven't.. THIS IS POWERFUL. you have been warned..be blessed. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZfCvz0bVvX8
  2. 1) i define a winner by how much credit they give God in all thought or deed. 2) society defines a winner by how much they have achieved or accumulated by apparently their own merit. 3) John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. We R Winnaaaarrrss~! ------------------------------ imo, there are many non-believers(and fellow Christians alike in some cases) whom believe their worldly possessions or accomplishments were gained solely by their own doing. in part they are correct, and yes some of us are born with certain inborn exceptional traits and talents(God-given). but ultimately, we are spiritual beings in a physical experience, thus much of what is accomplished in this plane of existence is the direct result of influence from a higher power...knowingly or unbeknownst to us...acknowledged or ignored...evil or Holy. as Christians, our true victory has long since been claimed through our Lord Jesus Christ who in one gloriously benevolent gesture, humbled Himself to experience what we must experience as human beings.. lived a perfect sinless life, voluntarily went to His death, conquered death and arose in 3 days in all of the Father's Glory..and then ascended to the right hand of Him that knew us before the foundations of the world.. so that any and all who believe in His name will not perish, but partake in everlasting life together with Him who loved us so.. Praise God~!
  3. this is essential to the Gospel. the beginning of redemption is the acknowledgement of sin in our lives. those seeking whom don't believe should realize this isn't a finger pointed at them by the Christian community, as we are all sinners and all fall short of the grace of God if not for the perfect sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. i think about before coming to Christ, and can only now after being saved truly appreciate how very precious the presence of God's Holy Spirit is within me.. so the feeling of being lost and hopeless is seen in true clarity now.. i can only imagine that the same feeling in a place like Sheol/Hades must be so utterly amplified..just that aspect alone is beyond what i can comprehend or confine into the word: torment.. a lack of comfort for the soul is an understatement.. an infinitude of agony in a state of being not meant for us..apart from the love of our Creator.. i pray for those who cannot come to believe that such a place is real..so many back from the dead testimonies out there..
  5. ok let's do this officially.. in chapter 8 of Proverbs, we can discover a contrast in God's attribute of perfect astuteness..or Wisdom..with that of the virtuous Woman. our God is awesome...
  6. speaking of 50 year cycles... http://www.wnd.com/2012/11/12th-century-rabbi-predicted-israels-future/
  7. i agree with it. mankind fell from grace, and introduced sin and death into our experience. Jesus Christ, the 2nd Adam, reconciled all sin through the perfect sacrifice, (and defeated death ). i would say it evens things out...perfectly! its as if, we never sinned at all! for those that accept their freely given redemption of course. Littlelamb...thank you, and God bless.
  8. sure brother, let's do it. i would like to state beforehand that i apologize in advance to any reader of Mormon faith if my words come across brashly. GoldenEagle has already quoted this passage in Scripture, but for effect, see my disclaimer below: firstly, we should address the fact that the Mormon faith does not adhere to to the concept of the Trinity(Father, Son, Holy Spirit) as one and the same. rather, they choose to worship these 3 as individual gods, among others. this is in direct violation of the cardinal rule. it seems Mormons refuse to accept the Trinity and place more credence in their Book of Mormons, and even go so far as to claim that the Holy Bible is in error in some ways. so Jesus Christ is viewed by Mormons not as God in the flesh, but a god, separate from the Father and Holy Spirit. in their view, we all by the grace of Christ, can all become like Christ, or gods through works.. not to mention after-life salvation. looks like succumbing to the flesh, in my opinion a Christian whom believes in Jesus Christ as God come down to Earth in the flesh, through virgin birth by the Holy Spirit of God, cannot in their right mind agree with anything LDS biblically. for the Christian who claims to have died to self and taken up their cross to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, i suggest prayer and fasting for proper discernment.
  9. thanks GoldenEagle. forgive me for not being clear. i believe there is a difference between simply believing in Jesus Christ, and living/walking with Him in Truth. actually there are 2 parts to that equation. Jesus Christ in me, and I in Him. when one is in a true devoted intimate relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord, one is transformed through and through, from glory to glory. as Christians, the Glory of the Holy Spirit of God works a complete change in our hearts and character, right? i can't imagine someone who is truly experiencing the above could believe that Jesus Christ is the brother of Lucifer, (among other after-life nonsense and deification of mortal fallen man). true Christianity's foundation is in knowing Jesus Christ personally. i believe anything beyond this essential Gospel is self-deception or worse. we can expound on this if you like, do you want to debunk all LDS doctrine or only that concerning Christ? love to you, and God bless.
  10. to experience fear, is to allow that which cannot harm you, consume you. fear is blind. uncertainty is doubt perceived to be true. both spark and kindle the flame of that fiery spirit of fear. the Holy Bible is mankind's history from beginning to finish translated from the Spirit of God Himself. God is the Father of all that exists. the epitome of perfect goodness. FresnoJoe is spot on with his reference to the man of Jesus Christ! concerning the Mormon question..i believe a true Christian would be led to depart from such blasphemy.. just my opinion though. love to you and God bless.
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