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Everything posted by irishcowboy

  1. while sitting and relaxing a bit ago, I recalled an event that happened to a friend of mine while he was in the Army going through Jump School... This friend and me are the third generation of friends in our families, his Grandmother and mine, his mother and mine, and then him, his sisters and me. so far our kids have not met...... While going through Jump School, they had to do a nigh jump, and one of the instructions when jumping is that if you get hung up in a tree, you need to relax, take a few deep breaths, DO NOT PANIC, and once you are calm, take off you helmet, hold it out, and drop it counting one onethousand, two onethousand, three one thousand...... as you listen for your helmet to hit the ground. Using the formula for time and distance for an object falling you can find out how high you are off the ground..... well, Karl, of all people, did his jump and sure enough, the jump started out uneventful, until the very tail end of the jump, he felt his feet hitting the branches and he prepared for the jolt as he either hit the ground with his feet, and also prepared to be hit with the shock of the parachute stopping and his body continuing on. Karl came to an abrupt stop as he thought he would. Hanging from the Parachute, dangling from the shock cords tangled in a tree, feeling like an marionette swinging from his perch, he relaxed and listened to the tree so that he could be prepared if the chute or the branches gave way. It was not long when he stopped swinging, so he unstrapped his helmet and held it out and dropped it, one one thousand, (he hears the helmet go through a couple branches below him) two one thousand, three one thousand, four one thousand, five one thousand, six one thousand, seven one thousand, eight one thousand, ....... after counting a bit longer, he decided it was useless for he was not going to drop out of his harness that far, for he had yet to hear the helmet hit the ground. Karl hung there through out the night, every once in a while, he would give a call out to see if any of his group was in the area to come and either rescue him or so they can get some one else there to get him down....... not really very comfortable, he did not sleep through out the night..... but when dawn broke, he was not really believing his eyes, so he waited, thinking he might just be imagining what he thought he was seeing, then he looked down and saw his helmet about two foot below his feet, sitting in the leaves on the ground........ needless to say he unhooked his harness and dropped to the ground.... anyways, we ( my family, being a good many have military backgrounds) thought this was just a hoot.... of course this never happened to any of us, nor has anything similar to this happened.... (NA, NOT TO MEEEE!!!!!) mike
  2. there is nothing I have found that actually says that babies are going up with the Rapture.... some believe that children fall under the covering of their parents, so if the parents are saved, the child will follow, but... if the parent is not save, the child is also lost (unles they have taken the Lord as their savior..... some believe that children (until the age of what people call the accountability) will be taken up then they have to make their own choice if past that age..... the only thing I can think might shed some light is that if a person is a believer, and they are married to an unbeliever, the unbeliever is sanctified under the believer..... mike Thanks Mike I never could really understand this concept.. being sanctified does not mean that unbelieving husband is saved... that would rather go against the concept of a personal salvation and personal accountability of sin... this is true..... I, personally, believe that a child falls under the covering of the parent(s)..... rather then all are saved until they reach the age of accountability.... remember, there is not much to support either claim, this is the way I believe though..... a parent is to teach the child, and if the parent is not saved, they are not going to teach the child, if they are, they will be teaching.... mike In your statement, you have said two things. 1. The sins of the parents will be punished on their child (basically) 2. One who has not heard and has not grown to an age where they are knowledgable of the law, will be guilty. I think I still believe the love of GOD more than the wrath of GOD will be on the young ones. Although, they might just be considered non-people and have no eternal destiny at all. Of course, this is a conversation about babies in the rapture and that would depend on if you are pre-trib or post-trib with regard to whether that equates to sin and salvation or eternal damnation. Still, HIS grace is sufficient. This will be my last post in this thread. This is one of those doubtful things that needs not be discussed further It is up to GOD what HE decides to do with them in HIS wisdom and grace. Nr. 1 is not what I said..... if a parent is a Non-believer, they will be teaching their children to also be non-believers (buhdist, hindu, islamic, so forth and so ont....) if a parent is a Believer, they will be teaching thier children to also be believers..... mike
  3. there is nothing I have found that actually says that babies are going up with the Rapture.... some believe that children fall under the covering of their parents, so if the parents are saved, the child will follow, but... if the parent is not save, the child is also lost (unles they have taken the Lord as their savior..... some believe that children (until the age of what people call the accountability) will be taken up then they have to make their own choice if past that age..... the only thing I can think might shed some light is that if a person is a believer, and they are married to an unbeliever, the unbeliever is sanctified under the believer..... mike Thanks Mike I never could really understand this concept.. being sanctified does not mean that unbelieving husband is saved... that would rather go against the concept of a personal salvation and personal accountability of sin... this is true..... I, personally, believe that a child falls under the covering of the parent(s)..... rather then all are saved until they reach the age of accountability.... remember, there is not much to support either claim, this is the way I believe though..... a parent is to teach the child, and if the parent is not saved, they are not going to teach the child, if they are, they will be teaching.... mike
  4. there is nothing I have found that actually says that babies are going up with the Rapture.... some believe that children fall under the covering of their parents, so if the parents are saved, the child will follow, but... if the parent is not save, the child is also lost (unles they have taken the Lord as their savior..... some believe that children (until the age of what people call the accountability) will be taken up then they have to make their own choice if past that age..... the only thing I can think might shed some light is that if a person is a believer, and they are married to an unbeliever, the unbeliever is sanctified under the believer..... mike
  5. I believe people get the Gift of the Spirit called "discerning of spirits" confuessed with the "Gift of Knowledge" and also being able to tell when some one is of God or not...... when God lets some one else know something about some one else, it is not from discernment, it is knowledge..... being able to tell if some one is of God or not, should be fairly easy, for the Fruit of their labors will show where they stand with God.... Good fruit does not come from corrupt trees, nor does rotten fruit come from Good trees. so it would be a good ide to do as Terter asks, elaborate as to what the situation is, hypothetical or real.... mike Yes Mike that is correct. That is what I was trying to say. I was just trying to show it was not the same as CajunBoy had described. I thought his gift was different. More along the lines of knowledge rather than discernment. Thanks Mel something else to think about too, is the more a person is in the Word, the more a person spends time with the Lord, one on one the more they will see that does not line up with the Word of God... this is something that is developed, and not just a gift.... I have seen where a woman went up to an evangelist, and she was wanting him to bless her, and the evangelist looked at her and told her that he could not bless her while she was living in sin against her husband, her husband was standing there and the evangelist looked over at him without the husband saying a word and told him he also needed to be faithful to his wife...... (this was the first time either had ever seen the evangelist, and the evangelist had no previous knowledge of either person)... this was the Gift of Knowledge in action...... mike
  6. dont worry, I got hit on that one too..... lol mike
  7. take a look at the Song of Solomon, love songs... in some cultures, they are not permissible to be read until a person is close to 30.... God gave us music.... if we are lifting up our spouse, is that wrong? mike
  8. come to think about it, I have a friend who has a bird (cockatoo) who would look to have soul.... you put the music on and it the bird starts beboppin..... mike
  9. I believe people get the Gift of the Spirit called "discerning of spirits" confuessed with the "Gift of Knowledge" and also being able to tell when some one is of God or not...... when God lets some one else know something about some one else, it is not from discernment, it is knowledge..... being able to tell if some one is of God or not, should be fairly easy, for the Fruit of their labors will show where they stand with God.... Good fruit does not come from corrupt trees, nor does rotten fruit come from Good trees. so it would be a good ide to do as Terter asks, elaborate as to what the situation is, hypothetical or real.... mike
  10. Yes but I am not jewish therefore I am not commanded to follow the law of Moses. We can agree on this but again, we are not commanded to obey all of the old laws. No but others would almost swear by it that instruments are almost a commandment for worship. No. But if God didn't command for its use in the New Testament would we then go against His word and offer up strange fire or worship? But they almost make it a point not to do it. I'm unfamiliar with this church. John 5:24
  11. I do believe there are other creatures that we will be seeing, maybe not like we are use to, but I believe we will see other types of animals....
  12. there was only one time that I know of that an animal had a soul, then it gave it up after it only had it or three days...... Jonah.... mike
  13. I know I do - she's my wife well, i can not argue with that.....
  14. as far as Guardian Angels, I do not really believe so.... as far as the angels watching over us, the Bible does say that they watch us, but not actually over us..... The Holy Spirit, like God is OmniPresent... can be all places at all times... if we ABIDE IN HIM, HE WILL ABIDE IN US.... we become one with the Holy Spirit... Angels have their own jobs to do, some are messangers, some are escorts, some are warriors, and some are to intervien, helping to protect us ..... I can only recall the names of two angels ever being mentioned, (three if you count Lucifer) so as far as people saying their guadian angel is so and so, I am not so sure about that, or that they were named after St. Michael or St. Gabriel, are they saints? or are they angels??? ( I was named after Michael, not just speculation, that is who mom named me after).... so guardian angels? No, i do not believe so, as far as protecting us, yes... mike
  15. do they have any female pastors? usually when there are female pastors they do not respect the bible. A "cult"...i dont know. "Lost"...yes. Oh cool, we got lots of cults, Presbyterians, Methodist, Nazarines, Assembly of God, UPC, Full Gospel, and even some Baptist churchs.... that would mean that the only ones that would truely be saved then is the Catholics...... cool beans..... too bad so many will be lost just cause some one believes women can not be a minister.... what about the woman at the well? is she lost? NO! Christ accepted her in, he Gave her live, living water)..... let us say that anyone that does not have church service on Saturday is a cultist, or that does not dance in their underwear before the Lord, or if everyone is not wearing robes, being that is the clothing of the times, we all must wear robes now, no more zuit suits....... oh yeah, women must have their hair to their waist or they are not saved, and men must have hait to their shoulders and a beard or they are not saved....... well, the Bible days that is the way they dressed... so, why worry about judging other fellowships as being a cult when there is no such thing as a perfect church, except the one I am in...... mike
  16. what are we to worship? some people come only to listen to the music... although it is not a sin to have music, some times I wonder if it is overrated? a great many churchs now have the music so loud you can not hear the words, more like being at a rock concert then church.... those playing the music think loud is good..... the louder a person plays, the better they can play..... my grandson puts his hands over his ears at many places... when we should be just worshipping The Lord, when we should be just Praising The Lord, and then if you do not have the text of the song in front of you, you have no clue as to what is being sung, cause you can not hear the words..... I have heard that some say that because the Bible does not have music in their services, well, they also did not have computers at the pulpit either.... they did not have electric lights, or sound systems, they also all wore robes rather then suite coats, ties, pants..... so forth and so on. we can justify doing just about anything..... but does it make it right? not having musical instruments in a worship service might be a good thing.... I do not believe our brothers and sisters that attend the Church of Christ are a cult, in fact, I am absolutely sure they are not, and they may have a better grasp on some thngs in some areas..... then again.... I do not believe that havin musical instruments in a service can keep a person from true worship either....... David had players and singers 24/7..... David Danced before the Lord, so dancing is not to be condemec either.... a person can find all kinds of neat stuff..... but to build a doctrine out of a single verse in the Bible can be very dangerous...... that would be like saying that people that do not drive a Honda are lost.... (they came together in one accord)... I like music, it keeps me in tune...... I do not like it so loud that I can not hear the words being sung by 1000 people, or even if there are only 10 people, again, the voices should be above the music, not drowned out by the music.... mike
  17. Yes, there are some empty prisons....mostly because of money problems. I don't think the feds could incarcerate roughly 10% of the population though; that's 31,000,000 people (about the entire population of Canada). The 10% is what I estimate is the portion of the population who will revolt against any illegal requirement to buy insurance. not just empty, but NEW.... yes, there are empty beds in many prisons, but these are new prison compounds... anyways, that is a different subj..
  18. actually there are EMPTY prisons in different places in the USA..... that is right, empty..... one is in Hardin Montana...... a truck driver friend of mine has seen several that there is no one there, no guards no prisoners.... why are they all empty, when we have a problem with over crowding>>> why?? good question... a better question would be is.... WHO ARE THEY FOR??? MIKE
  19. I have a question for any one that can answer it, it is an honest question, and one I (and many others) have a concern about...... What happens if a person chooses not to buy the "insurance" for the health care thing that is on its way down the pike? do they have to give up what they have? is there going to be private insurance out there? wil they have to pay everything UPFRONT as we do now ( to get in to see the doc, you have to pay the office call UP FRONT, before you even see them, and then after catch up the rest) or will they just toss the person in prison? what about manditory, state/federally mandated innocculations? sorry, this boy is not taking the H1N1, or the seasonal flu or any other innocculations that I am not sure about..... will that put me in prison? some believe it will, some say no way.... no one has a true answer..... passing bills into law before they even know what is in them, by passing the PEOPLE...... what happened to the Government by the people for the people bit???? it is no longer like that.... everything is backwards... .we do not get a voice in any of this.... I SAY, BUT THE HEALTH CARE BILL TO THE TEST, PUT IT UP FOR A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE....... AFTER...... AFTER THEY HAVE HAD A YEAR TO READ THE MULTI THOUSAND PAGE DOCUMENT........ the same with any of these bills, put them before the people..... with ALL THE INFORMATION.... no double stacking bills, one bill at a time.... mike
  20. WOW!! What a great idea! I can't swim in the deep end of the pool (like cement shoes in a lake) but this looks awesome! I was seriously considering "Search and Rescue" jobs.. but this I never considered... The qualifications look great too. I can probably fit in! And they are looking for new recruits! Seriously looking into it. Thanks!!!!! if you are willing to learn to swim, I am sure they will provide the needed training for it..... now, for a bit of fun...... We have always said that a person has to be at least 6 foot tall to join the coast guard, why????? cause they have to be able to wade ashore should their boat gets sunk.... just a bit of fun, not being serious about that..... seriously now, that would be a good way to go.... keeping in mind what has been spoke of before.... in the US, the coast guard fall under the Department of Transportation, except during war then it is shifted to the Department of Defense.... mike
  21. one being citizens...... what ever that means...... for with out citizens, there is no country..... mike
  22. are you asking about John Bevere? or Paul Washer? I watched the John Bevere video, (The True Grace of God) I agree with his message I believe Pau is also preachin the truth.... hard but true..... Christ did not teach an easy lesson, but a very difficult lesson.... mike
  23. got this from a friend in my email... Gubbmint and How Gubbmint Works Once upon a time the government had a vast scrap yard in the middle of a desert. Congress said, "Someone may steal from it at night." So they created a night watchman position and hired a person for the job. Then Congress said, "How does the watchman do his job without instruction?" So they created a planning department and hired two people, one person to write the instructions, and one person to do time studies. Then Congress said, "How will we know the night watchman is doing the tasks correctly?" So they created a Quality Control department and hired two people. One to do the studies and one to write the reports.. Then Congress said, "How are these people going to get paid?" So They created the following positions, a time keeper, and a payroll officer, Then hired two people. Then Congress said, "Who will be accountable for all of these people?" So they created an administrative section and hired three people, an Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, and a Legal Secretary. Then Congress said, "We have had this command in operation for one Year and we are $18,000 over budget, we must cutback overall cost." So they laid off the night watchman. NOW slowly, let it sink in. Quietly, we go like sheep to slaughter. Does anybody remember the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY.... during the Carter Administration? Anybody? Anything? No? Didn't think so! Bottom line. We've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency...the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember! Ready?? It was very simple...and at the time, everybody thought it very appropriate. The Department of Energy was instituted on 8-04-1977. TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. Hey, pretty efficient, huh??? AND NOW IT'S 2009 -- 32 YEARS LATER -- AND THE BUDGET FOR THIS "NECESSARY" DEPARTMENT IS AT $24.2 BILLION A YEAR. THEY HAVE 16,000 FEDERAL EMPLOYEES AND APPROXIMATELY 100,000 CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; AND LOOK AT THE JOB THEY HAVE DONE! THIS IS WHERE YOU SLAP YOUR FOREHEAD AND SAY, "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" Ah, yes -- good ole bureaucracy. AND, NOW, WE ARE GOING TO TURN THE BANKING SYSTEM, HEALTH CARE, AND THE AUTO INDUSTRY OVER TO THE SAME GOVERNMENT? HELLOOO! Anybody Home?
  24. not totally true, the government funds every thing but the actual abortion, but by getting the funding they are able to free up more money that was not funded by the government (our money from the taxes we pay) to do the abortions.... kind of like the lottery money that was suppose to go to education..... yes, that money is going to education, but that did not mean that the money that was already going to education was going to continue.... it just displaced it so that some one elses pocket could receive some money that use to go to education..... now, the schools are suffering.... one school I know, had two full time janitors, now they have one that is working only 4 hours aday, and the teachers are now having to do their own cleaning as well.... there is no funding for volunteer workers (man turning down free labor) but one reason they can not is even volunteer labor, has to be placed on workmnas comp insurance..... (the last I checked that was at least 1800 bucks a year min..... probably depends on the type of work too) so..... Yes, planned parent hood is getting federal funding, but not to use directly for the actual abortion, it can be used in any other area except the actual abortion.. so they really haveto keep two sets of books, those of federal aid and those for all other income......
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