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Everything posted by whitetiger

  1. Lets hope mandates are the next step, but I think politicians are to cowardly. More likely it will be local like my college is mandating vaccines which is good
  2. I sure hope the become required for all. The SCOTUS have ruled that vaccine mandates are okay much earlier than any of us alive so vaccine mandates have precedent
  3. I am sorry I will disagree. I am more than happy to make my font bigger and that has never been rude. Maybe I'm a dinosaur but I come from when the Internet started and I do know what is considered rude. Go with God
  4. Yep. We sat by to much and allowed evil and now we are paying the price. Christians have let society down by not standing against evil
  5. Exactly! In my Church most of the Bishops and Priest are former military and retired police officers including my Priest
  6. I did that because of a debate here in the forums. I am neither Catholic nor Protestant as a Charismatic Episcopalian, so someone said I should come up with some of my beliefs and hence my sig line
  7. That is actually a question for another thread so as to not get this thread off topic
  8. They say the coup is the good guys and the turkey Pres is trying to make Turkey an authoritarian Islamic nation.
  9. From my perspective one can not be a good Dem and a Christian. Den values are completely and diametrically opposed to Christianity, period and good day sir!
  10. Sure... Sadly, The shadow doesn't know on this one.
  11. I am Charismatic Episcopal Church. We are a 3 streams church http://www.iccec.org/
  12. It could be very hard if not impossible. With the love of abortion and hatred of America that the modern democratic party holds
  13. Heb 12:1 does not mention praying to dead people or people in heaven. Hebrews 12 1 Therefore since we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily besets us , and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, When I ask people to pray for me, I do not light a candle, I do not kneel before a statue of them. I do not bow my head and say oh blessed person hear my prayer. I do not pray to people to ask them to pray for me. Praying to saints as you do or as catholics do is idolatry. You have no idea how I ask the Saints for pray, so do not pretend to know. When you make a request of someone you are praying to them 4. to make earnest petition to (a person). 5. to make petition or entreaty for; crave http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pray So yes you are praying to someone when you make a request. Christians do not die we go to our reward, we are still alive and form a great cloud of witnesses.
  14. So because someone does not believe as you they have sold out to the world? really?
  15. He is holding the Catholic position. However, this particular opinion he expresses is not one I have heard before. There are sects within the Catholic church as you prob know, so who knows exactly what he refers to unless he enlightens us. It's pretty plain looking at my signature that I am not Catholic. Why do you assume just Catholics believe that way? There are Orthodox too which I could be said to be closer to. Here is my new testimony from another thread. I am not a Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox; I do not hold standard protestant beliefs, more accurately modern evangelical beliefs like Dispensationalism, any type of rapture that modern evangelicals believe in, I believe that Revelations is not a future book but a book that is full of symbolism of hope for the early Christians. You could call me a partial Preterist though I might deviate from that a bit. I do not believe in Sola Scriptura I believe in Scripture with Tradition, I believe in the continuing gifts of the Holy Spirit, I believe that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth and I believe the filoque should not be in the Nicene creed, I believe in the absolute Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, I believe in praying to the Saints. Sorry for assuming you are Catholic. why did I assume that? That would be because I have had many discussions with Catholics and there seems to be no end to the variation within Catholicism as much of their beliefs do not stem from the Bible itself but rather the 'fathers' of which there is a sampling here At any rate, the views expressed here are Christian by those who oppose your view of the Bible. Unfortuneatly, I am aquainted with both partial and full preterists and view those beliefs as erroneous. Praying to the saints is NOT in scripture and is not supported other then by man's traditions. I view that pretty much the same as invoking spirits other than the Holy Spirit. By the way? Its Revelation....no s. It was the Revelation to John given to him by Christ. So it sounds like you have kind of gone to some kind of religious smorgasborg and sampled whatever appealed to you...kind of your own religion...so really, I would seriously hesitate to bestow any kind of authority to your beliefs Do you understand that at least half of what you say you believe sounds as though it has come straight out of a book on Catholic dogma? He is holding the Catholic position. However, this particular opinion he expresses is not one I have heard before. There are sects within the Catholic church as you prob know, so who knows exactly what he refers to unless he enlightens us. It's pretty plain looking at my signature that I am not Catholic. Why do you assume just Catholics believe that way? There are Orthodox too which I could be said to be closer to. Here is my new testimony from another thread. I am not a Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox; I do not hold standard protestant beliefs, more accurately modern evangelical beliefs like Dispensationalism, any type of rapture that modern evangelicals believe in, I believe that Revelations is not a future book but a book that is full of symbolism of hope for the early Christians. You could call me a partial Preterist though I might deviate from that a bit. I do not believe in Sola Scriptura I believe in Scripture with Tradition, I believe in the continuing gifts of the Holy Spirit, I believe that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth and I believe the filoque should not be in the Nicene creed, I believe in the absolute Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, I believe in praying to the Saints. Sorry for assuming you are Catholic. why did I assume that? That would be because I have had many discussions with Catholics and there seems to be no end to the variation within Catholicism as much of their beliefs do not stem from the Bible itself but rather the 'fathers' of which there is a sampling here At any rate, the views expressed here are Christian by those who oppose your view of the Bible. Unfortuneatly, I am aquainted with both partial and full preterists and view those beliefs as erroneous. Praying to the saints is NOT in scripture and is not supported other then by man's traditions. I view that pretty much the same as invoking spirits other than the Holy Spirit. By the way? Its Revelation....no s. It was the Revelation to John given to him by Christ. So it sounds like you have kind of gone to some kind of religious smorgasborg and sampled whatever appealed to you...kind of your own religion...so really, I would seriously hesitate to bestow any kind of authority to your beliefs Do you understand that at least half of what you say you believe sounds as though it has come straight out of a book on Catholic dogma? I have no idea how to quote what you ask me indivually so I can aswer your post easier, would you know? I will answer your very last question, yes because my Church is a covergence Church and we do have Catholic elements and Orthodox elements. About partial Peterism I studied and chose that after coming out of the biggest lie that invaded Christianity namely dispensationalism. Actally the beliefs in the thread are not Bibical as far as the thread title is concerned the Word of God is Christ, when one insist the Word of God is the Biblr one starts making the Bible God
  16. First, no it's not worship and it is Bibical to pray to the Saints (Heb 12:1), if it is then you need to stop praying to others to pray for you. I can't find where to unsub from the thread FYI or I would have. I mistakenly thought that this was a place of fellowship that accepted Christians but instead I get grilled and harassed by one poster how should I feel? You tell me.
  17. 3 days later what? What's your problem lady?
  18. No it's not, we use an Episcopalian government. We are a convergence Church or three streams. Liturgical, Charismatic, Evangelical. We are a very pro life conservative body
  19. I told you why I hold to the books and that is that and I am not Episcopalian, I am not associated with the ECUSA nor Anglican Church, nor is my Church. My Church is closer to Orthodox though we call it a convergence Church
  20. He is holding the Catholic position. However, this particular opinion he expresses is not one I have heard before. There are sects within the Catholic church as you prob know, so who knows exactly what he refers to unless he enlightens us. It's pretty plain looking at my signature that I am not Catholic. Why do you assume just Catholics believe that way? There are Orthodox too which I could be said to be closer to. Here is my new testimony from another thread. I am not a Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox; I do not hold standard protestant beliefs, more accurately modern evangelical beliefs like Dispensationalism, any type of rapture that modern evangelicals believe in, I believe that Revelations is not a future book but a book that is full of symbolism of hope for the early Christians. You could call me a partial Preterist though I might deviate from that a bit. I do not believe in Sola Scriptura I believe in Scripture with Tradition, I believe in the continuing gifts of the Holy Spirit, I believe that the Church is the pillar and foundation of truth and I believe the filoque should not be in the Nicene creed, I believe in the absolute Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, I believe in praying to the Saints.
  21. Because that is what the Church determined in th 300's through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Just that, the Scriptures are words from God and the Word of God in Christ. See here http://www.orthodoxanswers.org/answer/581/ and here http://orthodoxcanada.org/qa_archives/question7.html for my view of Bibical inerrancy
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