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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Agreed. And sadly the courts and many who are suppose to be our representatives in the halls of power are siding with the minions of the enemy. Giving them rights, while quashing the moral majority of American's rights to object to the violation. Southern Poverty Law Center decreed certain traditional values Christian groups qualified to be on SPLC's "Hate Groups" list. And contrary to SPLC's backpeddling as they claim on their site that it is not due to those groups adhering to scripture, it absolutely is! Becuase those groups that SPLC said qualify for their Hate Group list, champion traditional Christian values and the scriptures that identify the sins of homosexuality and even transgenderism. I fear it is a matter of time before some group like SPLC actually goes on the record here and states outright that the Bible is hate speech.
  2. I can't imagine the US would ever turn against our ally Israel. And I've not heard other nations are turning against them. Of course the Muslim nations woulnd't necessarily befriend Israel, but that is to be expected I suppose.
  3. I think a lot of it has to do with parents having wanted the opposite sex child than what was given by God to them. I remember a news article some time ago where a mother sued an elementary school for the right of their son to enter girls facilities there. She claimed her six year old was transgender. When I was 6 I was what they called a Tomboy. I had no illusion I was a boy inside. But that woman who filed suit, won! And now her child can violate the privacy of little girls from elementary grade until he graduates. He doesn't even have to dress the part. He can simply claim he is a girl inside and he's allowed into all private facilities so he can offend the majority of students there due to their being forced by law to defer to his alleged feelings about himself. Isaiah warned us. Beware of those who call evil good and good evil. It's a spirit that is descending on this world ever more so than what was here before. That woman is actually said to be the mother of all other lawsuits of that nature as relates to children being violated because the next lawsuit ensues where a parent claims their child is not really their child as they appear to be. But has a hidden opposite sex inside them. And because of that it should have the right to offend and violate others so it can express itself.......equally! God have mercy!
  4. God have mercy. So much of this makes me think of eschatology and end times Bible prophecy that appears to be tranpiring right before our eyes. I agree completely. There's a red alert cell phone app that warns of pending attacks in Israel and Gaza. Thing is, one would think Hamas and their allies would have that app in order to be forewarned of Israels launches against them too. Just this past Sunday on the show, Face the Nation, with Morley Schaeffer, who featured panel discussion at separate times with the Palestinian and Israeli ambassadors, a red alert came in to the Israeli ambassador of a pending attack Israel was launching in Gaza. They showed the airplane footage from the perspective of the bombers ready to launch against the Palestinians there and a child had run out into the target site. Israel aborted the mission due to their being children present. But the thing about that is, it appeared as if the Palestinians in the house had that launch application on their own smart phones. And that is why they sent an innocent little child out into the line of fire so as to either dissuade Israel or make a martyr of the child who would die in the blast. Theirs is an evil agenda when they believe , via Islam, that they have nothing to lose if any one of them is killed. If they're martyred they are told in the Qur'an that they go straight to paradise. Wheras if they simply die of other causes they're not guaranteed that. It is a formidable enemy one that has no thing to lose.
  5. I've always used the KJV. But of late I found a reference to, The Holy Bible In Its Original Order - A Faithful Version with Commentary, that was recommended to me at another Christian forum I'm member of. I'm hoping the local library can obtain a copy through interlibrary loan so I can review it rather than purchase to find out if I like it or not.
  6. She ran screaming from the shower room, towel wrapped around her, straight to her mom in the lobby. Her mommy went to the security guard at the front desk , who was half way to them at the time because she'd heard the screams, and after reporting there was a man in the women's/girls shower , which meant he had walked through the womens locker room to get there, was informed that it was perfectly legal! And there was nothing that could be done. Becuase he had rights since he 'identified' as a woman.
  7. I don't know about Catholic teachings re; veil of Veronica. I do know about the the Sudarium of Oviedo, though there is no image upon it.
  8. Exactly. Normalizing the abnormal is a great succinct description of what is transpiring in the agenda that seeks the decay of a moral Christian society in America today. It's easier to tolerate evil than it is to fight it. Meanwhile, as one only tolerates what is otherwise intolerable, those who are opposed to that concession are the one's labeled as abnormal. Only those labels take the place names of, bigot, and phobe. Phobe being added to whatever sin or evil one is concerned with. Homo-phobe, Trans-phobe. Invoke your Christian religious values and you're told that's religious bigotry and those scriptures you cite are as good as hate speech.
  9. It is a mental illness, some say it is demons, but whatever someone believes in that they are in the wrong body, they're actually mentally sick to see themselves that way. Gender identity disorder, as it's also known. What is wrong in this society, and it is spreading rapidly, is that rather than being treated for what must be a horrible existence, they're instead being given special rights to trespass on healthy gender's privacy. Public bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, in public schools, as well as in the secular community of many states, is now permitted them by law. Yes, my 8 year old God daughter can be finishing her swim class at the YMCA, go to the locker room to get undressed and shower and there's a fully exposed male who claims he's a female on the inside, showering in the open! Because it is an open room shower facility there. And he's legally protected! While little Cathy is shocked to her toes!
  10. Please refer me to the Bible scripture that says exactly that. Thank you.
  11. I think it is that question that causes so many to enter into Christian Universalism, also called, Universal Reconcilliation. Wherein it is believed, with the support of scripture, that when Jesus said he took the sins of the world upon himself on the cross that the whole world's people were saved eternally from their sin and Hell. Otherwise, he was a failure for his sacrifice and he lied about why he became the propitiation for our sins. 1 Timothy 4:10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.
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