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Everything posted by Bluedragon

  1. I offend people in a Godly way every night that I am on a football sideline. "Excuse me coach. That is an NFL rule and neither you nor I, am getting paid enough to use that rule."
  2. Because its' been revealed that exactly what is described in the bible actually occurred. Joseph went to Pilot and asked for the body. Pilot was amazed that Jesus had died so quickly. He approved the removal of the body and custody given to Joseph for burial. There are many examples of bodies being buried after crucifixion. He then issued orders to break the legs of the other two criminals. Some of the most notable examples involve the remains that depicted exactly where the nail was driven between the wrist bones, not the hands. In one case the nail struck a knot in the wood and was bent. The Roman soldiers hacked the wood beam and buried a section of beam with that body. A lot of people associate medieval paintings with the actual crucifixion. Most art depicts one or two guards. A Roman Guard would involve anywhere from 16 to 20 guards. Four on duty for four hours, the next four on duty. The Bible, when read carefully states "some of the guard" went to Caiaphas to represent them before Pilot. "Some of the Guard" means there were others left at the tomb while the others went to petition Caiaphas. The Pharisees then created the stolen body excuse. The Apostles were not trained soldiers .... they would be up against the most well trained guard in the world. However, the Guard was not executed and no one died ....Falling asleep on guard was a brutal way to go.
  3. The response should be: When Hamas is no longer affiliated with the Palestinian Government and Iran has no influence, we will sit at the table to negotiate a two state solution. Until then ...
  4. In 332BC, Alexander the Great defeated Tyre. He then marched unopposed to Jerusalem. Before he arrived he had a dream concerning the High Priest. The High Priest met him at the gate and they negotiated the terms of the surrender of Israel to the Boy King. Alexander's influence had great affect on the official records of the cities and the governments. Everything official was conducted in Greek. The writer's of the New testament were more practiced in Greek than Hebrew. The Writer's also knew that every country around Israel would be versed in Greek as a part of the Empire. That's why Greek was well known within educated circles of the time.
  5. As I stated. The translation is the flaw. The difference between thief and robber doesn't exist. Liberal theologians go to great strides to fill in blanks that don't exist. The typical location for crucifixion would have numerous uprights in place. In that manner you would be correct, in multiple uprights at the location. However, every statement in every verse points to two thieves and not multiples. Luke 23 expresses this perfectly. Mathew 27 does not add two more. Had there been more than three Mathew and Luke would stated such. In other words, you read someone's attempt to add people not there, went to the scripture and said "Yup, he's right." That doesn't come close to making this factual. After the earthquake, storm and darkness, the Roman soldiers dispatched two thieves by breaking their legs. John 19:32 explicitly says that the legs of one thief were broken then the other. When studying scripture it's best to take the entire sequence in play other than piece meal it all together. All scripture concerning the situation must be considered. The scripture simply doesn't support the addition of two more crucifixions on that day. You should take this to scripture. I'll apologize for the smear tactic ....
  6. Having dealt with radio signals in the Electric Utility industry. Radio signals go straight, without relay systems to redirect signals to next in line several miles away, the signals go dead because they drift off into space. Pie are not square or flat.
  7. 5. Saturday is the last day of the week. However we’ve been taught to worship on Sunday, and we keep no day holy. Now instead of respecting God’s Sabbath, we do almost every kind of lawlessness on Saturday and try to go for forgiveness Sunday. We might have been lied to by our fathers, but that doesn't mean all of us have stayed in those lies. Worship is everyday. But the Sabbath is the set apart, holy 7th day. Always was, always will be. When Adam was naming animals was he given the command to name the days of a week as well? The name of the days of the week didn't come about until much later. So, Greece and Rome decide we need a calendar. Man creates days of the week names based on constellations and no asked the question "Did anyone find the stone tablet from God that tells exactly what day he created earth? Days of the week and month are a creation of man. No one knows the exact day God created the heavens and earth. So why concern ourselves over whether Saturday is the last day of the week, when it has nothing to do with the creation by God. So, we have a small contingency of followers that believe we sin every week because most of us don't see Saturday as being a holy day. There is a greater number of followers that believe the opposite. I don't recall anyone preaching from the pulpit about the number of cultists that worship on Saturday. .
  8. Want to know how to shut a UFO debate over Greys and Reptilians fighting over the domain of the earth? My Boss was heavily involved with the UFO cult as I called it. Every year there was a UFO Convention in Tampa Bay. They gathered to see UFO's over McDill AFB and to discuss that latest news. Bob would invite Keynote Speakers and the most revered UFO experts to his house. I was a part of a group of 7-10 people invited to these gatherings. The topics were pointed and direct in each session and to quite honest ....very interesting. One evening the topic went to the battles above the earth between the Greys and Reptilians for domain. After about two hours, I suddenly asked a question ...."The Bible states that Angels and Demons fight in the heavens over domain over the earth. This is the battle we are talking about." The room grew silent. Our expert suddenly explained "You could very well be right." I explained "I believe in Bob's thoughts that demons and angels travel in time and are a second faster than we are. Therefore we never see them until they want to be seen. It makes perfect sense. They can be whatever they want to appear like. Humans can be easily tricked other than those of us who are absolutes believers in Christ. That's why I listen to this with a grain of salt, because I'm convinced higher powers are at play and they are spiritual and not physical in nature." That ended the discussion on battles in the heavens.
  9. Point them out. When Jesus died the Romans broke the legs of both thieves to hasten their deaths. There were no other men being crucified at the same time. At that point in history Crucifixion is a one day affair. The first of the right now generation. Breaking the legs prevents you from pushing up to relive the stress on your lungs. You drown in your blood when the legs are crushed. Simply because of a shoddy translation issue that challenges some scholars, does not translate to more than two crucified at the same time. Robbers and thieves are the same thing. The crucifixion was hurried to a conclusion because of the earthquake and a storm combined with darkness over the earth. Jesus was already dead and the two crucified with him were dispatched quickly. There are two groups of Theology. A liberal group that invents things not found in the text and a more conservative exact reading of the scriptures. Creating a myth between robbers and thieves by definition can be easily summed up by the exact Greek translation.
  10. The point being, they came from Adam and Eve, not mysterious populations, not related to Adam and Eve.
  11. Oh and technically, yes there were lots and lots of people on earth when Adam and Eve were, but only the two of them in the garden. And exactly where, technically did these people come from? I believe that Adam and Eve were, in essence virgins, until the fruit of the tree of life was eaten and they were driven from the garden. Cain and Able were born after the fall. Otherwise ....what is described as populations of people outside of the garden, is evolution not connected to God. That would be the only answer. If you trace DNA and look to the source, every man, and woman on the planet is common to the last chains where differences occur. That doesn't come from monkeys that changed over time. There would be a stand out strain different from the monkey strain. As stated earlier, 900 years means a lot of puppies created along the way.
  12. Breeding pigs was good enough for Jesus to cast the demons into from a man possessed, as was their quick trip to hell over a cliff. Without the pigs ....where would the demons have been cast?
  13. Four is a cult teaching from an anti Christian Author trying to distort the actual writings of the New Testament Authors. I'll go with the actual witnesses versus the writings centuries later, from one determined to have a affect of changing the narrative. It's in the same realm of claiming that Washington was a Deist. His own notes within the pages of his personal Bible and personal actions during the Revolution and as President declare otherwise. His Pastor made a note of Washington refusing to take communion and thus supposedly declared him to be a Deist. There is only historian that claims the Deist position ..... A modern Professor in History. No where else is the claim found. Creative changing of what exists to something that cannot be supported. Hence, four crucified at the same time of Christ.
  14. I walked around the corner one morning in church. There stood an elderly lady in the church berating a young man about 16 years old. She was taking him to task over piercing, tattoos and hair being dyed black. I interrupted and told John to go to Sunday School and I would stop to talk to him later. Instead of blasting the lady, I asked a question. "Do you ever think that the boys at Columbine crossed paths with adults eager to admonish and condemn them instead of trying to understand them?" She stopped and said "I never considered that." Something triggered those boys, they found something of comfort in evil and it took over their lives. There was no one in their lives to guide them back toward the light. They retreated into a deeper hole. "I do the opposite, I ask what their tats mean and why they got them. Ask if the piercings hurt when they were done. Ask if the tattoo parlor hurt them when they were were having them done. Then ask what the black hair means. Is part of a cult? Or a rebellion of theirs? Ask about their Bible study ...
  15. Interesting, considering that Sheol is a Hebrew belief, coming from a divided Jewish Community, one that believed in life after death and one that does not. I would not put too much faith in Sheol. It means Purgatory which doesn't exist. Unless one is Catholic. Jesus told the thief on the cross "Today you will be with me in paradise." Not one word about Sheol.
  16. Keep in mind. When the third temple is built .....sacrifices will begin again in earnest. The blood will flow.
  17. My point being ... this happens all the time. It became a political football because of the SCOTUS decision. My wife was the Head Nurse at the largest Maternity Department in the largest hospital in Birmingham. She made many calls to Atlanta to have a rape victim or incest victim transported by the state to get the abortion and then be brought back to Alabama.
  18. No one hears about abortion after rape, because up until now, it wasn't a political football. Rapes in homes, on the street especially with under age girls and legal women ...the abortion is conducted privately as opposed to the news media debating the issue. All other matters concerning the rape are handled by the legal system. The Democrats have no business bringing up an Ohio matter when they themselves don't know the issues surrounding the rape. Every hospital in America doesn't call a press conference concerning an abortion because of a rape. No one knows except for the small circle of influence that the victim and the rapist are involved in. It's better to let the legal system decide what to do about the rape and the victim. States across the county have dealt with a neighboring state when the pregnancy has gone past the restrictions of state law. Fortunately no one shouts it from the rooftops. In other words, leave it alone and let the state's deal with the issue. That's why there will be 50 different laws.
  19. My daughter has a child 35 years old now. Georgia has the mind of a four year old. She is lucky to be alive. Doctors write articles about her. When Georgia reached puberty, My daughter took her to the Doctor and had all the hardware removed. Georgia won't ever live through trauma of sexual molestation and a pregnancy because some deviant took advantage of her. She remains an innocent 4 year old for life. The Ohio case is deeper than a rape, excuse me, two rapes and a pregnancy. What gives the police the idea that in the case of illegals, crime should not be reported? My wife was the Head nurse of the maternity ward in a major hospital here in Alabama. They received a call from another Doctor about a incest rape victim eleven years old that was 15 weeks pregnant. Mom and Boyfriend were already under arrest, Daughter was a ward of the state. My wife was called to find a abortion clinic in Atlanta that would take the abortion case. The girl was well outside the abortion threshold of Alabama. The state of Alabama took that girl to Georgia to have the abortion and then brought her back. Ohio is wrestling with a sanctuary city issue and possibly two illegals in the state. Rape is rape no matter who does the crime. The daughter should be removed from the mother. If she is illegal, send her back home. Let her home country ask for permission to untie mother and daughter.
  20. That case will be tried in Virginia and not in Washington DC. Durham is not through yet.
  21. Back to SCOTUS, where it won't be heard and four of the Justices will rule against New York. There is a short number of Justices involved when a case flies in the face of a recent ruling. Albany is too ridiculous to realize that this will overturned. They just don't get it.
  22. Odd, that countries in the realm of what was mentioned half lower inflation numbers than the US. Russian invasion ....Ha Ha!
  23. And here I thought that Democrats wanted nothing but the best for women. Suburban Moms will daughters are watching this, formula shortages and other items very carefully. Thankfully, indications are that Suburban Moms regret their decision in trading reality for fantasy during the Presidential election. Mean tweets don't look so bad anymore.
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