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Everything posted by 1peterlight

  1. Interesting, it recently was asserted to me that Adam and Jesus were not perfect but had to perfect. It doesn't seem to say that about Jesus in your post but is this what you assume about Adam? So in your view, God was speaking to Jesus about Adam when he said in our image?
  2. This perplexes me. I just want opinions. What if a day comes when we are asked to deny Christ or lose a child? What if we are seperated from our children and therefore cannot give them the word, what if they are raised by someone who takes the mark? I dont know that God would let this happen, but I dont know that he wouldnt either.
  3. I like Paul Washer, Ian Paisley, John Macarthur. Any others? And what denomination or doctrinee would you call this? All these different names and I dont know what I am other than a bible believer
  4. the twilight zone forgot about that one, I love that show
  5. I grew up at grandmas house alot and we watched: my three sons, flip wilson, gilligans island, touched by an angel. Shows were very different, and thats why they have been phased out now. A favorite of mine is little house on the prairie and gunsmoke. Killing maybe but there is always a good moral lesson, and community being good to eachother. I watched 'the bible' last night and didn't think it was bad. I noted that the narrator said 'Abram's people' and 'their people' which is to be expected I suppose. But all the while I'm thinking yeah buddy those are your people too, and my people....
  6. If I were close I would surely give you a hug ((( ))) You're husband may know the bible but I find it hard to believe he is a believer if he is as cold as you describe. Knowing the word and absorbing it are different. I really do suggest you find another pastor or minister to discuss with. Or even a godly woman you can trust at your church. Maybe the pastors wife. I say this because if you start pouring your heart out to a man and especially your relationship, your husband might take issue with this. I pray for you. Is there anything else you can do that you haven't done already? Keep looking at it all as a test of faith, and keep strength in the Lord.
  7. You'd think I would have considered this already lol, thank you
  8. Really? That is how it's worded in hebrew? How did we even get the translation we did then?? That is interesting....I will say I don't really follow the male/female perspective as Genesis leads me to believe Eve wasn't even planned until God saw that Adam needed a mate. And if God was so inclined to say 'our' in genesis as a male/female deity, then why doesn't he stick with that through the rest of the bible? Thank you for the response by the way
  9. The whole book of judges is a good illustration of what sin does. I read that book and it was so sad. It ends saying '"at that time the people did whatever they thought was right" It reminded me a great deal of today when I read it. I think it serves as a good example blast from the past of what people are like when left to their own devices to live how they(flesh) want. God bless.
  10. Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
  11. I agree with the pastoral counseling and if your pastor refuses to help you without your husband there then find another pastor to talk too. I dont know how long ago it happened that you cheated, but I know if it was me I would not be able to let it go for years. And I do feel that you can't decide for your husband when his time to get over it is, he has to do that, all you can do is accept that you've been forgiven by the Lord, and if you feel you have then take solace in that, and keep telling yourself that over and over that he may not forgive you but the Lord knows you're sorry. It will be part of HIS judgment if he never finds the ability to forgive you. If he is religious read the bible to him at night, read something warm and uplifting, maybe with forgiveness in the context somewhere. That is the most you can do. I know what it's like to have something dredged up in anger, but rather than going on the offense, try understanding his feelings on it, maybe he uses that because it's all he has on you. Either way, it is up to him when to let go of it. I pray for you. God bless. Also I know this is very personal for you but when you feel as if you have it terrible and you are alone, it always helps me to realize some of the atrocities going on in other parts of the world, and if I would rather be suffering what they are or living in my skin. I don't mean that to negate either, just that it really does help put things in perspective where in your own bubble the situation can seem so overwhelming and you feel defeated. Again God bless, please accept my prayer for you.
  12. In Genesis who is God referring to when he says let us make man in 'our' image? There is but one so who is the 'our'? Angels? Jesus?
  13. wow it really does change the perspective. pretty sick, what I have found from studying a many sick and abhorred thing about our society is that often the truth is painfully obvious but often overlooked or negated.
  14. To Me It Means "Think On It' But Than Again I Can't Carry A Note Nor Keep A Beat Thank you! That's very interesting!
  15. Thank ya! I thought he was mighty pretty! (think it's a boy anyway)
  16. My bro-in-law told me about the bible show after he watched it. He told me about the angel scene in Sodom and Gomorrah. And how the men(two, when there were really three) came and after the townsmen showed up they fought. I asked him if they showed the men as wishing to have sex with the angels and he said no. I guess that would get the gay community up in arms to much if they showed a bunch of men seeking to have their way. Inaccuracies like that grind my gears as well. I find that the spirit will usually leave you with a negative feeling about things when they are not right. We recently had our cable shut down to basic, so we could still watch news. Tv has gotten aboslutely horrible. There is good to be found but it is so rare. There is almost always a subtle message on shows that doesn't line up with the bible, even if it's not on the first episode, it will show up somewhere down the line. I don't know why more people dont question why we as humans get thrills from watching people get drunk, have sex, fight, kill, struggle in their addictions, get arrested, be in prison or even just humiliate themselves. Oh because they do it on tv they choose it, okay but why do we enjoy it? I watched American Horror Story' for awhile because I loved movies like that, and then once I was born again, it was like having my bubble popped as my husband put it. We live in this bubble where we see bad things happen, but they dont really affect us or they seem limited somehow or human, but then once the bubble is popped you cant look at anything the same way again. Tv is a huge one. So is the internet depending on what you search. I spent a lot of time looking at videos and documentaries of aliens and dissentions between religions and govt conspiracy theories and realized how sick it was making me, but I still kept at it, I know I was drawn to it because it was a tool for anger, for unbelief. Satan wanted me to keep at it. It was all worldly wisdom I was seeking. Stocking up for myself beliefs about the govt, aliens, religion that made me feel so bitter and angry. Then I found James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the light started shining, I realized that that wisdom I was after before was worldly and therefore of Satan.
  17. I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to read the whole study (plan to get back to it as my younguns are running about right now ) but speaking of Psalms, can anyone tell me what 'selah' means?
  18. I chose to be a Christian as a child when I first was introduced to church. I've spent my life since trying to live decent (though a messed up sinner) and then several months ago, I had a born again experience and have realized that while I chose the Christian faith as a child, Christianity has now chosen me and I am ever so grateful to the Lord.
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