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Figure of eighty

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Everything posted by Figure of eighty

  1. Yes God's spirit. We can do nothing on our own. God breathes life into everything and being. Nothing is in our own strength.
  2. Nope. My question is what I wrote. It's just about the lack of choice when we're supposed to have free will. It seems we only have free will to the extent God allows since He's sovereign.
  3. No. It's just always something I thought about. Alot of things I've thought and wondered about.
  4. Yes but it has no soul. Another thing I learned in anatomy class is that the body has alot of *involuntary* actions....so again it isn't us...the sperm has no soul.
  5. You aren't alive until the sperm fertilizes the egg and even then not until the heart beats. The sperm is just a cell...not a whole living being. A sperm cell doesn't have a soul...it just contains some blue prints for traits/features of the future baby.
  6. That's true. God does as he pleases but whether it. Intervenes on our free will or not. I have mixed feeling's because of this ..as well as a hard time trusting him bc of that.
  7. I honestly don't know about free will either . I feel )( just my opinion) that we have as much free will as God will allow.. God also intervenes during some situations and not others. Not sure why...but it is what it is.
  8. Also do you believe we have souls? Our souls are etenral which is why God paid the price to save them.
  9. It does make sense. I believe we exist because of the verse that says he knew us while he formed us in the womb. Alot of people don't want to be here. Wished they weren't born..or just have horrific lives. I think it'd be fair if it were possible we could get a glimpse of what our lives would be like and entail and then decide...but we don't. We're just created and out here. ( But that's just me.my thoughts blah)
  10. This world is ugly. Satan preys on the weak...neither does he fight fair..he takes the lowest of low blows he can't take. He's an ugly being. But at that age babies are vulnerable which is said because they're at the mercy of who they're in the care of.
  11. For the babies being murdered that's clearly their parents fault. Definitely exercised their free will to do evil.
  12. Above your pay grade? This was probably supposed to be a nice joke...but it went over my head ..so please forgive me.
  13. Does his word say he knew us while we were in the womb?( I'm paraphrasing..) God has foreknowledge of who will be born. He creates/created each and every person. Who's lived and will live. Either He's all knowing or not
  14. But. God also throws people in an eternal torement who never asked to be here. I'll never understand that.
  15. For the sake of the whole free will argument... Isn't forcing people to live intervening on our free will? Why couldn't we choose whether we wanted to be here or not? I also wonder why is suicide wrong if we never asked to be here and we were just forced
  16. What do you mean he changed your perception. And "friendly" What I got from reading this was...maybe you weren't ( pls don't take offense) uthe best person to be around at the time? Is that the point you were trying to make?
  17. It's just not fair to me. As for the kids part I'll be able to handle that.
  18. Also not to mention. Not only did they have a parent that pastors but God speaks to them personally... something I wished and always wanted. I feel I usually get silence...even when I pursue God it's just silence. They often got to experience more in depth speiritually ... So that compunded with the fact they have those gifts .. if they don't face any repurcussions and God still leads them dialy in their life then neither should I especially since I just don't have what they have. Idk I think I already made my decision because every time I think About this...I think about the unfairness and bias of it.
  19. Also I feel a bit of unfairness. I have cousins who's Dad is a pastor. The female one had a couple kids while under her parents roof and the boy had a live in girlfriend they have children...and I feel slighted. Why am I threatened with hell when they did all of that and God is still with them and talks to them on the daily basis? Why? That's not fair at all. Why is it just different for me? If they don't have a one way ticket to hell I shouldn't either.
  20. It'll be harder ...I have a place with a friend but. It costs more to fly to her and the cost of rent ,I won't have a car when I go with her.... Idk it's much better with my boyfriend. Because he won't ask much from me and wont mind driving me around and will work with me until I find a job. With my friend it'll be her half and my half and it'll get taxing on her after a while.
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