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Glory To God

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    Reading Bible,Studying scripture,going for quit walks.

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  1. We can make judgement but we have been given a Godly standard to live by. The standard you use will be used against you (Matthew 7:2)
  2. Sarcasm, seemed like the appropriate response at the time obviously I did not appreciate the post. And before you ask why I can't actually remember I just know something stood out that seemed to deminish the sovereignty of God. Not much more to say really. Carry on.
  3. And while we are working all these miracles of faith and holiness within ourselves the creator of all things gets to stand back watch us make these decisions which may or may not include him. God just needs to wait and see what we do, then work his plan of salvation out based on the direction we lead him. Got it.
  4. I reject your claim jesus loved the lost and I don't recall an instruction for his christian followers to specifically love the lost either or people of the world. In fact I remember Jesus praying for his disciples but Not for the lost.
  5. I think a better formula is to love our brothers and sisters in Christ and have compasion for the lost.
  6. I know you said you went to such churches and my reply is I think it is wrong to go to a corrupt church.
  7. Hold on a second. When I say lost, I mean unsaved. Not a babe in Christ or diffenet in opinion to myself, I mean completely in the flesh and not born again. And the reason I say they will be unsaved in those places is because the way the "Church" lives is no different than the world. In fact, these apostate churches are now prioritising for the world/unsaved..... And you want to join them and call them brothers? Go ahead.
  8. Well thanks for your opinion and I will add mine. Whole nations are under spitual darkness without the choice to assemble in a biblical sound church. Europe is a prime example of this. There are ten of thousands of protestant churches but nearly all have stripped out the holy things of god and are accepting sin. I would say it is much better to not go to churches of that position. If one lives in a country that has this as the standard...... Well we know what that means about assembling. What type of people do expect to find in a "church" that accepts homesexulity,casual drug and alcohol use,fornication,b*stard children or the family unit being unimportant,feminism etc? I tell you who the people are in the places, the lost. I want to meet Christians, you won't find them in these apostate churches.
  9. I don't think you read my post properly. I never said that was doctrine,I said that was my opinion. So why you getting formal? And it doesn't even matter because different denominations take different view to soteriology. I agree doctrinely that a person needs to repent of their and be made right by the blood of Christ but here's the point-how do we know who those people are? Of course there is personal testimony but that is exactly the point of thread,is there evidence or a litmus to show who is a christian. I think there is and I stated it in the OP. This is the practicality of the faith not the technicality. Hope this helps and I repeat what I said at the beginning this is my opinion. As a matter of opinion,do you think a person professing to be a christian can not love god or not love Christians?
  10. Since you imply a person is not sincere in their affection towards God and other believers, unless they go to church I want to ask you a question and these are the only two answer. Is it better to: 1)Go to a church where the church have abandoned the word of God and teach apostate Christianity. 2) Don't go to a corrupt church. Which one?
  11. Quote from you ''In my 66 years of association with all things Biblical and Christian I have never met a non-Calvinist who believed they were the author of their salvation'' Of course you have Michael,they just don't use those words. In fact,every single Armenian thinking person who has ever professed to be a follower of Christ believe that even if it is temporary,and here is the reason: If it is not God alone that saves,free of any partnership with his creation than how are we saved? The answer is we save ourselves with the assistance of God. That is choosing your own destiny that is authoring your own salvation or lack of. That's the basic mechanics behind it,no other way really.
  12. My heart open to Jesus? Not sure what you mean by. That's how evangelists speak about the lost. Doesn't sound good for me lol. See this is where I disagree,Jesus dying for everyone and you literally said everyone but what about those cast down into hell? Christ suffered so much,lived a sinless life had the glory of a miraculous unique birth and is now at the right hand of the father making intercessions,pleading to show us mercy.........for all those creatures in the pit of hell as well? Sorry I don't believe that. And I do think the great commission should be carried out indiscriminately,so there's no disagreement there.
  13. Well by "free will" I assume you include the ability to choose salvation. Now it is going to very difficult to discuss this fairly with you David, because man's nature determines he capacity to choose God and if someone adds their own commentary into scripture, like this "they of their own free will dug themselves deep into a hole of extreme habitual trespasses" no counter-argument can be made because the scripture has been misrepresented. Man is dead in his sin says the Bible. So what are the chances of a dead man resuscitating himself and choosing God?
  14. There are so many definitions and ideas that can be said and I would like to put a very firm criteria in place. In my opinion,if a person does not love God and does not love gods children,they are not a christian. This is the litmus test and I think all the scripture points to this. Jesus said this in the upper room at the last supper: John 15:9-12 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.'' Some points to be noted are Judas had been dismissed from the room before this point when this statement was made,only Christians were present. Jesus has a special kind of love for those he pulled out of the world and so we should follow his example,as instructed. If any person does not follow in words and actions these instructions from Christ I personal would not accept any profession to the faith,I would have to conclude the lack of love for God and his people expose the true nature of the individual. This is not a new Commandment,Gods people have always been commanded to love one another,it is old testament Lev 19:17-18 “You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbor, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord'' How many people are claiming to be a Christian and come short on these essential requirements? As the end time begin to close in,the light in you Christian will grow brighter and the darkness will become dimmer. Remember to love your Brothers and sisters and of course the holy God of all things. Praise the lord.
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