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  1. Hey BenL... I totally, 100% get where you're coming from. From making dumb vows to God, to massive OCD to wondering what curse I just brought down on someone else, to thinking I'd contracted HIV from the local bathroom sink. OCD is a mean, mean thing. You have to ignore the thoughts. Proverbs says, "The curse causeless will not come to rest." If I wish 20 people dead each day in rush hour traffic, they're not going to die. I'm not God. I don't have that kind of power, and neither do you. In fact, you can curse me right now and nothing will happen. It's a causeless curse. The best treatment for OCD that I've seen, besides asking for the Holy Spirit's help, is to ignore the OCD thoughts. Ignore them over and over and over. They will weaken. If you give into them, they get stronger. And get ready: Your mind will come up with every conceivable reason why this is the one OCD thought you should adhere to. Don't do it! You're okay. Go to God through the name of Jesus Christ. Ask him to forgive you. A quote for you that someone I know came up with: "The complexity of the gifted is that they are both equally gifted and equally cursed. The decision to live a life governed by the gift or the curse, defines the small space between the sane and the insane." Be free in Christ.
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