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Everything posted by JohnR7

  1. There is not enough in the theory to really amount to anything. God is eternal and when He is a part of something then we continue to grow in understanding.
  2. The New Jerusalem will be 1500 by 1500 by 1500 miles and takes up the entire Arab Continental Plate. This is the land given to Abraham and his descendants. We know where the Garden of Eden was because of the Google space satellite photos. This area is now under the Persian Gulf. The Gulf was formed at the time of Noah when the Strait of Hormuz gave way. To this day they are still fighting battles over who has control over the Strait of Hormuz. We need to use Science and the Bible together. God leaves us a natural record and we have artifacts that we can study. Today DNA has become an important tool also. Even though I am very disappointed with Frances Collins right now and we need to be very careful with his science.
  3. The Kingdoms of this World are to become the Kingdoms of God. That is what is happening now and we are a part of that. We prepare the way. Everyone in the Church age and everyone in the Kingdom Age look upon the moment in time we now live in because of the transition the world is in and how God is using us to be a part of that.
  4. It will stop when Satan is bound for 1,000 years. People can choose what city they want to live in. If they want lawlessness then they can move to Chicago or Detroit or some other lawless city. Just like the people that were there can move out. Like the way the auto industry left Detroit to go someplace else to build their factories.
  5. I remember Howie from a long time ago. He maybe germ phobia or OCD but he is able to keep himself healthy. I remember once he said he loved his job and would work for free. But if they wanted him to fly on an airplane then they were going to have to pay him a lot of money to do that. Travel is not as friendly as it use to be.
  6. I hope he can deal with the pain and that he does not end up a drug addict.
  7. A lot of those things can take us out of the Spirit and put us into the flesh if we are not careful. They are in and of themselves neutral.
  8. Sad and lonely is the flesh. We are to walk in the Spirit to overcome the flesh. God helps us but He does not do it for us. I watch some of the prophecy on YouTube and this helps me to get out of the flesh and into the Spirit. If they are in the Spirit and represent God. Of course not everyone there does so we have to avoid the people that are in the flesh. We have to avoid things like the news and television that quenches the Spirit and puts us into the flesh. I keep up with events for 1/2 hour a day but I do not expose myself to hours of it.
  9. The rapture and the resurrection are different and they are two different words in the Bible. All believers are raptured when they die. This is when they become separated from their body. At the resurrection the Body itself will be raised up. There is a resurrection at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ when there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth. The belief is the actual elements that make up our Body will be Glorified. I believe the Church Age is 2,000 years. Then we will have the Kingdom Age or the 1,000 year reign of Christ. 1/3 will be saved but there is also a remnant that is 10%. There is a lot of teaching about a 7 year tribulation period between the church age and the kingdom age. I am not sure how well supported that is in the Bible. The Church age began on the day of Pentecost in what I tend to believe was the year 29 Ad. We do not really know for sure when Pentecost was. The rapture is when people are caught up to meet the Lord in the air. There is talk about when Jesus returns and His feet touch the ground at Mount Sinai. This is when the east is separated from the west and the north from the south. We know there are continental plates at Mount Sinai and this is an event that could happen anytime. As there was an earthquake there when Moses received the 10 commandments. This does not answer all of your questions, but some of them. For those who have their part in the resurrection, the resurrection power of God is already at work in them to prepare them for that day.
  10. "There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; since you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28) "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) People want division but God wants unity. Single people have to find unity in themselves. I would think that if people had an extra chromosome this would make it more difficult for them to find that unity within themselves. This has nothing to do with anyone else. Although sometimes they want to project their confusion out onto the world and others. People need to accept who they are first and then they can find unity with others.
  11. Genesis 1:31: "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." It maybe difficult to understand tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). Still all God did is very good and He watches over His word so that all will be restored. " I am watching over My word to accomplish it.” (Jeremiah 1:12) The popular belief is that Satan was throw down to the earth. He is the one that is causing all the problems. Luke 10:18 "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."
  12. There is no blame because God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Jesus taught us to pray: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. So as long as we are following His plan and purpose then everything will work together for good. If not then we would be to blame for our rebellion and NOT following God and His purpose for us. In fact Psalm 119:16 tells us that God writes the book of our life before we are born at conception. Even before we are in the womb where He knits us together. He then keep a record if we follow His plan and purpose for us in our life here on the Earth.
  13. It was really simple in my case. I needed answers and solutions. Science had NOTHING to offer me. I looked everywhere and I could find nothing. Then someone suggested I look in the Bible because I had NOTHING to lose. Everything I was looking for was there in the Bible. I found the solutions and answers I was looking for. That was about 40 years ago. So now after 40 years have passed I continue to find all the answers and solutions in the Bible. I would not ever want to go back to a life of not having the answers and solutions to whatever problems that life can throw our way. God has provided us with many, many promises in the Bible. We know beyond all doubt that He is: "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think." Eph3:20. " we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 So if your happy with your life that is fine. My life with God and the Bible is exceedingly abundantly better than what my life was like before God. We know that we walk with God because our life continues to get better. If our life were going from bad to worse then we would know that we are not right with God. If atheists are happy and content with their life that is fine. I was not happy and content at all with my life before I became a christian and I would not want to ever go back to what I had before.
  14. There are a lot of ways to answer that question. Let me tell you my story. I use to like to go out on the trails. They have a rail to trails program when the old rails routes are converted into a trail that we can hike on or ride a bicycle on. One trail I enjoy goes along the river. It is very common for people to talk to each other out on the trails. It is a fairly friendly place to be. Only sometimes people have earplugs and they are listening to their music. So if you want to talk to them they have to remove the ear plugs so they can hear what you have to say. Now for me this is very difficult for me to understand and I will tell you why. I do not understand why they would bring the music or the sounds of the city with them. For me I can hear the sound of the water in the river. I can hear the sound of the wind as the wind moves the leaves of the tree. I can hear the animals and the crickets and the birds. There is plenty of music and even rejoicing and yet people want to block out the music that the wind and the trees make to listen to whatever is on their earplugs. Maybe they do not have ears that can hear so someone has to hear for them and then use instruments to play the music for them. Another answer for this is what it is going to be like in Heaven where we are told that we will be able to talk to the trees or at least the trees will talk to us on a level greater than what we find here on earth. When I am out on the trails sometimes I see a wild flower that is very pretty and I would like to take it home with me. In haven I am sure if we are walking in the friendly tree forest and we make friends with a tree there, then it will be very easy for us to take that tree home with us so that tree can become a part of our property there in Heaven. What we call our yard here. Either our back yard or our front yard. Then perhaps the friendly tree would rejoice that we are friends with the tree and we want the tree to be a part of our life. At least that is what they tell us Heaven is like and we are to live "as it is in Heaven" even though we are still here on the Earth. So we know that trees rejoice and are happy when God rejoices and is happy. Although for us this has to do with the wind and the tree. Just like for some the "colors in the wind" in the song that Pocahontas sings to John Smith has to do with the leaves in the fall blowing in the wind and the color in those leaves.
  15. Salvation is not based on what we do or our works. Salvation is a free gift from God. Like any gift the only condition is for us to receive the gift. Because we can refuse to receive the gift of eternal life that God wants to give us. If we choose to work or if we choose to serve God then we will receive rewards. We receive rewards here in this life and in the life to come. But doing good works for God is not a condition of salvation. Although some consider this to be evidence that they are saved. Because we become a new creation in Christ. The old passes away and all things become new. Still like I explained life is a choice so each and every individual has to make that choice to live their life. For me to serve God is a part of my choice for the life I live. But like I said there is no requirement to serve God. That is just an individual choice that people make. This gets into quite a discussion about choice and our freedom to make choices in life. If you could contribute to the discussion on what makes life worth living I would be happy to hear what you have to say and why you feel your life has meaning and why you feel your life is worth living. Each individual has to find their own way in life. God writes the book of our life before we are even born. He gives us gifts talents and abilities that we need to develop. We should use what HE gives us to bring Him honor and glory. Although if we honor God with our life is out choice to make. Again each and every individual has to make that choice for themselves. For me to use the gifts, talents and abilities that God give me to honor Him is the right and the correct choice to make. But we can write our own book or we can let satan write the book of our life if we do not want to follow God and the plan that He has for us and our life. It is your choice. Each and every individual has to make that choice for themselves. I really would rather not choose and I would rather not have to take the responsibility for that choice. But that is one thing we do not have a choice in. We have to choice and we can not make a choice NOT to chose. Although there is always a default if we refuse to choice. Or if we choose not to choose.
  16. I have subjective evidence starting when I was 12 years old. If you want evidence God is not a genie in a bottle. We are not God, He is. So we have to read the Bible and know what we are looking for and see how He wants to express Himself in our life. In fact the Bible is called the old and new testament. This is a covenant between us and God. We can be sure if we do our part of the Covenant then He will do His part. Even they have books you can buy that show us all the many promises we find in the Bible. They call them pocket promise books. If we do our part of the covenant then we can be sure that God will do His part. For example: Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." If we SEEK God we will find Him. Our part is to seek Him with all of our heart. If we do not do OUR PART to seek Him with all of our heart then we can not expect that we are going to find Him. My experience is that we do not "find Him" so much as He finds me, He comes to me and presents Himself to me in ways that I can understand and comprehend what God is all about and what God wants and expects from me. So that I can live the life He wants me to live. Moses tells us that we all have a choice in life. We can choose life or death, sickness or health, blessing or curse, poverty or prosperity. Now my son right now is in college. He worked hard in high school and he got a scholarship for college to help pay for that. Yesterday he came home somewhat upset because he is taking calculus 3 and it is difficult. He is working very hard hoping to get a C although he will most likely get a B because he is working so hard on the class. My point is he believes if he works hard he can get a good education and get a good job and he can have prosperity in life. Yet there are many kids back in high school that just did not do the work they needed to do to prosper. They made a choice for poverty in life without even realizing that is what they were doing. I am sure they have lots of excuses for the choice they made. The truth in the Bible is infinite and we could go on forever learning, reading and doing a study on the truth that we find in the Word of God. No other book in the world is like the Bible because no other book deals with infinity the way the Bible does. We could spend our whole life just to do a study on the very first word in the Bible: "beginning" or even the very first letter in the very first word in the Bible: "B". We could ask why is the first letter in the Bible the second letter in our alphabet? B has a numerical value of 2. Before 2 we have 0 and 1. This gives us the code you need to program a computer or DNA. We have off and on. We have body and soul. With the introduction of the Bible we now have a new aspect to life the Spirit. We have the breath of life and man becomes spiritual. This is above the animals. Apart from man an animal does not have a spiritual aspect. The angels are spiritual and they angels watch over the animals, but the animals themselves do not have a spirit the way Adam and Eve were has a Spirit and were Spiritual. So you can see a whole book can be written on the very first letter in the very first word of the Bible. The Bible is infinite, there is no end and no beginning with God. Although He is the alpha and the omega. He knows the end from the beginning. You can not have an end without a beginning and you cannot have a beginning without an end. Many books would be written about the beginning and what the Bible means by beginning. The next word in the Bible is creation. Every book in the world could be written about Creation and we would still only be starting to understand all there is to know about creation. Then the third word is God. So in the beginning of creation was God. Because God has no beginning. He has always existed and He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. No book is like the Bible. The Bible becomes new and takes on a new meaning for each and every generation. WE need to discover the Bible new for ourselves. We can not just go by our parents or grandparents understanding. WE need to discover the Bible for ourselves. Each individual has to seek the truth for themselves. I can not do it for you, only you can do it for yourself. Just like my son could not do the work for his fellow high school students. He could only do his own work and decide for himself what he wants to do with his life.
  17. yes, I believe the Bible is fully inspired by God in the original language, esp the Hebrew. Although you do not seem to want to hear my reason for why I believe that.
  18. The state requires evolution to be taught. Do you feel you could win your case in a court of law? The problem is if you want to win in court then you have to come up with something better then the theory of evolution. You have to write a better biology book then the they are currently using. Are you able to do that? Just exactly what is it in the biology book that you object to and have a problem with? What do you object to them teaching our children in the public school system?
  19. Perhaps you can explain what Paul means when he says: "So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you." 2 cor4:12
  20. I do not know about you but I dream about world peace and the end of war. I dream about children that do not cry themselves to sleep at night because they were just assaulted by an adult that they trusted and betrayed them. Do you want me to go on and on and on and on about all the many, many, many things that are not right with this world. For me we are either a part of he solution or a part of the problem. The only thing that makes life worth living is our hope that somehow, someway we can be used by God to be a part of the solution and do something to make this world a better place to be.
  21. Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. No matter how much we can think or imagine Heaven is going to be exceedingly abundantly above and beyond our efforts to understand.
  22. Francis Collins is the expert on Theistic Evolution so I will have to defer to him on this. Also Gerald Schneider has a PhD from MIT so he is more of an expert on the subject then I am so you can look into what he has to say about all of this.
  23. Inspired by who? God or man? Inspired by the very nature of the Hebrew language. Hebrew is not Phoenician and Phoenician is not Hebrew. Hebrew is a language based on symbols and not phonics. Like Chemistry is based on symbols. The very nature of the Hebrew language makes it infinite because God is infinite. Man is finite and science is finite. So if you use a Hebrew word like "beginning" you could study the meaning of beginning for your whole life and at the end you would just be beginning to understand. God has no end and no beginning. He is infinite. He is the alpha and the omega and He knows the end from the beginning. If man invented God then maybe man could write a book about it. If God created man then every book in the world would not be enough. This is the case: God is infinite, the Bible is infinite and every book in the world would not be enough to talk about what we can learn from the Bible. Hebrew is a true written language. Phonics based languages are a counterfeit forgery of the real thing.
  24. That is fine but do we have a scripture that tells us that God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to test them? Deuteronomy 8:2 "You shall remember all the way which the LORD your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.
  25. I hold the books of Moses in the original Bible Hebrew language to be inspired. Even the Greek language is a step away from the Hebrew and the understanding we have with the Hebrew language.
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