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Everything posted by cherubim

  1. That's a good suggestion! I'll run that by my daughter & husband. I've been so afraid I can't think clearly.
  2. Thank you so much for your prayers! I urged my daughter to call the court and a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Thank God, something good! Please - if anyone sees this - if you don't want to see a young boy's life destroyed - please pray God's protection over him. Please.
  3. I AM SCARED TO DEATH FOR MY GRANDSON. PLEASE - PRAY FOR MY GRANDSON BRANDON. MY DAUGHTER HAD TO TAKE HIM TO VISITATION TONIGHT WITH HIS UNGODLY FATHER AND I AM SICK WITH FEAR. HIS FATHER IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. HE ABUSED HER SO SHE LEFT AND HE IS NOT SAFE. His wife did terrible things in front of my grandson! Yet this judge is making it go forward. I am in such raw FEAR. A non-Christian is making the decision. Please pray!!! I told my daughter she needs to turn back to God again. SCRIPTURE says to "not take someone before unbelievers" yet that is what my daughters ex is doing. Please PRAY!!! That judge is going to hurt my grandson if he forces this.
  4. Thanks very much. We got a lawyer - it cost money we can't afford. My daughter goes tonight - please pray for her.
  5. Thanks Morning Glory. We had another thing hit - and I experienced fear. I've been 'taking every thought captive'. Please keep praying for us. My adult daughter is having a struggle with trying to keep her son's father from invading his life. Please pray! His father is not good to have around my grandson. He is a liar - one of the worst I've come across. He remarried a woman on drugs, and she did vile things in front of my grandson. We went before a judge, and he is not good. My grandson is doing well, and his father will disrupt his life. He is bad news. He assaulted my daughter and me, yet the judge is forcing her to bring my grandson to the court for his father to see him. He has not paid child support for 9 years, and the judge said it doesn't matter. My husband & I are sick over it. I have been going before God repeatedly.
  6. Thank you. It seems off - there is no reason she should be single. I am thinking it must be spiritual now.
  7. Thank you. Can you please pray for my daughter? There is something wrong - she's beautiful, educated, every good thing - yet can't meet a godly man. I've been thinking satan must be doing it.
  8. Sorry - forgot to add the above professions are listed in Forbes magazine as the top 10 jobs that attract psychopaths. Alarming, isn't it? You can understand why the government is such a mess, and why *some* troopers can beat a man to death like rabid dogs until they sever his spine as in the Freddie Gray case. I knew of one young woman molested by state troopers - and were told by a lawyer to not pursue it. That's evil. Those on the outside of prison walls are at times worse than those on the inside. They're just more sophisticated criminals. But we know that "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord..." We are living in very evil times. Like Habakkuk. Our institutions are evil. There is no constitution anymore. Some already know this. If you do not know this, you will. Deep calls to deep - watch...
  9. Things that happened to me make no sense either. I feel God very close but wish He would grant us relief. I don't doubt we're being attacked. Sometimes an event will take you off guard until you realize it's an attack. Can you please pray for my family & I? We have been hit terribly and I'm weary. I hope you do okay as well. It makes you think maybe the end is coming because the evil one knows "his time is short..."
  10. We've been reading Pilgrim's Progress with our grandson. We are being attacked even now. You get a brief rest and then something rears it's ugly head. What did Paul say: Perils from without and within... Stress from trials and attacks can grow very wearying.
  11. I could be wrong - there is so much we don't know involving the spiritual realm - but I think something huge is about to break. Again - I could be wrong - but I think that satan has opposed Christians so badly that God is going to act. The above information let me see "spiritual forces of evil in high places." I don't think any Christian can afford to look the other way and pretend there isn't a severe battle going on. Churches have to stop worrying about who is going to bake cupcakes or light the Christmas tree - we've been too lackadaisical. We are in a battle. Like it or not. I wish it weren't so, but life and God has let me see the deadly nature of the battle. We need to be in much prayer. "Be sober...be vigilant...your enemy, the devil, prowls around as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour..."
  12. For those who are ready to handle a heavy dose of truth: Demons are actively assigned to specific areas - states, cities, churches. The verse in Daniel which states that "A powerful prince of Persia" attempted to prevent the answer from coming. http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/1356/Satan-How-Does-He-Operate Here is an excerpt: How does Satan work in his own children? Through preventing and through perverting. Let me give you a third way – through politicking. Satan works in his own people by influencing governments and nations. You say, “How does Satan influence governments and nations?” I had a most interesting conversation about a year ago with a young man who had been very involved in a society called the Mark Age Society which is a very upper echelon, demonic, séance-oriented, witchcraft-oriented group. They have contacts with many mediums. They meet in Santa Monica in a very large house, and they’re very wealthy people that are involved in it; some of them are very well-known people in the music industry. And he was meeting with them quite regularly in this Mark Age Society, and he was finding out amazing bits of information, which he was passing on to me. And I was getting information to which nobody in the world was exposed except this little group of people. He was telling me, for example, that those people have the knowledge of certain demons, and they know where certain other demons are assigned. Now, whether or not you can believe all the demons say is a good question. But what he found out, be it true or not, is very interesting. Likely there’s some truth to it. He was saying that the demon who is in charge of America, the one who is responsible for propagating certain demonic influence in America, is very high up in the U.N. He indwells a certain figure who has some connection with America in the United Nations. Now, that’s just one little piece of information he gave me. I don’t want to tell you too much, or you’re liable to get your brain boggled. He also said they told him where in the universe – supposedly on Mars and Jupiter – was the location of the headquarters of the demonic force, and this all was being passed on to him from mediums and spirits that they were contacting. And he was saying that the demons have a network in the governments of countries like our own by which they control these countries.
  13. I recently went through a battle so intense I did not think I would make it. I had underwent surgery, and drove out to do a one day job, and slid in the snow. A trooper mistook my disabilities as impairment, (It was DAYTIME; I was going to WORK) even though my handicapped placard was in full view. Two troopers lied in the very face of the evidence and the witness of a man who helped me. I have a flawless driving record. We contacted every government agency - not ONE would help. The lawyer we hired was crooked and kept bleeding us for more money until we refused. Do not kid yourselves - the constitution is dead. I was the ONLY one who didn't break the law. The lawyer told me the prosecutor refused to drop the charges because 'it would make police look bad and open them up to a lawsuit.' My husband & I never knew the system was so corrupt. I held my ground and refused to lie and stood up to the corrupt judge. Our neighbor is a judge who we appealed to and he helped some. What of those who don't know a judge?? I finally won but it almost killed me. Everyone told me to lie and accept the plea - even my pastor. I refused. This country is corrupt, ugly, dirty, and abominable through and through. My cousin is a lawyer who worked in the Justice Department. He said he quit because it was so corrupt. I'll not speak of it again - it was too painful. Pray for God to act- until you experience it, you do not know how evil it is. Please pray for God's judgment on those that persecuted me and my husband. "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord..." Pray too for the wrongfully convicted. After my experience, I KNOW how people in positions of power abuse innocent people.
  14. Sorry - it wouldn't allow me to edit: 1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media (Television/Radio) 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil servant So we have CEO's representing special interest groups influencing lawmakers, we have lawyers enacting unfair laws and running the country, the media who reports only what they want to control the masses, salespeople selling things using power of persuasion to their advantage and to your disadvantage, surgeons performing unnecessary surgeries, journalists slanting the news, police officers abusing power, clergy misrepresenting the truth, chefs (hard one), civil servants being paid for not doing their jobs. This is a satire of course - but maybe not too far from truth.
  15. It's good to share - it should not be something kept hidden or left untaught, nor should over-emphasis be given the evil one - which takes our eyes off of our walk. As a new believer I got hit - I hate to even recall it. I knew nothing, and was so fearful of sharing it - afraid I would have my children taken from me. I suffered immensely. Finally a Christian neighbor recommended the book "The Adversary" I then grasped what I had endured. Much of government is now evil, so a believer who told their experiences to a secular counselor would be in a lot of trouble. My cousin was struggling and alone, and made a passing remark to someone from the office of aging or some help she was getting, about wanting to end it after her dog died. Police broke into her house, took her out without shoes (from what she told me - I wasn't there) and forcibly put her in a mental institute. She called me, hysterical, begging for help. I phoned the public defender - very nice man - but I asked if her rights were violated. He told me "no" - that if someone makes such a remark, you can be forcibly removed from your home and committed. Our institutions are evil to one degree or another. Satan operates in darkness - and keeps us from seeking help, using our natural fear of being deemed unsound. And even if you shared it with another believer - they may not have reached the level of spiritual growth that you have - which actually causes satan's attacks on you. They may be clueless. I asked for prayer aloud in church one time, for someone who was being harassed by another, and I stated openly that I thought the harassment was satanic. The assistant pastor looked at me oddly, then quickly changed the subject. It is experiences such as this that cause believers to keep silent about these types of spiritual assault. It's a sad reflection of the watered-down caricature of scripture teaching in churches today. Satan takes different forms: a roaring lion, yet we are warned of his wiles. We've all known people who exhibit 'wiles' - they can't be trusted. You are uneasy about them. A psychopath is a person who lies. Our government is full of them - it's run by lawyers and we now live in a police state; many don't know this yet. We've heard the multiple news stories of police rabidly beating human beings - such as Freddie Gray, until his spine was severed. What 'spirit' drove that assault? Look at the lies that inevitably follow. Police in the next town to us allowed a police dog to rip a man apart until he died. Troopers executed my neighbor's grandson; he wasn't armed. Look up Plea4change. There are good and bad people in the following professions, but unfortunately, demonically controlled individuals seek positions of power over others. Forbes top 10 list of jobs that attract psychopaths explains why the country has grown progressively evil. I believe we are living in a time of unparalleled evil. Habakuk cried out to God due to the evil he witnessed. David cried out in the psalms "there is no one who does right" - any Christian looking on the contemporary scene has to feel dismay. When our children were in grade school, on back to school night we visited the school library. Looking through the books, we were appalled that there was a book on witchcraft. We are not in a safe society today: 1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media (Television/Radio) 4. Salesperson 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police Officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10.Civil Servant 7. Police officer 8. Clergy person 9. Chef 10. Civil servant
  16. I think many churches don't teach this as much as they should. I've studied it on my own - but we are told to study ourselves. There is unbalanced teaching as well. I think we need to exercise discernment when anything is taught. I know the dark side is real - but I infrequently share things, unless someone brings up their experiences. Unless it's happened to another - you are going to be viewed as crazy. My daughter and her husband bought a house in a rural area - I never liked it - I don't know why. They would see dark figures, the tv would turn on by itself, and someone in the house fell asleep on the couch and awoke to being choked. There was more - I won't go into. My daughter put her cell phone in the master bedroom and left it on auto-record. I was appalled when audible voices spoke. I'd experienced things, but to hear voices gave me the creeps. They moved out, and I did not even want my husband entering the house to remove their belongings. I prayed over them when they went in. The house went up for sale and I tried to find someone to cleanse the house but could not. I felt irresponsible allowing anyone to buy the house without knowing. But no one would help - and I'd never done it. So I don't know what happened. When I was searching online though, I read that this is a common phenomena now. I did speak with one guy who did it - and I caught him in a lie - so I wondered how he had the spiritual strength to fight the enemy while participating in one of the enemy's chief weapons. While I do not attend Catholic services, Catholics have seemed to have led the field in this area, although much discernment needs to be employed.
  17. Wow - sounds like some of the finger-pointers in my ex-family. They are certainly violating you by going into your room It sounds like an unhealthy situation. Can you apply for temporary SSI until you can find a job? I don't necessarily know that things will get better in those family dynamics that are obviously unhealthy.
  18. Hi Mona - I struggle with anxiety. I've started taking Inositol - which is a member of the B vitamins. It has been studied and proven to help. Another issue is - believe it or not - the bacteria that are in your gut. Google "Anxiety in your head might be coming from your gut." I find I still have worries - due to my circumstances - but I think sometimes we ascribe a spiritual issue to a biological one. And I believe that satan makes use of any inroad into your life. "Take every thought captive" is what I am currently struggling with!
  19. I think you have a grasp on it, and must have dealt with such an individual. My husband wants to wait to pay a lawyer because we've been hit so hard financially from my medical bills. That's why I find it hard to understand why she would threaten that knowing our financial situation and all the medical issues we have borne. She doesn't seem to care and attempts to accuse me for her mistakes. I sent her a link about abusers who state exactly what she did: We ALL make mistakes - when I did nothing to her. I don't know about legal issues, and whether we should hire an attorney now. The lawyer that answered told me I can have her removed as executrix if I can prove what she did. I saved the text on my phone where she threatened, but my husband was so angry that she caused us so much trouble that he erased the communication on his phone, even deleting their contact info. He contacted her husband, our brother-in-law, and he said she wouldn't contact our children anymore - and she did. So their word is not good. My husband & I are stretched like rubber bands ready to snap, and she is violating boundaries we asked her not to cross. The only thing I can see is that she wants to make my family her own. I told her that I am not responsible for her choices to not have a family, and she insists she does have a family, that she didn't give birth to them, but they were a beautiful gift. If she has a family in her stepchildren, as she claims, then why is she trying to take over mine? When I didn't bow to her 'authority' as executrix, she got angry and threatened to withhold money my father left me. They are not the actions of a healthy person. After all of that - she continues to contact my children without shame. I am ill-equipped to handle more, as is my husband. All I asked was for her to leave my family alone - that feelings are raw. She went on to list everyone in the family who she associates with, attempting to act like the problem is *me*. I told her she was using a defense mechanism: "see, I have all these people who like me, so it shows the problem is you." I told her because she had a brief superficial relationship with people does not change the FACT that she violated my boundaries. She then cut me off, and I think she blocked my email. I don't know what will happen from here. I love her - and am going to pray for her salvation - what a pastor told me to do. She abused my trust, giving her their contact info - and I think she should let things rest. I'm trying to see God's reasons for it all - maybe it is to pray for her salvation. At the same time, I have an uneasiness as she does not respect my husband & my wishes. My husband said she's trying to be "the fun aunt" - I just don't want to go through another ordeal that we went through a few months ago. For her to know how much trouble she caused and still keep pushing is pushy and being a jerk.
  20. She went behind my back and contacted my children and invited them to an event where there was someone there who did unspeakable evil. I know the entire situation - she does not. She knows some. For her to move in half-cocked announcing she can do what she wants is arrogant. She caused extreme division within my family. For her to do that is sick. She can divert her attention to her other nieces and nephews and leave mine alone. She can adopt. I am not attempting to control - I am attempting to have her back out while feelings are still raw. I would NEVER think to move in on her stepchildren - that's stepping into another person's family and SHE is a bully and would NEVER tolerate that if I tried it. For her to then threaten to keep money my father left me because she was named executrix is evil. I had to threaten to have her charged criminally and civilly. This is not an individual I trust my children with. I told them what she did - they're aware of her threatening to keep money my father left to me. My daughter told me she texted her again. For her to continue pushing in like this - I think she needs psychological counseling. My husband thinks it's jealousy because she never had her own children. That's not my fault. She didn't suffer the multiple pains of birth and raising them - we did. It's a good model if you can pull it off - don't go through the pains of raising a family, then move in on a siblings and create trouble to make it easier for her to step in and lure them away. I don't know that backing away is the right thing - of course I can't stop her from contacting them now that I mistakenly gave her their phone #'s. Most people would respect it if you caused trouble in their family, and were told to keep out. For someone to continue causing division and pushing their way into your family - I think she has mental problems, or is so distressed that she didn't have a family that she can't stand to see me with one.
  21. You are right Abby - there is some very deep, ugly, and painful things done by another sister, Linda -who I wish God would remove from the face of the earth due to her evil - that my sister Pat did not feel, I did. For her to contact some of my children who are receptive to her, she is causing division among all of my children and our family. She is disrespecting my husband and my wishes for her to refrain. For an older adult woman to push her way in, knowing of the intense trouble she caused - is sick. I had thought there was something generational passed down in that family - I prayed against it a long time ago. Our great grandmother's sister was evil. She had her sister committed - which was common years back - so she could steal her money and two young children- a lawsuit she obtained from the killing of her husband. I watched this played out as a cousin attempted to get my father's money by threatening suicide. He gave her money - then she went back for $9-10 grand more. This was after she was given a free condo and a good deal of money from her parents' death - they were wealthier. After my dad passed, she was buzzing around asking about his money. I believe she waited until she knew I was given an inheritance, and she contacted me threatening suicide, she didn't have money for prescriptions etc. I thought of the verse "do for others as you want done to you" so I struggled with what I was to do. I asked counsel of a friend and she said she didn't think that verse applied to her because she's a liar and manipulator. She said for her to ask money of me, with all I'm going through is cruel. Her brother told me whenever she wants money she threatens suicide. So I had to cut her out. I think there is generational sin passed down. None of them live by truth. Linda - the most evil - claims to be a Christian, as does my other sister Joanne. Pat does not. Going back to my friend's counsel, I think it is cruel of Pat to contact my children when she knows the full story, and I specifically told her we did not want our children around Linda. Pat completely ignored my request, appointing herself judge. That's ugly. We had a blowout, and she is STILL contacting my children. I attempted to restore the friendship, but she started right back in on me - stating the problem is *me* when in TRUTH it is HER. So how do you handle that? My children are not going to be rude to her and tell her to stop contacting them. Knowing the grief we are enduring - then attempting to move in on my children is sadistic - yet she doesn't see it. Going by intuition - the way she moved in on them as soon as we left to go out of state for surgery, she got them together, with her rear planted right in the center, as if she was the matriarch, and having a photo taken. I think it's either a conscious or subconscious desire to "own" what I have. She recently retired and moved away, and keeps bugging my children to visit - she wants them to settle near her. She's in effect, trying to make my children her own. I told her to adopt if she wants a family. She insists she has a family - but they're her stepchildren. I surmised she is afraid she'll be alone if her husband dies - and she won't hear from them - they'll go with their biological mother. So I see all these things - and her desperate attempt to get in with my children - at any cost to me and my husband. Please pray because we are stretched beyond what we can handle and now she is rearing her ugly head trying to get what we have.
  22. I suppose I am holding onto it - you don't know the evil that was done by a family member that this sister associates with. She appointed herself as judge and determined SHE was going to go over my head. I have a fear of her doing this again, now that I made the mistake of giving her my children's numbers. I see she is untrustworthy and would rather lie that live by truth. I know at this point, I can just show my children truth and love and hopefully they will see what she is. My best instincts are that I think she is trying to take my place as their mother. She was executrix of my father's estate, and threatened to keep money my father left for me. So she is not operating in truth. I told her I saved her text threat and if she attempted to divert or keep money left to me she would be held criminally and civilly liable. She gave the other siblings their financial packet, and I was told about it long afterwards. I had to speak with the financial manager and asked if she could keep any of the money and he told me she could not. Now, my father's house was sold, and I am wary of her keeping some of the money due me. I asked a question online from a legal service and they advised I hire a lawyer. I don't want things to get ugly, but am uncertain if I should hire a lawyer. I was the sister who visited her when none of the others wouldn't - so I'm trying to ascertain what she's doing. I know this much: If to have a relationship means the rules must be that I am the wrong one when this is clearly not so, it doesn't seem possible to live like that. I know Christ suffered with people, and we are to love and pray for them, and I love my sister. But for her to shun me and contact my children against my husband's and my wishes is very ugly and very pushy, and very disrespectful. We are to "treat others as you want to be treated." I'm not mistreating her and contacting her stepchildren and stirring up trouble. She is. The world is populated with millions of people - why doesn't she adopt or contact others. Why try to move in on my children.
  23. I'm unsure of exactly what you mean. I do understand being more attractive to my children - but you don't believe I should draw a boundary with my sister? I would never think to go around her and contact her step-children - especially if she was going through terrible physical ordeals. The fact that she has continued to do this blurting: "YOU don't get it! I contact whoever I want!" Is ugly, prideful, and bullying, maladaptive behavior. I told her she caused much damage in my family, but she ignores it like a dolt and continues to blatantly contact them! Who does something like that? I don't know how to handle it. My children are not strong in the faith. She offers them a carefree attitude and my husband said: "she wants to be the 'fun' aunt." I don't want to be so loved by my children that I keep my mouth closed when they're doing something not right! Of course they don't like it, but I have their best interests at heart. My sister offers the "anything goes" carefree relationship that is void of healthy boundaries. I can't control my children, but I did tell my sister to back off. I see her actions as patently cruel. When my husband & I went out of state for my surgery, she contacted them, and had a photo taken of her parked right in the center of my children. I really think she wants to replace me. It's a feeling I got. Her husband is older, and I think she's afraid if he passes, her stepchildren won't bother with her. I had shared with her that I was concerned I may not make it through the physical damage, and I think in her mind she wants to be in my place. Who would tell a mother their children don't like them? It seems she is trying to lure them, and get in between my children and me. I held back, but when I attempted to reconnect with her, she seems to not want to reconnect with me - only my children. This is alarming to me. I believe it confirms my intuition that she is trying to lure them to her. That is when I told her flat-out that my children are not hers, that I am not responsible for her choices to not have a family. I guess I view her as a threat. My husband said I'm their mother, and they;ll come to realize things. I don't think she is beneath putting me down to them and trying to put a wedge in there if she can. I am dealing with far too much to have her antics. I feel like I have to watch my back.
  24. Thank you - I cherish your prayers. I will get to the right place - slowly due to the multitude of physical limitations and emotional damage.
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