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One With Him

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About One With Him

  • Birthday 07/29/1971

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    Southern California
  • Interests
    God, Want to learn Greek. Family

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  1. 1 Corinthians was written by Paul to a church that had lost it's way. The church at Corinth was allowing customs and rituals of their people to come into the church. Paul was using this one person as an example of how to deal with people who have put sin first yet claim to have something from God. Sexual sin is distroying the church right now, but it's happening one person at a time. The lust of the flesh in many cases is stronger than one's desire to remain close to God. Paul was trying to put this church back on the path to righteousness.
  2. It sounds to me like you do believe, but it also sounds like your human side is trying to keep you from having faith in something it can't see, smell or touch. Jesus asked, "who do men say that I am?" Peter then listed all the people he had heard people call Jesus. then Jesus asked "but who do you say that I am? Peter said, "you are the son of the living God." Jesus told Peter that God the Father had revealed this to him. Look in your heart. The Bible says, seek and you shall find, Knock and it will be open to you. God must listen to a person repenting of their sins. Jesus loves you. I will be praying for you.
  3. Let me start by saying, I have only read the post by the OP and only read part of the first response to this questions. I think if you look at the history of the earth and the animals and plants on it, you can see how those type of things have evolved. Animals change and adapt to climate changes etc. But to say that humans came from money's goes against everything in Christian History. People grow and adapt to there what is around them, but they don't grow wings to fly or gills to swim. So to answer your question you can believe in evolution but for plants and animals. However God created man from the "dust of the earth".
  4. Interesting question. I think the E.U will play a part. Without getting into a big todo over the details I think they almost have to just by the place they have in History and the way the Bible speaks about that part of the world.
  5. Retirement come when we are on the other side of glory with Christ.
  6. I must admit, I'm not sure if it's me or the way it is writen, but I don't have a clue what you are trying to say. You are throwing out number after number, can you sum it up or something? It just doesn't seem like you are getting to your point.
  7. Always use the BIble, always! Use the Bible with Prayer. Pray for understand of what you are reading. God will open things up to you and help you understand things. I will be praying for you.
  8. No worries, your fine. I know there are some that for what ever reason watch her and other preachers on TV and they need money to opperate. It's always about the money. Doesn't seem like you get to many churches preaching about tithing your time. I brought it up to a Bishop in my former church and he said, "it's a great idea but less not make it a doctrine!" I was in disbeliefe. The reason I brought Paula White into it, was because I was flipping channels one day and ran across her show while she was trying to get people to send their money to her and she was using the First Fruits message. I have been hearing it more and more as of late.
  9. I never said Paula White was a pastor. Second it just feels like a money grab. When the women brought the oil and washed Christ with it the 12 got upset and said she should have sold it and given the money to the poor. If i want to give tithes to the local homeless shelter instead of a mega (millionare) paster, teacher, tel-a-watever. what is wrong with that. Third if all this people who have their hand out really care about your soul why don't they tell you to tithe your time?
  10. Everything must line up with the Word of God. For example, if someone feels god is telling them to steel. That would not be God because the Word of God says "thou shalt not steel". Walking with God is like any other relationship, a strong bond with Christ is built over time. Pray and read your Bible, then pray somemore. Christ wants to be your best friend. I hope this helps.
  11. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. When Adam was first created he wasn't alone how long before he sinned. This is why Christ had to die and rise again, for the remission of sin. Christ is Holy, Christ is sinless and we are not, but Christ death and reserrection washes away our sin.
  12. Proverbs 3: 9-10 Honor the Lord with your wealth and the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. KJV Proverbs 3: 9-10 Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; (v.10) then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over the new wine. NIV There are around 72 other verses in the Bible referring to First Fruits, or to use an older term Tithing. Paying Tithes to God has been around since the fall of man. Cain killed Able because his offering wasn’t accepted by God and Able’s was. Able gave because he wanting too. Cain gave because he had to. Able chose the best of what he had for God and Cain just picked something but saved the best for himself. Tithing or paying Tithes is not in question. It is a sound doctrine laid down by God since the beginning of time and it endures to this day. However First Fruits is a term that is fairly new. Churches over the past few years have started using “First Fruits” as appose to “Tithing” I believe because it sounds more modern and Tithes sound old fashioned. I have 2 questions: Question 1 When is the First Fruits teaching taken too far? Paula White has said and is not shy about asking people to send her an entire year’s salary once every 10 years. She will ask you to send her a weeks salary every month and so on. All of this with the promise that God will give the money back to you in spades. Question 2 Churches need funds to operate and to pay the bills. However In the First Fruits message or tithing I never hear anyone talk about tithing your time. After all everyday is an increase is it not? So why do you suppose the churches don’t promote this doctrine as well as the one’s that help them pay the bills? I look forward to hearing your thought on this subject.
  13. This is an interesting point. My mother-in-law past away on the 26th of Oct. She was Catholic and a Deacon from the local church performed the funeral. He said at the funeral that he believed that all gods lead to the one god. As I am not Catholic I don't know if this is just his view or if it is a view that the Catholic church as a whole is preaching.
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