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Ani Tefillah

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Everything posted by Ani Tefillah

  1. My tiny YouTube channel ...."Glorify Your Name". https://youtu.be/P1gOesQZbQg This is a song i wrote in hardship. (from my tiny You-Tube channel.) I hope it will touch your heart.πŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™
  2. I'm sure you have good intentions, as it seems that you genuinely love your daughter. ☺️ Nevertheless, first thing first, right? My concern for you both, is that you need to wholeheartedly repent and get saved and bornagain etc., as I assume you wanna go to Heaven some day?
  3. I was grown up with a mom who wanted to control me even after I was an adult, and also my marriage, and that's not good at all for anyone, believe me! It went so long that she ended up persecuting my husband and I, so I decided to cut off all contact with her, which was an huge relief. I'm 55 years now, don't have any children myself, but if I had, I know that it would have been good for both me and the child(ren), if i let them live their own lives when they grew up, and not try to stick my nose and try to control them, if you know what I mean.
  4. I'll pray that you both will wholeheartedly repent and get saved and born again. Please just leave your adult daughter alone, and try only to become a good example for her. ☺️
  5. That's kinda odd, but I'm glad to hear it! 😊
  6. I'm not sure either, but I think it is an option to pay for things you buy online?
  7. Amen to that! I don't have any bankid or internet bank account (and will not have it either), therefore I can't shop online with Klarna etc anymore, as they've started to crave bankid. Well, then I'm saving those money. 😊
  8. Of course He loves everyone, but not everyone is saved and born again, walking on the narrow path to Heaven, unfortunately. πŸ˜” πŸ™πŸ½
  9. Well, I've noticed that I'm using much time on my smartphone and also a little too much on my tablet, so I decided to do something about it and challenge myself. πŸ“²πŸ“΄πŸ™ƒ So yesterday I was totally off both the phone and the tablet, I actually placed them in another room. πŸ˜… It is quite easy for me to not eat anything (fast) for one day, but I must admit that it was a bigger challenge to not be on the phone or the tablet for one day, (I don't have a computer πŸ–₯ / laptop, only a tablet....but it is a tiny πŸ’» pc, isn't it?). However, I think I will continue to be offline some days a week, as what I do FOR the Lord, isn't more important than my relationship WITH Him, I believe. ☺️ What's your opinion on this, and is it something you can consider to do? Do you think you should limit your time on the phone, tablet, computer etc, to be more with the Lord or/and your family and friends? 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 I wish you a blessed and fruitful day (still)! 😊
  10. My heart aches πŸ˜” for those who are deceived by such false teachings and doctrines, and many of them actually seems to be very devoted to the Lord at the first, but then I unfortunately discover that they are deceived. πŸ™πŸ½
  11. Please be aware of false teachers such like this, and pray for those who are deceived by it. https://www.gotquestions.org/Ellen-G-White.html
  12. Amen! πŸŽΆπŸ†™ 🎢 πŸ†™ 🎢 πŸ†™ 🎢 I really enjoy to both pray and sing the Word! 😊
  13. Mighty testimony, Jesus healed a man from ms! πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™πŸŽΆπŸ†™
  14. Shalom! I'm taking one day at a time, but I hope to grow in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, get stronger in the sum of the Holy Word, and learn to walk in the spirit and to trust wholeheartedly in Abba Father. 😊
  15. I can imagine that! 😊 I know that some places in Canada is quite similar to some in Norway πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄, where I live. It actually came more snow 🌨 ❄️ 🌨️ yesterday! πŸ˜‚But as the sun β˜€ is starting to get warmer, I hope it'll melt away soon.
  16. Shalom from Norway πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄! I know how you feel, as I was trying to find my husband (on my own, which only caused misery) for several years, until Abba Father finally brought my Godly husband into my life 20+years ago! 😊 I think it can happen in many ways, as Abba Father has planned it out for His children. Abba Father, thank You that You have a Godly woman for your son here, who can become the right wife for him in every way, and thank You for bringing them together in Your way and timing, for helping them to wait on You, and for starting to pray for each other, even before they have met. I bless their marriage in advance, and thank You for making it to a glory for Your Kingdom! In Yeshua's Holy Name! Amiina! πŸ™πŸ½
  17. Yeah, I know the feeling. I actually have gotten found of the winter season by now, but shuffle snow 🌨 ❄️ 🌨️ ❄️ can be a challenge. πŸ˜…It is an excellent exercise, though! 😊
  18. This is how it looks like outside here now! ❄️ πŸ˜‚
  19. Praise the Lord! πŸŽΆπŸ†™ 🎢 Where are them from, if I may ask?
  20. I've been there for years now, but Abba Father has seen me through, and brought me closer to Him! 🎹 ⬆️ 🎼 🎻 πŸ†™ 😊 Please hang in there now, and draw closer to Him!
  21. It's because it was recently updated, but if many will join and participate, it can become a fruitful place for the Lord's sake, hopefully. 😊 The Worthy Forum had a beginning once, too, you know.
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