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Everything posted by Dawn33

  1. I can not imagine asking someone to cut off ties with their child. I am not sure what kind of person could do something like. She married you and she knew that you had a child from a previous relationship. I am curious.... why would your wife want you to do this? Is your daughter a bad person? or is your wife insecure and jealous? Is your wife a Christian?.... Everyone's advice on counseling sounds good, you should follow up on that.
  2. same here, I think we have become less tolerant of it. A few weeks ago school was canceled in the city I work in because it was too cold and they didn't think it was safe for kids to be walking to school and waiting for buses when it was -1.I don't remember school being canceled when I was a kid because it was cold. I am in New England and we have cold winters here...always have.
  3. This book was a few books back before he really went off... but yes you are so right Ayin Jade I wouldn't go to a church that followed his teachings. It is a shame, I think he was talented but fell away from the faith.
  4. LOL.. I thought it was just me.... but I feel the same way when I hear the news these days!
  5. My Church has a diet group and it follows a diet called PRISM. it is based on faith and prayer and healthy eating. It works but it is hard to follow if you don't have self control. We have to keep a food journal at all times to keep track of calories consumed. I can only have 1300 and that is not much so a food journal helps to keep track. We also read food labels.... you would be amazed with the high fructose corn syrup that is in so much of our foods. We can not have any sugar in this diet.No bread in the beginning of the diet as well.When you are allowed bread it can only be whole wheat and two pieces a day. I saw many diabetics come of of insulin on this diet and many middle age folks loose lots of weight.
  6. After reading everyone's posts I am grateful for my church. I do not always agree with everything that goes on..My church had a church wide study of a book by Rob Bell. I don't care for him and I do not believe he is a christian but I went along with it anyway.. I didn't have to agree but it is good to learn and participate. I think it is a matter of commitment..just like a marriage.No one is perfect and there are no perfect churches.
  7. Sometimes watching the news can make me feel this way.
  8. As a teacher, I would be thrilled if a student told me they were going to turn things around and change. Tell your teacher you are going to change... teachers can be very forgiving. We have to be.... it is not easy getting kids to do work when they do not want to. If you don't understand something ask for help but don't be a class clown and be disruptive because you don't want to deal with doing the work or admitting you need help. Good Luck I will be praying for you!
  9. Welcome, I will be praying for you. I am curious... where in scripture does it say we can be attacked by these type of demons?
  10. Perhaps I don't mean marriage but civil unions...I don't think it is fair to deny them the right to have a civil union based on their belief or sexual orientation. I do not think they should be allowed to have a marriage ceremony in our Christian churches...but why cant they have a ceremony in a Unitarian church or by justice of the peace kind of thing. They have to be two consenting adults as-well. So yes we should draw a line on these unions. Yes I agree there is some sort of agenda and they are trying to push their lifestyle on everyone and make it acceptable..perhaps that is some type of sign of the end times when right is wrong and wrong is right...I don't know. As for them adopting kids...I am not sure I have a problem with that. Five days a week I am around kids who do not have homes, they are in and out of foster care because they have been abused, abandoned or some sold into prostitution by their own parents. These kids are wonderful kids who need and deserve loving homes...if a gay couple would be loving and protecting of a kid I don't have a problem with that. Maybe I am wrong...I don't know
  11. I don't think many of us idolize the Constitution. But it is the law of the land and I would not want to live under any other secular government out there. Our Constitution is the best in the world and it is partly why the US is greatest nation to have ever come into existence in modern times. We are not perfect and we are not the new Jerusalem, but we are better than anything else that anyone else has got going on. I would not want to live in Europe or the Midde East, the Far East or anywhere else. We have more freedom and more opportunity than anyone else and that partly to do with our Constitution and the rights it provides us. I will disagree with any notion that the Constitution provides for a "right" to be married be it heterosexual marriage, or homosexual marriage. The Constitution does not speak to any "right" of marriage. Marriage is a freedom, not a right. There is a difference. I couldn't agree with you more on this. I am grateful I was born here and live here. God could have made me born of parents in Syria of Afghanistan but luckily not. We have many problems in the US but it is the best thing going ...now. With that being said, do you all feel that not everyone deserves the freedom to marry. What I mean is, we as Christians, have to be heterosexual and if we are not we are living in a sinful way. However... not everyone believes what we do...do they not deserve these same freedoms because they believe differently ?Isn't that un- American?
  12. # 1 for sure for me. There are things that I don't understand on why they are wrong or sinful but I know it is Gods word and scripture is clear on it being wrong...so it is wrong whether I agree or not. Sorry if this didn't make sense I'm getting tired.
  13. wow you are lucky...it is going to be below 0 tonight and tomorrow morning. The schools in the Boston area have closed because they don't want the kids out waiting for buses in that kind of temp..it is only safe to be out with exposed skin for about 10 min. before frostbite can happen. I don't think I will be seeing any owls...hopefully they will be hiding in trees keeping warm!
  14. Jerry1023, your post really made me sad. I am sorry that there are pastors like that in your area. I will be praying that you find a good and truthful pastor. You deserve that!
  15. I hear them and see them during the day as well. Though not as much as of late because it is very cold in Massachusetts now. You might see them more because your climate isn't as bad and they are out and about.
  16. I always thought Jezebel was the woman that Shiloh described. I have never heard of anyone being possessed by her the way Oakwood mentioned. If she were a real person at one time... a ruler or queen.. how could she posses someone? wouldn't she be a human and not a demon ? that doesn't make any sense to me.
  17. Wow , that is weird about the screaming thing while you were in prayer...that kind of tells us something...thanks for sharing
  18. But don't you find it cult like how they have added their own book, written from their own profit or founder ?
  19. Now I am curious....what do you have to thank them for? I don't know much about them and I respect the freedom we have to chose to believe what we want to... but I don't understand why people fall into these cult like type religions when they have bibles to read and find answers for themselves.
  20. Yes the class participation was a huge problem last week. It was sad because I had to deny a 7 year old kid from having a cup cake when everyone else in the class had one because his mother told me he could not have candy or cup cakes if they were holiday related. It just felt so wrong that I had to do this to a kid. He also had to sit in the office when the rest of the class went to a Christmas concert .
  21. Thank You, Ayin Jade ... for those links...very interesting... I had no idea they deny the deity of Christ.
  22. Does anyone know about this group??I am not very familiar with this church, but a few of the students in my class are involved in this church and some of the things we do in class are things that these kids cannot participate in. It made things very awkward around Christmas time. I was just wondering if anyone knew. Thanks, Dawn Also... what are topic tags?
  23. Wow... Nigel, I was just blown away by your post. I will be praying for you and thank you for sharing! Dawn
  24. I think that life can be very unfair and it is normal to ask why things happen. This doesn't mean that you don't trust God.... we just seem to want understanding and answers.That is our nature. I see sad and unfair things in my student's life's all of the time ( I am a teacher in a urban district). There are days when I sit at my desk and cry at the end of the day when the kids have gone home because of the situations that they go through. I just keep on praying and telling myself that God is in control.
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