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Everything posted by unworthyservant

  1. Well, I look at it this way, Christ said "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's", so I'll not worry about what they are doing other than enough to know who I should vote for. I find it more rewarding to just go on with doing my best to do Christ's bidding with the Faith that whatever happens He'll find a way for us to avert it if possible or deal with it if not. Besides, someday the Chinese will probably rule the world anyway (if it lasts that long). Do the math, there's a Billion of them!
  2. I've been praising the Lord recently in the Music Video section but just thought I'd take a break to say Thank God for the Edit button, That's all.
  3. In Windows, you can find it in the control panel under Network and Internet. then under Internet Options choose #3 (delete browsing history and cookies) If you're not sure what they mean just leave the default options and hit enter. Personally, I use a program called Ccleaner to do it. It's free and handy and has other tools such as a good a registry cleaner which can really help your speed as well.
  4. Great advice. Until I read further I thought slow was referring to lack of discussion. I don't know how fast the server here is normally but clearing your browser and closing unnecessary background programs will always make you go faster. I learned that real quick because I've been all over the internet ever since I discovered it.
  5. I like to study the Old Testament so that I have a more thorough background to understand the teachings Of Christ and to learn more about the law and prophecy that He fulfilled. I always did like to dig into things, but regardless of what we read, it's the teachings of Christ by which we must live our lives.
  6. Ever since I found it, I go and listen and post my own every time I need a break. (I'm an old man whose mind works faster than his fingers so I need a break once in awhile)
  7. Now that I've found the Videos section I have something to do when it's slow. Kinda refreshing.
  8. Different group similar style. This is a Ugandan group called the Vision Choir,
  9. In a word, yes. Paul was writing his own words just as Christ spoke His own words. Now, in both cases they were writing and speaking the Inspired word of God. And as for the actual words, Christ taught us not to worry about the words we will say when we are brought before men and must answer their charges or defend the Faith. He said God would supply the words when the situation arises. Now I believe that both Christ and Paul spoke and wrote with that same inspiration and have never said otherwise. I really once again just want to make the ONLY point I meant to make in the first place. That is that I don't feel comfortable with quoting Paul and simply using the words "Christ said" without explaining for those who might take that literally and when they go to their Bible and look at the words of Christ in the Gospels they won't find them and may become discouraged. I'm all about encouragement and so shy away from anything that might possibly be misunderstood by those who are babes in the faith. So, with that I sincerely hope that we can move on to other things and leave questions about semantics for awhile. I posted several music videos (I learned a new trick) and have been listening to them to refresh my soul. Would you check out the one that's named "sung from the heart"? I hope it touches you heart and that it will be a blessing. God Bless you
  10. In my opinion The Commandments of God are indeed a part of the "Full Gospel". If you don't teach the Law and the prophesy of the Old Testament then you have no backdrop to know what "Law" that Christ fulfilled.
  11. If you have a talent, God will use it if you'll give it.
  12. Never is a word I seldom use and it's rare that I have no comment but I'm gonna let this one speak for itself.
  13. Wow, that's a little much for this old man to digest quickly at this moment but I assure you that when I get a second wind, I'll return and try to sort through it all and reply if necessary.
  14. I NEVER said that Paul was prone to error! All I'm saying is that from my perspective I feel God has led me to read the words of Paul (and all others) in the light of the context of the words of Christ and not the other way around, so I feel that we should be careful not to use phrases like "the teachings or the words of Christ" when quoting Paul (unless as context, not as a direct statement). As you so eloquently state, if nothing else, it could be misleading to new Christians
  15. I beg to differ on your first point that "Every doctrine that we understand as "Church doctrine" was given to you, to me, to all the body of Christ, by Paul." I take exception to the use of the word "every" doctrine was given by Paul and that's exactly the problem. What about the doctrine of Christ? What about all the doctrines (whether true or false) that have been adopted over the centuries by various groups and have become part of the lexicon of "Church Doctrine". There's s reason that never is a word I seldom use and this is an example. I'll not comment further except to say that I have done quite extensive study of the writings of Paul and find them quite enlightening but I still study the teachings of Christ more.
  16. They are all Scripture and all Scripture is inspired of God. I just don't believe that because they are Scripture and inspired, there is justification for crediting the words to Christ, that's all.
  17. First, I accept the writings of the entire Bible, I just don't like to assign to Christ any that He didn't actually say. I don't pick or choose and if you'll read some of my other posts you'll see that those who do are a pet peeve of mine. I don't pick and choose but rather put things in perspective. So, if the words of Paul are seen in the light of the context of the words of Christ, then they can be better understood than the other way around. You mention the amount of words and while I haven't done a count, I'll take your word on that and just say that however many there are, I believe that the words of Christ are the most important ones in the New Testament and so all others should be seen in context of them and not the other way around. That's all.
  18. I simply take it on Faith that God made sure that "his buddies" accurately reported the teachings of Christ. I also take it on Faith that the Apostles were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I just don't like to conflate the two or state that any of the Apostles' words are the words of Christ if for no other reason but to save confusion among those who don't spend much time with studying such things in depth and thus might take things at face value.
  19. Sorry, I can't take the leap from Paul being inspired by the spirit to stating that Maybe it's more about semantics for some but I shy away from claiming anyone's words are the words of Christ unless Christ said them Himself, that way there's no confusion. I do believe that there have been many who were filled with the Holy Spirit and indeed were inspired of God but I'd never go so far as to attribute anything they say to Christ. After all, though He had a higher calling, Paul, like you and me was only human.
  20. Why are you trying to confuse me again? Haven't you noticed that every time I learn something new I get more confused. I guess it's old age setting in but I'll "Keep on the Firing Line" and figure it out as I go. Thanks, BTW.
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