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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. I'm giving my assets to my God daughter and her sister. I know them and I know it shall go to a good cause. It is not our business as to how you feel about your family giving their assets to whomever they choose. At least not beyond what you have opened us up to when you brought us into your personal business by creating this thread to do just that. I would gently suggest that you consider meditation and introspection on how you feel about this very personal matter. Because contrary to what you have also shared here with us, it appears you are indeed quite upset as to how your family distributed their assets to others and not yourself. Luke 12:13-21 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” But he said to him, “Man, who made me a judge or arbitrator over you?” And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’
  2. Looks like? Have you seen the shroud in person? If it was, as the legend goes, a medieval forgery created using inks and stencil, there would be evidence of the inks in the fiber of the weave of the linen. There is none at all. I'd suggest,if you are interested in the research, that you take a look at one of the latest documentaries that review the shroud in depth. It is more than you think. LINK
  3. Fred­er­ick Leh­man wrote it in 1917. The arrangement into hymnal form was composed by his daughter. You can find the hymn performed here
  4. 000000 It is a trustworthy organisation at least, I believe. They claim every $1.80 bible leads to a person saved. So that's pretty good if it is true. I am "dealing with it". Just trying to process it with other Christians. I hope your family researched carefully before making this decision. You can always research to your own satisfaction to see if the group is listed with any of the charity or Christian ministry rating services. Best Christian Charity Ratings Edited name of charity per request of OP authoress.
  5. "Allah", is Arabic for "God". I wonder about clerics like that. They hope to incite bloody violence in order to wipe out all other people in creation because they dare worship in a different way. That, 'religion of peace', propaganda just keeps getting more press at times like this.
  6. 1st Corinthians tells us that that we each, as individuals in faith, are the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:27
  7. That claim has been debunked. The corner that was carbon dated happened to be an area that would have been one of the most handled parts of the cloth. Which would affect the outcome of the testing. However, there is a fascinating newer study on the shroud that is available to view in full at You Tube.If you go there search: The Real Face of Jesus From the Shroud of Turin. It's posted by: rayaglenn
  8. By definition of bigotry, both would be demonstrating bigotry.
  9. Strange that you would ask this question. Tell me, you claim false accusations was made against you, a lie. Is a false accusation not a sin if it is a lie? First, my words were "Interesting how discussing what "sin is", sin is committed.". I was not saying that discussing sin is a sin, but rather, sin was committed when focusing sin. My point, as I said before, is we should be focusing on what we should be doing and not on what we should not be doing. Thank you,
  10. Again, how do we sin if we discuss sin? That was what you said. I'm simply trying to understand what you mean for my own edification. Thank you. Strange that you would ask this question. Tell me, you claim false accusations was made against you, a lie. Is a false accusation not a sin if it is a lie?
  11. You're giving me a chance? You're giving me a chance to convince your false witness, a sin, and your failure in reading comprehension, is just that? And then you'll believe I never said what you project in those faults you possess? No thanks. I know I never called her a bigot. That's enough.
  12. What ministry did she give that money to? Further, it's a done deal. Deal with it. That's the only thing you can do.
  13. I think you need to read my reply again. Rather than ask for clarification, then presume, and then project, and then attack.
  14. And yet that description below of a belief system is exactly what Bigotry is.
  15. There was no intention of 'hijacking' this thread in my posting those cartoons.Which were in keeping with the context of the OP question. Dinosaurs and scripture. Thanks for the suggestion.
  16. Certain violent practices are here. U.S Honor Killings in the News
  17. I agree with Other One. This kind of violence is far too frequent a news item.
  18. Matthew 10:22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. The lawsuit should give CSU a wake up call. At least I'd hope so.
  19. The horse and camel used to exist in the new world (americas) until prehistoric man wiped them out. I suspected that dinos were wiped out after the flood by various things. If not man, then by a changed environment or disease etc. I just can't see a TRex getting on the ark.... There's a reason for that.
  20. Yes, Dinosaurs did exist. We have the fossil record to prove that. Scripture refers in Job to, Behemoth. And there is mention of Leviathan and the dragon that is in the sea.Both these references are in Isaiah, as just one example of scripture that can be said to refer to what we call dinosaurs today. Cute kitty! Thanks. Sadly, the dog has a thing about towels.
  21. I would think most Christians know what Sin is defined as, if they read their Bibles. SIN (Sic)"...The origin of sin is a mystery, and must for ever remain such to us. It is plain that for some reason God has permitted sin to enter this world, and that is all we know. His permitting it, however, in no way makes God the author of sin."
  22. Yes, Dinosaurs did exist. We have the fossil record to prove that. Scripture refers in Job to, Behemoth. And there is mention of Leviathan and the dragon that is in the sea.Both these references are in Isaiah, as just one example of scripture that can be said to refer to what we call dinosaurs today.
  23. Indeed. I don't think Obama is one to take issue with the evil that certain Muslims do. Thank God she is at least out of Sudan. May she and her family be safe in God's protection.
  24. I agree completely. There's a red alert cell phone app that warns of pending attacks in Israel and Gaza. Thing is, one would think Hamas and their allies would have that app in order to be forewarned of Israels launches against them too. Just this past Sunday on the show, Face the Nation, with Morley Schaeffer, who featured panel discussion at separate times with the Palestinian and Israeli ambassadors, a red alert came in to the Israeli ambassador of a pending attack Israel was launching in Gaza. They showed the airplane footage from the perspective of the bombers ready to launch against the Palestinians there and a child had run out into the target site. Israel aborted the mission due to their being children present. But the thing about that is, it appeared as if the Palestinians in the house had that launch application on their own smart phones. And that is why they sent an innocent little child out into the line of fire so as to either dissuade Israel or make a martyr of the child who would die in the blast. Theirs is an evil agenda when they believe , via Islam, that they have nothing to lose if any one of them is killed. If they're martyred they are told in the Qur'an that they go straight to paradise. Wheras if they simply die of other causes they're not guaranteed that. It is a formidable enemy one that has no thing to lose. I think Satan knew that when he devised Islam. He had this all planned out. He's very cunning. When an angel (fallen angel) visited Mohammed to give the revelations that would ultimately become the Q'uran, Satan would have guessed what was going to happen and knew that this religion would be extremely difficult to deal with. I messed up when I replied to your post. My reply blended with yours: Edit to make it right: Especially when "Allah", Arabic for God, allegedly told Muhammad that suicide guaranteed the faithful a straight shot to paradise. Where, and this is I think a key point that supports your observation, the now dead martyr who is praised on earth still and who's family is often paid by rich shieks because of that sacrifice they chose to let happen, while in paradise after that suicide is now allowed to partake of all the sins forbidden them in the Qur'an while alive on earth. Women, alcohol, etc... Islam translates to, "submission', not peace.
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