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  1. Hey all, I know it's been awhile since I originally made this post, but I'd like to just follow-up with you guys. I've read all of your comments and appreciate each one. As a child, I was ignorant and didn't understand what I was talking to. As I've gotten even closer to God (especially in these past 3 months), and been reading in the Bible where the Holy Spirit leads me, I'm beginning to understand it all. I can't say I fully get it, because I talk to God about it frequently and he hasn't revealed the "purpose" of it all. But I know for a fact He's leading me (he told me so!). Also, I've prayed about these issues a lot in the past and also recently, and the "gifts" have never gone away. I talk to God every day, and it's AMAZING. He has been showing me SO many things and I am still having dreams, visions, and feelings. I still see auras. But I'm very happy to say that God is making things CLEAR to me. Clearer than ever. About...5 months ago I suffered a terrible, awful demonic attack which I won't detail for ya, but let's just say that God can really turn a MESS into a message. I've messed up before but God has been teaching me to recognize HIS voice among all of the other voices. I'm still bothered all the time by the presence of other spiritual beings, but God has been guiding me and leading me to have a peace throughout ALL of it. It's crazy - I never thought I'd get here. Like i said...I still don't understand the "cycles" or whatever they are, but I'm hopeful that God is leading me and I'm just leaving it up to him. I wanted to thank you all for your prayers because I DO believe they have made a difference. Thanks guys! Echo
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