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Everything posted by Whyme

  1. Did you support BLM? They broad brushed police. Not one democrat came out and condemned them for it. Not that i saw.
  2. If you voted for a democrat politician who supported BLM then you voted/supported people with a broad paintbrush. They blame all police for the actions of a few.
  3. That doesnt answer my question. First, i referred to all dead voters not all democrats. I said that i bet all the dead voters voted democrat. Thats not really the same as broad brushing all democrats. Its like saying i bet mostly all of the BLM ANTIFA voters voted democrat., Thats not broad brushing either. Its my belief.
  4. I have very few friends due to social anxiety, but i am friends with some of my neighbors, about a 9 people. All of them are white but i have one friend i met through a neighbor who is black, he was a democrats that voted Trump because he didnt trust Biden.
  5. By our words we will be judged. Why is that if they are just words? If i can be fake online what makes you think i cant do it face to face?
  6. Not really. Im sure Stephen had faith because he was full of the spirit but he was stoned to death.
  7. I have found resolve in being alone and with online fellowship only. Not always but now it seems i have, praise the Lord.
  8. All i have is online fellowship and my opinion of it differs from yours. You say its just typed words but words spoken are not magical in some way, are they?. You don't give much credit to typed words but the bible is typed. I know you mean well, but frauds are in leadership roles in some churches and the people dont see it. I've seen ministers and their wives commit things i don't even like saying. And the catholic Church and its scandal as well. People didn't see through them just like they cant see through anyone. I have had to learn to value online fellowship and when that's not available i have God still. Going to church however will not show you anything a person doesn't allow you to see, so how is it different than online fellowship? Its all about perspective.
  9. I think tribulation and hardship brings us closer to God. we bear our cross's, right? I think its good for a person to have that. Maybe my cross isn't as lovely as the Lords, he was innocent, a lamb without blemish. I on the other hand built my own cross with my many flaws. But dont we all? Are we not all guilty? Sometimes the cross is not of my making however, but i think all things work good for me. All things drive me closer to God. I feel very blessed. My heart was once rocky soil, but now i see victory. Victory over sin. Is that fruit? It must be.
  10. 1 Peter 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
  11. The Lord is a refuge for the rejected. Amen.
  12. We are commanded to love our neighbor, brother, enemy and husband or wife. We should love our wife as Christ loved the Church. That's what scripture says. Love is not just emotions. Love is a commitment to serve another, that's Gods definition of love. Isnt that what the Lord did for us? He loved by serving. Maybe you dont have lovely emotions but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be loving them anyway.
  13. I built a metal twister/bender to go with my other bender. Its cheap to use elbow grease rather than heating the metal up and twisting or bending it. Its also less work. I went to a flea market today and saw craftsman selling their stuff. My neighbor is a vender and i went with him. Im sure, God willing, i can make money selling metal crafts there. I just need the right stuff.
  14. My apologies. In the future my hacks will be safer. A can 0f wd40 holds 90-100 psi according to some guy on youtube who claimed to be quoting the manufacturer. If it it is possible to rupture one of these cans with an air compressor ,the bottom of the can would pop out first and that would be a clue that it has too much pressure and you should stop, but ive never had that happen yet. Regardless, my apologies for this thread.
  15. How do we know it wasnt rigged? The news tells us so but they dont exactly report the news correctly, they are bias. As far as i know we are still doing audits. How can we say these claims are false if we havent done a proper audit? Isn't it too soon to be accusing people of making false claims?
  16. Democrats say voter ID laws are racist. They are not racist however but are rational and logical. Not allowing Voter ID undermines the integrity of the voting system because anyone can vote. And no one has problems getting ID despite what democrat's say to the contrary. So why are democrat's spinning a deceptive narrative about showing ID at the polls? The only reason i can think of is they want to make it easier to create fraudulent votes and allow illegals to vote as well. Seriously, its so obvious i dont know why democrat voters dont see though this nonsense.
  17. Joe Biden wanted to have authority to search peoples homes without a warrant. The SCOTUs unanimously rejected it
  18. He knows what hes saying and doing, although i can see why you think otherwise. I saw Joe Biden make fun of a fat guy who asked him about his son Hunter. He straight out dogged the guy for being out of shape. If Trump did that he would have to answer questions unlike Joe Biden. And if Trump had a son like Hunter Biden we would we talking about it instead of ignoring it like the liberal press does in order to protect Biden. Trump wouldn't get away with not answering questions and would not get away with fat shaming an American who asked him a question he didnt like. If these things happened to trump you can safely bet that the liberal press will drown the airwaves and social media with an anti Trump smear campaign. Not so fore Joe.
  19. Yes, democrats stealing votes that dont belong to them, here we go again.
  20. No, if it were sweeping i would have indicated all democrats but i didnt.
  21. Yes there is something wrong with it, its racism and discrimination. Its illegal as well. So its ok for the government to discriminate against blacks? No of course not and neither is it ok to discriminate against whites or anyone. You are justifying racism and discrimination. We had Jim crow laws in this country at one time, created by democrats to discriminate against black Americans. Now they do it in the reverse but that ok?
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