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  1. Two of my favorites that I watch quite often are Robert Morris and Allen Jackson. Gary
  2. Those who see others fall for their country first hand, will never forget. It is etched in their minds forever. In honor of the fallen, have a memorable Memorial Day. Gary
  3. 1 Peter 1:3 (NLT2) 3 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, Because Jesus rose from the dead, we can live our lives with great expectation. The KJV says we have been begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Christ from the dead. So because of what Jesus has done, we have a lively hope (not a dead hope) and can live our lives with great expectation (not with low expectations). Have a meaningful Resurrection Sunday. Gary
  4. Is there anything that can be done to correct the non-functional bypasses? Gary
  5. I agree. We need to ask the Lord to show us in what way we can be the solution to the problem. We all have gifts that God has given us that the church needs, and the church also has gifts that we need, regardless of the issues that the church may have. Gary
  6. I don't think it has anything much to do with the politicians. It has to do with the unnatural things that a person has to do in combat situations. Growing up we are taught to respect human life and that it is wrong to kill. Then we are put in situations where we have to do the total opposite of what we have been taught. Again, it is not the politicians, but rather the traumatic experiences that have left an indelible stamp in our minds and souls that drives people to the point of taking their own life. Gary
  7. I served in the Corp from ’67-69 and became friends with a guy from Wisconsin named Allan. We went through three phases of required training together before heading to Vietnam. We wound up in the same unit, but several weeks later Allan became an FO and left the section we were in together. He was still in the same company so we would run into each other from time to time. After being there a little more than a year, I rotated back to the states but he took an extension for 6 more months. Anyway, as happens quite often with veterans coming back to the world, we did not stay in contact. Back in the early to mid-nineties I looked him up and gave him a call and we talked for some time. Then a few years later I contacted another comrade of mine that also knew Alan who told me that he had taken his life. My heart sunk and for about a week I went into a deep depression. Then while going to group meetings for PTSD at the VA several years ago, it was brought up that one of those in the group had taken his life during that week. I left that meeting and went into another deep depression and did not go back for a couple of years. It is really hard to hear these things. I heard it said that if you are a Christian, then you should never become depressed. Well, I am a Christian and I did go through depression, but it is by His grace that I come out of it every time. And by His grace I have not become one of those statistics. From many of the posts that I have read about what you do, I’m sure you see this quite often. And I’m sure these experiences leave you with a heavy heart. Thank you for what you do. Gary
  8. The last time I checked with VA sources, 22 veterans take their lives every day in the U.S. That is a staggering and sad statistic. Gary
  9. I would think that the accountability issue should be settled before one enters the tattoo parlor. Gary
  10. Oh okay. I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around putting peanut butter in my coffee. But I'm old and pretty set in my ways. Don't go for much of the different coffee flavors. Gary
  11. Peanut butter in coffee? I've never tried that. Gary
  12. Does hot chocolate count? Just had some a little earlier today. But as far as coffee goes, I like Folgers, black and strong. Gary
  13. When I first come to the Lord I was zealous for truth, but many times looked to the wrong sources. One time I told my pastor that I wanted to be a Christian scientist, but he set me straight on that issue using the word of God. Then another time I was going to study the book of Mormon, but again was led away from that pursuit (I don’t remember what or who set me straight on that one). Then I started listening to some of the HYPER WOF teaching but found that much of their teaching did not line up with the written word, which was made clear to me by yet another pastor. Fortunately, I sat under a pastor that encouraged everyone to seek out the truth by going to the scriptures themselves to make sure that what they heard or read from other resources lined up with what God was saying. I have learned that as I prayerfully search the scriptures for truth, that the Spirit of truth will guide my understanding. As I seek to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, the Holy Spirit is aiding me to not only understand the truth, but to apply it. When the Holy Spirit leads me to the truth, and I apply it, then I experience transformation. I guess what I am communicating about my journey, is that in my zeal for truth, God provided the way for me to find the it through some good pastors who directed me away from erroneous teachings to the pure teachings of God’s word. There are a lot of good teachers and ministers that have a solid handle on the word of God. But ultimately, when I stand before God to give an account of my life to Him, I stand there not with my teachers, pastors, commentaries, or books about the bible as good as they may be. I stand there alone. Take for instance, if when I stand before the Lord and He questions me and I answer “but pastor so and so said this, or my commentary said this,” He may respond, “ I’ll be getting to them later, again, what do you have to say about what I have given you?” BTW, this scenario is not supported by scripture, it just come out of some of my own thinking. What it boils down to me is this is not about religion or denominational teachings. This is about knowing God intimately (John 17:3). It is about living in a personal love relationship with God. Religion and denominations don’t have the capacity to make that happen. Only God Himself. I did get caught up early on in legalistic teaching but was able to overcome it by applying this passage: 13 …………. I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. (Phil. 3:13-14). Have a blessed day. Gary
  14. Years ago (not saying how many) I attended training courses for the Billy Graham association, that was to lead up to the crusade coming to our city. We were being trained to be counselors that would meet the people who would come forward at the invitation to receive salvation. During one of the training sessions they had us trace our hand on a piece of paper. Each finger would represent a particular discipline, and the effect it would have on our grip on God’s word. Starting with the little finger being #1 around to the thumb #2, there was assigned a certain percentage of retention of God’s word. It goes like this: 1. Hearing 10% 2. Reading 30% 3. Studying 60% 4. Memorizing 100% 5. Meditation 100% Plus The instructor went on with his teaching by saying if a person only heard the word, but didn’t engage in the reading, studying, memorizing, and meditation he would not have much of a grip on the word. He would illustrate this by holding the bible in his hand with only the little finger grasping it, then asking someone to try and take it from his hand. Well, it was quite easy at that point. But as he went through each finger in the same way, it kept getting harder to pull the bible out of his hand. When a person hears, reads, studies, memorizes, and meditates on the word, that person will have a sound grip on the word of God and be more effectively transformed in the process. I have learned that when I meditate on His word and pray through it, that His truths are not just things I know, but things that have been internalized. More specifically, God’s word is effecting every thing I think, do, and say, because it is He that is working in me to will and to do of His good pleasure. In my daily devotions, I pray and meditate as I read a portion of scripture and write down these 3 things: 1. My thought. 2. How it impressed me. 3. My response to God Sorry, didn’t meant to rattle on. Have a great day. Gary
  15. I embraced and spoke this saying just before going under the knife for quadruple by-pass surgery. That was over 3 years ago. He truly "had this." Gary
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