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Everything posted by believeUme

  1. I'm not sure what you're saying.
  2. I don't think anything makes us worthy, but the a right relationship.
  3. Do you think that satan the accuser of the brethren, is planting thoughts in the heads of common Christians to do his dirty work. It makes sense Why else would Christians shoot their own?
  4. You don't, making opportunity end's in failure. Wait for opportunity.
  5. I think church starts in the heart of someone who wants to learn.
  6. I'm close to walking out of this place, I'll give them one more hour. Then.....
  7. But it's not all doom and gloom, it's warm and my chair is comfy comfy. Let's see what happens.
  8. I'm watching them work now, they don't like these homeless people. It's all very clinical.
  9. Well I'm here, at a Christian housing organization. I just came from another one, they are thinly stretched and don't do any follow up's once you land in one of their boarding houses. That's all they have, the streets are safer than their houses. 3rd times the charm.
  10. I'm not an alcoholic. They pass me a cup, I have one and they're settled. The problem is that they are in such pain it makes them feel better to see other people worst off. I never was, I tried to speak to them on behalf of the spirit but they mocked me.
  11. Doing that now. I'm never returning there, even if I have to live on the streets. The bats and possums won't trouble me.
  12. So many people put being happy over just being content. Happiness is something people chase all their lives, but never reach that star. Let me ask you a question Does this other person you have feelings for seem More happy. Or More content. Well there's your answer. You're not chasing him, but the happiness you think he has.
  13. So many people put being happy over just being content. Happiness is something people chase all their lives, but never reach that star. Let me ask you a question Does this other person you have feelings for seem More happy. Or More content.
  14. Living in a house full of addicts is no fun, they have short memories and are long unforgiving. Being extorted and over man handled, pressured to join in with their filthy mouth's (I have to keep silent) I don't desire to drink, and smoke drugs with you. I have purpose, and it's not to destroy my body, mind and soul. But to them, that is weakness, I can't be approved unless I can drink or smoke more than them and still stand up straight. It's weak to show true emotions, weak to care and weak to to be weaker than them.
  15. Yeah what's wrong with you? Maybe it's that you're happily married. That's a big responsibility to live up to, why not try for contentment in your marriage. (It has no contention)
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