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Everything posted by Equippers

  1. yes. though given how strongly people feel about this case, i wonder how are they ever going to find 12 impartial jury members.....
  2. actually, i thought about our conversation. here is the thing, in your post about about this minister, there were really nothing in there that would give us idea "whether or not" this minister is a true Christian or not. but i will say this, yes, i think the fact she is against Trump does make me wonder, as most evangelical, born again Christians in the US are Trump voters (not all of them obviously, but most) anyway, like i have said, there are way too many call themselves Christians who are clearly not. i remember years ago i saw this tv program, on it was this woman who called herself a minister who was converting her church in a way so Muslims could worship Allah in it. i was shocked. But of course further down the program, it was revealed she was a lesbian! i could never quite understand why she would insist becoming a minister.
  3. who is debating? i was just wondering. The reason i said what i said is because based on experience, i think there are too many people who call themselves Christians who are not really one, who supports things such as abortions so on and so forth....
  4. i think this point is very valid, but the problem it is much harder to transform those neighborhoods than deal with police culture. As such we can only approach the problem from the easy to solve side first.
  5. that is a good question. didn't in Genesis, Adam and Eve were given lordship over all animals? i don't know, when i was younger, we got this pamphlet from Jehovah witness i think, and on it shows lions living peacefully beside humans. maybe it is not God's original design and happens as result of human who falls.
  6. to be honest, when i read that it is a minister who said this, i kind wondered whether this person is a genuinely born again Christian, or merely religious, or worse still, one of those liberal ministers who does not interpret the Scriptures literally.....
  7. i just watched this ABC news video, in the footage, i can hear a big boom sound and then follow that there were smokes in the background. Interestingly enough, the reporter did not say anything about rubber bullets, only tear gas. though i have to say i remember i was watching Al Jazeera, where the anchor claims the police used rubber bullets as well (just based on my memory. i could remember it wrong) i have came across this article below from Reuters that made the same claim, ie both tear gas and rubber bullets. https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/protesters-cleared-by-tear-gas-and-rubbe-idUSRTS3A3OO in the first photo that accompanies the article, it also showed smokes. anyway, there appears to be contradiction with those three news sources in terms of whether rubber bullets were used, which i find interesting. i do agree with that the liberal media can't be trusted, but then again, that applies to conservative media as well. I also don't fully trust the Trump administration. i don't know, so for me it is a case of he says, she says.
  8. so you mean the whole dispersing of the protesters happened at around 7 10 pm in the evening? i just watched this ABC news video where the reporter claims it happened at about 25 minutes before 7 pm. anyway in the video, it looks like it happened in broad daylight, it did not even looked like the sun was about to set. i mean i have never been to Washington DC during summer time, but does the city still look that bright during 7 10 pm in the evening?
  9. with abetting and aiding second degree murder, which carries the same penalty as second degree murder which is potentially up to 40 years in prison? based on the article, two of the cops are rookies who have been on the force since February 2019 and became full officers in December 2019? https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/300028631/one-of-the-charged-police-officers-expressed-concern-for-george-floyd-his-defence-claims to be honest, part of me is sympathetic to those two rookies, i know from first hand experience sometimes it is hard to speak up against decision made by someone who is more senior. i mean obviously this is a serious case, as the case involves second degree murder, but then again, i personally doubt the two rookies knew beforehand death is going to happen. either way, the emotion is so high right now, part of me wonder if those three men are able to get a fair trial.....
  10. sorry to hear this, LadyKay, it must be very stressful for you pray God will give you wisdom to handle the situation.
  11. yeah... i agree, it is not good to subject young children to the mayhem, but more importantly, it is not a good idea to teach young children hate. yes, what happened is an atrocity that demands justice, and people should stand up for what is right, but never with hatred. hatred distort one's soul.
  12. i agree, i think you can't throw "all" cops into one category. i am sure there are many good cops as well. but i think it is also important to look at the overall culture of policing as well.
  13. yes, i just seen the video of them putting him in handcuff, he was not resisting the cops at all at that point. He was quite cooperative at that point actually. i mean obviously i don't what happened in the police car, but the question for me is why would he turn violent all of the sudden?
  14. what do you mean? so you are saying they should not have been charged with aiding and abetting in the death of George Floyd?
  15. did you get this information from the conservative media outlet? to be honest, based on my experience, i am very skeptical of media in general, whether they are liberal or conservative, because they often have their own agenda and can not be trusted with their reporting. but if what you are saying here is true, yes, i do agree in general, police faces many dangers on their jobs, and they have to make some tough decisions. but in George Floyd's case, i don't know enough about the situation to know if what the police did to him was absolutely necessary.
  16. well i guess you probably already explained explained to him why your son's best friend can not go. but have you told him why you blocked him on your phone? if you haven't explain, it might cause the misunderstanding to widen.....
  17. it is good you get on with your daughter in laws and they cares about you. In my experience, even Christian women can be real catty, and so many mother in laws can't wait to claw their daughter in laws's eyes out, and you can't blame them!
  18. so you don't have any friends? that must be hard.... yes, you will always have your Abba, but it would be nice to have friends as well. hopefully you will find some good friends on this website, God bless you richly my friend.
  19. so i guess i am talking about friends and families who you know will be here for you.
  20. yeah... probably..... i used to love read Politico magazine. I don't anymore, i am just so disgusted with their agendas......
  21. they just published an article taking Joe Biden's side in the Tara Reade scandal.
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