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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Maybe similarly when I walk into a store I ask for good buying choices which often means I leave with nothing. This week is a week leaning into the Lord with no point of reference and no familiarity. I believe I know what you are referring to. I get them like little passing heart tugs. And I seem to know when the enemy is running interference.
  2. I would say those “orderly” denominations I have been in didn’t discourage this. It was more a don’t ask don’t tell kind of thing, although I have heard a few pastors come out and go against it. This was few and far in-between. In most cases congregants didn’t know and were never told. What a church does says more about it than what it claims to be. Many of the Pentecostal churches can’t seem to fall in line with doing things according to the word which can turn into mayhem. Same with many of the charismatic bunch. Granted they are all individual churches. One church might be following Paul’s admonitions while the other isn’t.
  3. I tend to be the same way. In the small groups we attend a leader will often wait a few minutes for the Lord to speak to us. This helps me in my prayer life when I apply it. I like the idea of asking the Holy Spirit to speak louder.
  4. More accurately a leader would be charged with accurately relaying, teaching, preaching God’s word and maintaining order. Oversight, elders, deacons and so forth. I believe there is further context to that verse.
  5. I similarly received a bad word from someone but knew right away in my spirit it wasn’t right, so I never considered it. Yes in many denominations these gifts are squelched and the leadership will be held responsible.
  6. I mention God shows me things. He can show anyone things. Much of the issue, at least in North America is the lack of knowledge from leaders on the subject.
  7. Once I was driving late in the city and a man claimed I cut him off. I had a sudden instruction to get in the car and drive off while he was talking, so I did.
  8. Yes just like a pastor should be held accountable. If the message is intended for the reciever, they will know what it is supposed to mean. Maybe not right away, sometimes immediately. God tells the person He is using for this the things only the person listening may be aware of. In reading other prophet experiences, many of them have gone too far in giving a word and payed dearly for it. Pride will destroy this. Sometimes God might give us something we aren't necessarily supposed to tell. It could just be a revelation about a person. I was once told by someone they seen a little boy in a rain coat. This was awhile back. Now that one would have been tough for me to give to someone else. The lady seen what she seen. It has taken some time for the meaning of that to materialize. I took from it we sometimes see the Spirit like a rainstorm and we are trying to get away from it, when God is calling us to let the water of the Spirit lay on us and in us.I have since removed my rain coat :) I want to grow in the Spirit. It reminded me of the times when I played in the rain as a boy with reckless oblivion. So even though that prophetic word seemed odd, I now see the meaning. Originally I questioned where this person was getting her info or if she was stable. I appreciated her boldness in giving it. I recently seen a woman and three little cells in the lining of her uterous. What would you do with that? I was inclined to think she was pregnant. When I asked a more experienced friend, he told me that generally two things they never comment on are pregnancy and if one person is intended for another person. Thankfully I never had that last one to contend with. He then said another person in our church accurately seen a woman pregnant and told her. Even knowing the sex, so I guess it isn't unheard of.I also remembered this woman commenting this. To say that one was "going out on a limb" and made me uncomfortable is an understatement. I gave that word and my thinking that it looked like she was pregnant. I haven't heard back and maybe I'll never know. All I know is what I seen and what it seemed to represent to me. She may not know she is. She would know best. Not me. This is the risk in giving these kinds of words. You really are moving out in faith with that word and it can be easy to misinterpret things. Many in the prophetic feel far more comfortable in handing these kinds of things out along with an explanation.
  9. This is interesting. My NIV version of Acts 20:23 says- I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. This was an ongoing threat which Paul seems to have disregarded continuing to push forward in his purpose, thinking his own safety as secondary. Even in the face of prophetic warnings confirming his inner warnings. I see this as preparation of the Spirit rather than a call for him to cease his actions.He was "counting the cost" at every turn, and each time he placed himself on the altar of the cause.His expectations were in line. Maybe similar to the feelings a missionary to China or Russia may be feeling. Realizing they may never return.
  10. I'll let RDJ clarify if he desires. I took that to mean prophecy isn't always complete. I know that to be true in my own life. We know in part, we prophesty in part. The word is accurate, but could be intended for a specific purpose or time. It can either be complete or it can be the piece in a puzzle where someone else will clarify or confirm it the bigger picture. Much like tongues, it needs a confirmation and supervision if it's public. I might tell someone I seen something, but I am not exaclty sure what it means. Other times I pray over it and get a fuller meaning. Inexperienced prophets can get a meaning wrong and convey it wrong. We add ourselves instead of just saying the word. That's something I have to fight against. The temptation to make sense of something and take it in the wrong direction. If I misinterpret something God gives me, should I quit? No. I need to learn to wait and pray on it. Maybe not even give it at all if so led, or maybe hold onto it until the right time to give it. God's ways are not man's ways, and so we should not have a human expectation on what He does or how He does it. I believe there is a lot of flexibility and creativity in the way the Lord works.He never contradicts Himself. We have the example of David eating the food in the temple. Would you agree with that? Luke 6:1-5. If God allows something, to deny it is to quench the Spirit. Paul was told in his spirit the girl had a spirit with bad motives. What was the motive? Why would a spirit that is of the anti christ be proclaiming the truth of Paul? The spirit knew that if it seemingly supported Paul's message, then it would affirm the function of the fortune teller with familiar spirit in that community. This was an evil attempt at associating evil with good. It failed as Paul cast the demon out. Whenever God works in the miraculous, the religious hypocrites will often try to get rid of the source. The town's people were led to revolt suggesting they leave as when the demons were cast out into swine. The miracles were seen as a liability, but really it was destroying everything under the other false demonic gods of that city, and in the case of the Jewish religious, took the attention from them.
  11. Anyone can get a word from the Lord to build up others or for themselves. None of this ever contradicts anything in the scrptures. Sometimes the problem arises when a believer the Lord is using misinterprets a thing given to them. For instance the Lord may give them a message for a person and instead of relaying a message they add what they think it means. Myself being inexperienced in this I am sometimes tempted to add what I think it means instead of just giving the word. A church down the road from me has a dedicated prophetic team and I sometimes wish I was there to get under the wing of a more experienced person. These things need guidance and supervision. I am asking for such a person if it's the Lords will. Sometimes I get a word for someone and it is so odd, I am reluctant to tell them about it. So far I have gone out on a limb to give words I may have misunderstood as I think it shows faith in the Lord. I may have at times misunderstood what I thought it means, but I know it was a thing I recieved to give.There's a great book out there given to me by a pastor and written by a man who was trained in a seminary that was averse to this sort of thing. I won't ruin the story as he eventually sees many of the gifts in action and changed the way he sees this now. The book is titled- Experiencing The Spirit, by Robert Heidler. When Jesus arrived He backed up His words with miracles. When He rose again and transfigured, the Holy Spirit came to help the apostles continue the work with exactly the same things Jesus had done Casting out demons, healing and prophesy. This transferrence continued to the churches. If this was not the case Paul would not be instructing the churches on the proper methods of using these gifts of the Spirit. He even tells the church of Corinth ot earnestly desire these gifts. Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. (1 Cor 14:1) To this very day -Demons are cast out -People are healed - Prophecy. People still recieve direction from the Holy Spirit through others in various ways that agree with scripture and are more specific to individuals. As noted in an earlier post, Prophecy is evident in the NT. No scripture indicaties a discontinuation unil Jesus comes. At that time there will be no need for these gifts because we know as we are known. I will be the first to say I am very skeptical of televangenlists because God has showed me most of them are counterfeits. God doesn't need a man with a fancy title. He can speak through anyone who is yeilded to Him, and often does. God does whatever He wants to do through whoever He decides to use. If we as His representatives on this earth do not have real power of the Holy Ghost we are neutering ourselves so to speak. You want to help bring in the kingdom? Seek the gifts and then use them.Don't read the bible, live the bible. As John Wimber said, " Do the stuff". The only thing limiting God is us.
  12. That is a very fitting interpretation.Thank you.
  13. As a pastor this would be a concern certainly. Those young in this would need supervision. I give what I see to a brother older and wiser in it. One thing I recently learned is we should use wisdom in when we say a word. Some have waited years to release a word. I have held a word for a week and have other words I’m still praying about. In other cases I felt led to immediately respond. At the wind farewell to Japan concert some friends of one member received hands on prayer. At that time the Holy Spirit gave me the picture of fall corn and a scare crow. This was odd because it’s Spring here and scarecrows were the last thing on my mind, but after the prayer I gave them the word. Most of what I see is symbolic and it doesn’t always come as a package, much like dreams which I also have. I am nothing special in terms of gifts. I desire the gift and God knows I am asking/pressing to it. ALL can get these Spirit enablings. Unfortunately too many churches discourage it. Even the words Holy Spirit scare some people, but He’s God folks.
  14. Good point. When we get a word for someone from the lord for their edification:)
  15. God uses bad to bring the other bad along with it. Satan has a purpose. In addition to bad being often turned for good purposes. The way I see this things have to run their course now. Satan rebelled and pulled a 3rd of the angels away. Satan aided in ruining man the same way he ruined himself, which I believe he thought it to be a death hit on men. He did not anticipate the salvation of men. This must really grate on him since none of the others were offered salvation. Their job was to remain loyal. Now the goal is to entice men further away from God so they will never accept him. One way he does this is through character attacks on God questioning his validity , and discrediting the Bible in twisting it. If Christianity can be seen as passé, he can give men what the flesh has always wanted. A religion that lets them indulge the flesh. Anyone who has a mind to rebel or run counter to God will find lots of company. That’s why there will be millions in hell. This is the catalyst Satan uses, and why I think his presence on earth is used to help purge those people in the end.
  16. I was thinking of the modern day equivalent to idols in the western world. That would probably be “things” like houses and cars and vacations. Anything that soothes the self or that the self likes which is put before God. None of it will ever deeply satisfy in the way a relationship with God satisfies. Everyone living for the now with no thoughts to eternity, when we should be using the now to prepare for the later. Of course they tell us there is no later and so they all live accordingly. A by product of infected thinking that seems good. No harm in enjoying those things in the right balance.
  17. I could dramatize this, and yes hearing God is always special for me, but not so dramatic as it’s a fairly common occurrence as I suspect it is with many or most believers. For instance, I might awake and think to myself, should I attend church today? This would really be my lazy flesh trying to question what I already know the answer to deep down. Sometimes I think we do that. We ask God questions we already knew the answers to. What might be more confusing is which church? And we might be seeking the Lord on that one. Waiting on His leading. A friend of mine who held home church for several years relocated and jokingly told me he didn’t want to go to ‘church’. I knew what he meant by that. His church had comfortably been at his home and now he had to go to a church building. Legalism would say it should be in a church building. Obviously not the voice of God. I don’t believe God speaks through people who make up rules and then tell us what we ‘should’ do. I once had a pastor scold me for attending another church with my girlfriend( pre marriage days). In his thinking it was wrong not to attend the church I was a member of, even if my girlfriend was there. This is where people will try to pass legalism off as the voice of God. Scripture can be misrepresented under the guise of love when really what it is, is manipulation. The leading of the Lord is peaceful, not pushy. If God really is leading, and we run from it, We don’t get very far before the realization eventually comes. Which brings up another issue. Do we always want to hear the voice of God? John 10”my sheep hear my voice”. Sometimes as believers I think we can become full of hearing, or we don’t want to know. Why would that be? Possibly we dread the outcome we think is in store. Jonah would be a good example of this. Don’t you think Samson didn’t hear that small voice, “she is bad for you”?
  18. I remembered you had that background as a youth up close. Much has probably changed since. These days are sad indeed. I am all for Paul’s’ decently and in order’ which never precluded the ‘gifts’. Lately I have been around many that seem to be exhibiting these gifts. Some of my closest friends. Some of those things are beginning to happen in me. It feels good to be experiencing the Bible instead of only studying it.
  19. Oh now we’ve done it. Episcopalians will be speaking in tongues. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing.😙
  20. Good stuff. As an aside, a potential translational misunderstanding of the term ‘gift’ can be more accurately called ‘ spiritual enablement’. We are to seek spiritual enablements referred to as gifts in English translations. This is what the church in many areas of the world seems to be lacking. Ironically it is our empowerment by the Spirit for His work.
  21. Hello Michael, I will add the book to my list. Read so far: - Developing your Prophetic Gifting, Graham Cook - The Gift Of Prophecy, Jack Deere Reading now - You All May Prophesy, Steve Thompson I liked those first two books because they were from the vantage points of men who had the ‘gift’. That word ‘gift’ is not recommended by a few because it isn’t something we possess according to them the person is giving something they were given. IOW not inherent to the person. Not yet sure how I feel about that as even the Apostle Paul called them gifts. The gift of hearing the Lord in those unique ways. Churches ,individuals and kings have used prophets. Training for it almost doesn’t seem to exist in many parts of the world.Western religious thought has tended to discourage it, and sometimes because of a bad experience. The Bible never says false prophets are powerless, but I think we can use the word and discernment to weed them out. Fallibility in the gift: - Misinterpretation of a revelation leading to a bad answer. - Sin in a prophet’s life can lead to demonic and personal distortions.Pride, immorality etc. - Used as manipulation. I have had things revealed I can’t yet explain. Just little snippets of things that I am convinced mean something.These have been mind pictures. The more mature prophets may know something and never feel led to reveal it. I was in a meeting the other week and had some ‘impressions’ I can’t confirm. Even if I could it wasn’t the sort of impression to share publicly. Praying about what to do with it. In reiterating your references, prophecy should be supervised and discretion/ discernment is important. Congregations are led by pastors and oversight. No room for loose cannons.
  22. I had something to share God had showed me to a man in my church. It was an image with a meaning. Then later in the service we had a person there with prophetic words for my church. The exact same thing was relayed, and I mean exact. Only one other person was aware of what I had said. They turned around and looked at me in church. Only myself, the man and another friend were aware of it since I didn’t make it public. I am “small fry” at the prophetic. It does seem to be occurring.
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