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  1. Marijuana caused me to get paranoid schizophrenia at a young age. I think I may have been prone to that illness previously but it's very difficult to say, and what complicates it is the realm of the demonic. I eventually ended up have panic attacks, severe anxiety and depression so I needed to go on medication. I would say that smoking that stuff at a young age is definitely not a good idea, so as long as medical marijuana is for people over the age of 25 I don't have too much of a problem with it. Then there is cannabis psychosis, which apparently can affect people at older ages too. And there is a definite effect of memory loss associated with it. A Christian is supposed to be SOBER minded and alert. I don't think there's any doubt that drugs can lead to states of demonization either and God says people who take drugs are going to hell (unless they get saved). The trouble with "medicine" is that everybody reacts differently to them, so it's hard to be objective. But on the other hand, if it wasn't for medicines, a lot of people would have died early or suffered with pain etc. So ultimately I think it is a personal issue with regards to the potential for intoxication.
  2. You can't guarantee there is no evidence. In order to do that you would have no know if any of the Israelites that weren't prophets were saved in the Old Testament. This is not part of your knowledge, so I know you are bluffing. You simply cannot know that information by natural means. You need to also read the other posts in the threads because they explain the gist of the discussion. I noticed you seemed to skip them because I already wrote about limiting God and confusing that with me saying there are more ways to God than through Jesus Christ. I'm so very sorry you didn't see it. By the way, your combative approach is not friendly. There may be others that have noticed that, too, and not just me?
  3. Apology accepted. But don't do it again. Only kidding.
  4. I used parenthesis on purpose. It's in there. I wasn't referring to the mode of salvation through Christ but to the way God deals with people when He brings them to Himself.
  5. I didn't say otherwise. You probably misread. It's quite frankly amazing to me that people around here often don't seem to read things carefully. I don't get that anywhere else.
  6. Of course the prophets (some of them) knew something of Christ but my intimation was that they didn't have full revelation. So I think you misunderstood. You are limiting God by claiming he is chained to saving people in only one way. ( I didn't say Jesus, as that is obvious. We are Christians here). If you don't accept other people's testimonies of salvation, nobody should be inclined to accept yours either. Period.
  7. 31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” I'm curious to know how you are able to limit God's actions in the way that you do, as if you actually have telepathic knowledge of other peoples minds and their state of salvation. Because none of the prophets or people in the Old Testament knew about Jesus Christ and that the only way to be saved was for them to believe in him. If you want to insist that God is limited to saving people who only know "believe in Lord Jesus", then you might not be informed that the Old Testament exists yet. I can't help being sarcastic here. I hope you understand the point.
  8. From an objective point of view it is not possible to see into another persons mind to establish if they are saved or not. Fruits are a different matter. But if someone says God saved them you aren't in a position to claim otherwise and you don't get to tell God how to perform His salvation. There are an untold number of testimonies out there that have people saying God saved them when they had no interest in God or the Bible etc. I'm sure you would be happy to extend charity to them just like they would to you and not question your salvation just because you did it in a Gospel ABC manner. Otherwise, I'm afraid you are engaging in occultic telepathic psychic powers.
  9. This is not even near true. You didn't distinguish between demon possession causing voices and mental illness causing voices. People can use medication and still experience demonic oppression.
  10. I didn't say anything about myself. I simply asked a question. It seems to me you didn't address it.
  11. That sounds like an assumption. How would you know this? Are you a Charismatic?
  12. You are a mortal person on a forum telling other people to not listen to other mortal people. That's circular logic.
  13. That must mean you don't believe in the Trinity then too, because that word isn't in the Bible either.
  14. Yes, sorry I confused the terms. I have read that it was a Theophany somewhere before.
  15. I don't know why I wrote "if demons exist" to begin with. I have experienced them directly, and even seen them with my eyes. God allowed me to see them I think, because ordinarily that doesn't happen much.
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