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Everything posted by missmuffet

  1. I think some people can be too quick on the "report" button.
  2. I do not agree. I would never ask Mary to pray for me.
  3. Good perception. All you need to do it look around you and read the news.
  4. Yes, I have read that there are people who are getting microchips implanted in their bodies. It is a matter of choice. God give everyone freewill. But we need to know the blessings or the consequences of those choices. Many do not care.
  5. There is a lot going on in this world that we are not aware of. The authorities are just telling us what they want us to know. If we did know there could be a worldwide panic.
  6. The body of Christ is always bickering over issues. Time will tell.
  7. a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency. I have seen this happen. (in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16).
  8. God had a reason why He does not want us to know the future.
  9. I wish all of you well who are going to help George in this difficult time of not having a servant any longer.
  10. Thankfully God has not given us the ability to know what is going to happen in the next minute or the next hour or the next day to us or the world. What would happen if God gave us the ability to know what is going to happen in the future?
  11. Many people can relate to God with the relationship they had with their earthly Father. If they had a bad relationship with their father on earth that is how they see God our Father in heaven. The unbeliever should fear God because of the judgment they will endure. For the believer the fear of God is the reverence or respect of God. As believers we have no reason to fear God.
  12. What is your take on this George? Do you think there could be multiple raptures? I only know of one.
  13. You are humble. That is what the Lord wants you to be.
  14. And she is here on earth to tell about it ? Nope, I am not buying it.
  15. So that is your speculation that Omega had CHF or was it officially diagnosed? I don't remember him ever saying he had been to the doctor or hospital or had any testing done.
  16. I hope it works for you George. It is your board and your decision.
  17. I pray to Jesus Christ in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I know my prayers are heard and answered.
  18. Does anyone know if Omega was ever diagnosed with what was wrong with his lungs and his breathing issues?
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