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  1. So there are many things that aren't in the Bible. If you are going to use that logic, then you can't drive a car or use a phone or celebrate any holiday except Jewish ones because all those things aren't in the Bible. If you can show me where it says Easter and Christmas are sinful, I'll gladly stop celebrating them. But you can't use absence of someone as evidence of condemnation. That's twisting scripture.
  2. So your saying that it's not possible for someone to be saved without reading the Bible? Then how do people without a Bible get saved?
  3. I had missionaries in mind. You can go to people who don't have Bibles and teach them the true gospel and they can be saved. Obviously they can't live the same way we can if they don't know God's law, but salvation can still be achieved with 1 faithful person to show them the way.
  4. A person can be saved without ever having read the Bible, in fact there will be people in Heaven who never saw a Bible. All that's necessary is for someone to explain the gospel message and for that person to accept it.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you say that going to church on Sunday and celebrating holidays is sinful? I occasionally attend church on Sunday and I will never stop celebrating holidays, even the so called pagan ones like Resurrection Sunday and Christmas.
  6. God sometimes talks or reveals things to people who are not yet saved. God speaking to someone is not evidence for salvation. ONLY a relationship with Jesus is evidence for salvation.
  7. What you say is not logical. Just because a teaching gained great popularity during a certain time period is NOT proof that it started at that time. As I stated, some church fathers believed in the rapture and there are scriptures that teach it. The Darby myth is again gaining great popularity I see. By the way, I never attended Dallas Seminary or read a Scofield Bible. My belief in the rapture comes from the Bible alone, not any man's teaching.
  8. If I understood your question correctly, the answer is no. Simply having scriptural knowledge and hearing a word from God does not make you saved. There will be lots of people in Hell who knew scripture inside and out and who heard words from God, but they didn't know him as Savior. Knowledge has nothing to do with salvation. Only a relationship with Christ gives you salvation.
  9. I agree with you. Sadly true biblical teaching is hard to find today. Pastors seen to care more about whatever will get people in the doors. Timothy warns is that there will be many false teachers. Sadly most christians don't test teachings against the word of God, so when they hear a lie in the pulpit, they don't recognize it. I have also heard the diety of Christ attacked and the total denial of Trinity and Hell preached in churches. Very sad time in the world.
  10. I don't personally believe in aliens, and am sure the Bible doesn't support such a teaching. However I'm certain that demons DO appear to people as aliens, just as they do dead relatives. Anyway, my opinion is that no, Satan will not be visible. However his man on earth, the AntiChrist will be visible. Scripture seems to suggest that this AntiChrist will be possessed by Satan, so in worshipping one, you worship the other.
  11. I'm confused by your attack on Tyndale Seminary as I said nothing about it in my earlier response. I'm also confused why you believe John Darby " created " the rapture teaching. For those willing to do their homework, the rapture teaching can be found all the way back to the early church. Clement of Rome ( 35 - 101 ), Ignatius of Antioch ( d.110 ), & Irenaeus of Lyon ( 120 - 202 and also a disciple of Polycarp ) all mention the rapture of the church in their writings. This evidence SHOULD end the false claim that somehow Darby created the teaching, but no doubt there will be people who persist in claiming it.
  12. Actually I have heard several pastors in churches in my area deny the rapture. As far as TV preachers, it doesn't really matter if you don't listen to them anyway, which is a shame because there are some who are really good teachers.
  13. The rapture is definitely under attack. I hear pastor's all the time say that is a false teaching and many Christians don't believe in it anymore. However some passages of scripture don't make sense unless there is a rapture. It is becoming popular to deny the rapture.
  14. You are incorrect. John Darby may have popularized the teaching, however there have been writings from a few of the church fathers that show a rapture was believed back in the 4th century.
  15. No. God cannot become wiser since it is impossible for him to learn anything. The reason Christians are not bound by the old Jewish laws is because the culture is completely different. When the law was given, the people were new to God and the rules were given to make mingling with neighboring nations impossible. It wasn't so much about holiness as it was about keeping them totally separate from all the nations around them. By the time Jesus came, such laws were no longer necessary as the people knew how to keep separate from the pagans around them. Besides, unlike the Jews, Christians are not supposed to stay away from pagans. We are supposed to affect them for righteousness and teach them the ways of God.
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