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Everything posted by teddyv

  1. I would love to see some evidence of this claim. According to your join date, I've been here longer than you and I have not witnessed what you claim. There have been probably less than 10 members that have been actively engaged in this topic that subscribe to and old earth and/or evolutionary processes. I can't say I've read every single post, of course, so maybe someone popped by and was banned quickly.
  2. It's a big money maker, selling books and videos and all that.
  3. Unfortunately it goes with the territory since there is deeply symbolic writings like revelation that get easily interpreted in some bizarre ways, instead of reading it within it's own historical backdrop.
  4. That is what researchers are attempting to do. Self-replicating molecules is at least one piece of evidence of the possibility. Finding the exact pathway is unlikely since the starting conditions are not know with any real certainty.
  5. I've seen this few times, but what it the "O'Biden" supposed to refer to? Does he have Irish heritage, or something? Or is it some sort of inside joke?
  6. There is ongoing research into this area that has developed certain lines of investigation. Processes like autocatalysis can result in replication of molecules. The odds, while low on the single molecule level, are being played out over quadrillions (or more) of organic molecules.
  7. Agricultural innovation in general has certainly improved the food supply to the world. Can it eliminate hunger completely? That is a lofty yet possible goal, but will be confounded by other issues.
  8. You mean, like, right now? This sounds like the "tornado in a junkyard" analogy which is not a great one since living systems are quite different than inanimate material objects.
  9. teddyv


    The way you framed it in the context of government enforcing restrictions on religions was rather unclear.
  10. Iodized salt is simply to get trace iodine into people.
  11. teddyv


    When was this? I'll grant things can change, as the people I know left about two years ago. It was a serious and credble threat at the time. They had been working there for years. But perhaps to the Russian leadership is backing down from it in a cynical effort to curry favour with certain segments of the West. So you are good with freedom of religion as long as it is the on your list of correct ones? That seems both authoritarian and unconstitutional, but that tracks with the conservative thought these days.
  12. Trump is not looking much better. He seems to be losing his mind as well. Both of these guys should be put to pasture.
  13. teddyv


    What is the context of the quote? I know Russia is generally hostile to Christianity outside of the Orthodox church, and particularly around evangelism. I'm not familiar enough with the Ukraine's general position.
  14. teddyv


    Why does this question matter? Or what does it stem from?
  15. That's closing in on 2 hours! I thought the limit was 30 minutes or less.
  16. Massive strawman. I could care less if you are a YEC. It is your interpretation, informed by whatever/whomever that may be. You are judging other interpretations against your own interpretation and are insinuating it to be a salvation issue, further couching the accusation by claiming "in my opinion".
  17. I should have used domestically produced, not locally. The OP is suggesting that supply chain issues would cause a problem for paper products, but I'm not aware of a significant import of paper goods from China (I'm sure there are some, just not things like TP).
  18. Most toilet paper is manufactured locally. People do tend to hoard it in emergencies for "reasons".
  19. If you are basing that opinion only on your daughter and husband's words, that's a pretty small sample size. We've been getting more acquainted with RCC since wife now works for the local Catholic school as an administrator. In discussion with the local priest and her superintendent there has been no such language like "true" Christians. The RCC view Protestants as more like wayward Catholics. But they seem very practical and are very willing.to work together on common goals. I also appreciate the academic and intellectual rigour of the Catholic Church.
  20. I don't know where you heard that, but whoever it was, lied to you. Yes, there are a lot of Muslims living in Dearborn. No Obama, did not build Dearborn and no, Sharia Law is not in place of the Constitution. This is an easily checkable claim.
  21. I am not calling him an adherent of Gnosticism, but is demonstrating qualities associated with it. The poster refuses to answer what I though to be a simple question/clarification. I was met with nonsensical spiritual-sounding gobbledy-gook. I am reasonably familiar with Gnosticism, such that there is a deep undercurrent in the posting as some sort of secret knowledge and/or understanding than only a properly enlightened person can attain. Perhaps the use of capital "G" Gnosticism was an error on my part, and should have used small letter (neo-)gnostic. The latter is rampant all through Evangelicalism - just look at the constant conspiracy theories that only the ones with their "open eyes" or "open minds" can see so clearly, while the rest of us are cloaked in delusion.
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