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Everything posted by creativemechanic

  1. That line of thinking is a bit off. God puts people together but we cant limit the how he does it. He may use different means- some people may be set up by people, others meet randomly, some know each other long before He opens their eyes to each other. So we cant limit how Hell work
  2. This is based on actual situations Ive heard of. People agreeing to go on blind / online dates only to realise upon meeting that the person hid some key details. Either they have kids that they failed to mention, they may be still living with exes or their profile pics are older and dont reflect how they currently look- weight gain etc. What do ou think of this and what biblical principles can be applied
  3. Personally I see it this way- 1) It the fathers dinner- he can invite who he wants. 2) Its just a few hours, theyll probably wont see the other lady much after. 3) It shows something- when we leave something, we dont just leave- but rather we leave people behind and relationships as well. I saw something like this personally when people abruptly left my church- so much chaos and confusion. All of which couldve been alleviated by taking the time to properly adjust and make correct preparations fpr their departure
  4. The original question was- he got divorced and remarried. His parents were still close with his ex and would invite her to family dinners and he wanted them to stop and was asking if he was wrong to. The issue is to determine who you think was correct in said situation. Father or son.
  5. Based on something i saw on a asking for advice post. What do you think?
  6. What do you think of this perspective I heard from another christian. A mistake we as Christians can make is thinking its our place to make people live like we think they should against their will. Something that God himself doesnt do. God will give us directions and warnings of what to do through His word or via prophets in Bible times and then leave the individual to make their choice. If they chose wrong, theyll get the consequences of their decisions. Samwe way, we should speak up and call sin, sin but beyond that , its not in our jurisdiction to do much else But often times, we christians dont do that . We sometimes try to force people, especially the unsaved to live according to Biblical principles (that christians themselves sometimes dont follow) Eg we try to make a big fuss politically and marches etc to bar or ban gay marriage and abortions. Yes its a sin, yes, it goes against Gods word and we should never compromise and act like its not. but its their choice to make and God will deal with them for their decision. This is problematic too because. 1) It's none of our business. 2) These are the same people we should be trying to reach with the gospel. Doing stuff like this can make that harder. 30 It makes us look hypocritical because we dont raise as much a stink if any about other issues that the bible prohibits- eg What dont we make a big noise for poverty allieviation policy, where's the anti-divorce movements, why dont we protest fornication? What do you think?
  7. I have a thing for listening to proverbs, both biblical and international. I find them pretty interesting. I actually draw comics based on them. Its so amusing how well they are put together and how wise they are. Have you ever heard any that you stick to of stand out? Some of mine- If you dont feed your dog, prepare to feed the thieves- If you dont nurture or care for people ( eg not show love to your kids or spouse) youll open the door for people wholl take adcantage of that- affairs etc )Estonian) A man who wants to drown his dog ,will first claim its mad- People who want to do something wrong to someone will often first lie or exaggerate its negative characteristics- eg when people want to leave church or stop serving God, theyll often make it look like the most horrible place/people on earth thus justifying their departure. (French) Dont try to remove a fly from a friends forehead with an axe- Correction/ criticism doesnt have to be unnecessarily harsh.. Mix yourself with bran and youll be eaten by pigs- I think it means hang with bad company, youll find yourself in the same messes they do
  8. Have you ever had one of these moments. Something you really wanted to do or felt was for you . Only to have it quashed by some circumstance. Initially youre disappointed or angry at God for taking this thing you wanted from you only to later see He in His goodness was actually protecting you or even making the road clear for something better. What examples do you have? One of mine I had an illegal immigrant friend who was reported by her angry ex and deported leaving their child in the country. Initially I wondered why God would let that happen and seperate the mother and child/ Time passed- Were no longer friends . Part of the reason why was I learned she was an expert user who wasnt above using sex to entice men to do her bidding and tossing them aside once she got what she wanted. Even to the point of trying to get a marriage of convenience.While she was overseas she tried some of those tricks on me but the distance kept me safe. Imagine if shed tried that stuff while she was here in the same country as I or tried to get me marry her. THANK YOU GOD
  9. I hate it. Its so bad ,its infiltrated kids cartoons- In the reboot of Muppet Babies, they did a Cinderella eposode where Baby Gonzo goes to the ball in the dress gown and wig , Arthurs teacher Mr Ratburn was exposed as gay and had a gay wedding and so many more...
  10. Original poster here:Please lets get us back on track and not make it a Trump good/ Trump Bad post. Heres another one Missionary Matchmaking- ie I had an unsaved friend or relative. I know a Christian whos single, so I try to hook them up, hoping that the Christian will "tame" the unsaved person and encourage them,
  11. Ive been reading a book called- The 10 Dumbest things Christians do. A good read. Its written by a pastor showing things we Christians inadvertently do that cause damage to the kingdom- eg bad talking our church or other christians and make us all look bad and make stumbling blocks to the unsaved, winning the unsaved to our church rather than to Jesus. So I got to thinking. What are some of the things have you noticed that we as Christians do that inadvertently cause damage to our ministries or the church as a whole. Im not talking about sins , because we already know from Scripture that we shouldnt do things the bible forbids but those things that under analysis make little to no sense but we continue with them, possibly due to culture or tradition. Examples 1. Getting too comfortable with unsaved church attendants. Not that we ostracize them but sometimes, persons who have never accepted Jesus as Savior but just attend our churches get so accustomed to that they get allowed to participate in ministries- eg How many singers do we know started out in church choirs never having been saved, eventually leave and go on to sing the lewdest most ungodly songs, making christianity as a whole look bad- eg Tina Turner started singing in church, is now a devout Buddist and has been for decades
  12. Something I notied. Seeing how the world's standards continually plummet ,the world's parenting standards plummet and it will shock you how some kids are raised. So if you had Christian Godly parents be thankful because you moreikely than not for raised with Godly standards. Beciase from what I've seen and heard, many kids (some now adults ) didn't have thatand come up with all kinds of ridivilous standards. If you are a parent,remember you have a God given respinsbility to raise your children in a way separate from the world. Case in point. Any one remember when your parents limited you dress esp the ladies. Now,it seems some parents buy the immodest clothes to match theirs and let the kids go out with them
  13. Been reading in samual. Amazing how these stories show us so many lessons relevant til today
  14. Some actually justify this by daying they were Josephs children from a previous marriage or that brethren in Hebrew can refer to cousins. It shows that people will distort what may be obvious fact to maintain what belief they are accustomed to
  15. And that shecstayed a virgin til death....despite Jesus having brothwrs and sisters
  16. Yeah.it shows hos mindful we have to ve that we dont wall out people
  17. It's the norm where where love actually. Most people don't bother to get married
  18. She's saying-You know father we have another similarity. We're both single. Amazing how society has changed. As in being a single mother isn't as condemned as it once was. But it kinda stinks how their disapproval for her state made them so disgusted that they made to poor lady leave.
  19. We forget where we've come from and where we can go if wete not careful.
  20. I agree. It sometimes imo gives the impression that it's a quick fix to the consequences of life which really don't exist.
  21. I was once talking to a lady and her life experiences came up. She explained how when she got pregnant with her 1st child ,she discussed with the father and said she was willing to have an abortion of he wanted one. He didn't want one so she went through with the pregnancy. Later on the mother had pics up on her instagram showing off that same child now about 7 or 8 as parents will do. And also spoke to me of how she loved her. Isn't it amazing-the child who she had been ok with killing is now the centre of her life? Kinda shows despite all the pro choicers klap trap excuses another way of how really evil the act of abortion is. You're in effect sniffing out the life of someone who could then go on to be the centre of your life?
  22. You do realise that vaccinations dont cause autism right? the only reason autism numbers have skyrocketed is because of more awareness of its presence. So more autistic children are being diagnosed whereas once theyd have been thought of as being slow or mentally challenged. It as always there, were just more aware of it. In any case, which would you prefer? A increased chance of a vaccinated child getting autism or a raging pandemic which may kill said child and many others? What also hilarious is that alot of these people who are lobbying for anti vax themselves are vaccinated and are safe but are putting their own children or telling people to put their children at risk. No matter how you doll it up, stubbornness and ignorance are.... stubborness and ignorance.
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