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Everything posted by Sinbad

  1. But if the sin is in your thoughts or temptation is it a sin
  2. OK folks I don't as yet have a bible however as member had recommended I went on line Jesus was tempted by the devil my question would be is temptation a sin An example I found was if a husband lusted after another woman he has already committed adultery in his heart So is temptation the sin?
  3. Hi obviously I have 1. Or. 2 tattoos not a lot I can do about it and just being new to the group and changing my life style it doesn't bother me today tattoos seem to be more popular and covering more skin just wanted to know your views if you're wife husband or children asked to have a tattoo or body peircein
  4. Hi Gotham I don't think taking your own life will bring peace im no expert I certainly don't have all the answers I'm a backslider which I suppose makes no difference to your situation maybe the only reasonable thing I can offer is you, me and everyone else we are only here once in the bigger picture how long is eternity given are life span 70 + years it's a grain off salt in comparison my advice would be to hang in there let God take you home in his good time well you don't know me or I you I've only been on the group a few days I've gotten a lot off comfort from all the folk I've met so far however I'm going to go personal here my business was going under I felt I had let a lot off my employees down long story short I took one off the vans round the back off our premises hooked up a hose to exhaust and into drivers window locked the doors left a note on my desk for Jane police were searching every were for me unknown to me my thought process waiting for the fumes to take me was torture I then blacked out next thing I remember is waking up in A&E a WPC had resuscitated me at the seen smashed van window to get in and drag me out that was the 10th off April 2017 ive been given a second chance at life and I'm taking it I hope you will find your way Gotham
  5. Thank you all for your kind words and support this is something I will need to give up I know it's mind over matter I'm so glad I came across this wonderful group I'm the prodigal son trying to find my way home ?
  6. I'm a smoker myself however I have been trying to cut down its costly and obviously not good for my health are there any other smokers here?
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