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Blood Stained Soul

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Everything posted by Blood Stained Soul

  1. The best way I can explain this scripture is to speak in the form of a parable...using our president...now we know OF him from keeping up with him in the news...but if we were to talk to him in person he would not know you from adam...why? because you knew of him but you did not know him PERSONALLY...many know of him(JESUS)...but have no relationship with THE SON OF GOD...These people here are preachers, elders, etc...that passage was dealing with those doing work for the Kingdom.....
  2. This has nothing really to do with what all of you are talking about but I would like to shed some light on this scripture...who knows maybe it will help out...did you know if you traced back in history to the moment he was talking about, that event was when he was stoned outside of town in ACTS..now we know that when someone is being stoned they do not stop till your dead..hence the reason disciples gathered around him and prayed..so he was in fact dead as a door nail when this happened, though he himself was unsure...and might I say...whom among us would be....
  3. We sin without even knowing we sin...can you remember very sin you commited?...just by being in the Adamic body we are sinning...Now I have repented and asked God to forgive me not knowing what I even did wrong..just askig God to forgive me of any unknown sin...hope I made sense...then again I may have missed the point all together myself....eh... If you ask God to frogive you in all sincerity...your forgiven...
  4. I plan to be raptured before that time, so no salt water for me!
  5. Indeed we must be strong in the Lord for the devil roams the earth like lion seeking whom he may devour. Most forget that God allows all things to happen. He does so I believe to train us and purge us so that we learn to become totally dependent on him in times of trial, to let him do the fighting for us, as it is written: the battle belongs to the Lord.
  6. Again prove through scripture that those who do not study other religions are weaker than you supposed grown up strong Christians. In fact I think those who do study other religions do not have enough faith and trust in the scriptures to let them speak for themselves...JMHO...and prove through the Word that we are to do anything other than meditate upon what is wholesome and pure as Paul wrote we should...false doctrines are best known by knowing what the true doctrine is...
  7. Your points were still valid though sister!
  8. Amen to your post....I do not doubt Him or what he has done...an example of one of those things I go through in the mind....the Noah complex...not feeling like I ever get anything done for God...etc...like nobody is hearing what I just preached..etc..or like the devil trying to trip me up in my walk...
  9. Great post there Mike...Yes I have experieced the "not my thing" problem...not just old friends from before I got saved...but in laws and my own kinfolk...just got to live for Christ and let him open the doors to witness...I have found the most success for seed planting coming when God opened the door and not me.
  10. This is starting to remind me of that old classis comedy skit..."who's on first?" :oww:
  11. Hey Cats...thanks for the post there...awesome truths...we will be praying for you btw..
  12. You bring up a good point or two in there. I believe that anything that leads you away from true relationship with Christ is a cult...I know I was a leader in one once...before I became a Christian...
  13. What I said there is what I mean. Everyone has an area of their walk with Jesus that is the toughest for them...mine is in my mind..my thoughts..the devil likes to plant stuff their...to test me...you will know more about this should you ever enter Ministry work...the devil rages and screams against those who labor for Christ. I find certain scriptures when read help...most of all...just getting alone with God in deep prayer strenghtens me..we must also remeber to keep the Whole Armor of God upon us...and when the enemy comes in like a flood...to pray to the Father to raise a stnadard against it...and we need to bind the devil and pray that our thoughts stay under subjection to Christ...and BTW His Son....Awesome post.....
  14. I claim healing, salvation for lost I know, the Blood of Jesus on my life, and victory...that it and thats all..these are scriptural....asking for a million cash is greed...you can petition for things if your led by HIS Spirit then you will pray in HIS will anyhow...Just cause I lay hands on a car and pray it mine...does not mean i will get it...in fact I really do not think God would honor that prayer..JMHO...but if you were like me..broke and had no car....and prayed for one so that you could get better job to take care of wife and kid and be able to take kid to doctor etc...well I think my heart is in right place...I want a car to help my family...see the difference?
  15. Shakes head...well Nebula beat me to the punch there..that is just too funny...talk about misinterpetions?.....ever hear the verse in Peters writings about no private interpretations of Scripture? Anyway..lets say we kill this thread..eh...its pointless cause all questions have been totally answered...BTW...I know the dead are raised....how do I know...besides having met people who have prayed it...Jesus said we could do so....greater things shall we do in his name...besides Peter did it as well...and God is no respector of persons...Neb reminds me of the time Jesus railed the Pharasees about searching the scriptures because in them they thought they had enternal life...but if they knew the scriptures they would know him...
  16. Amen cats...I follow one organization that I know rocks the mission field...Gospel For Asia...they do so much with so little....
  17. :oww: Since the republicans stand for what is Godly....they got protection....JMHO... dems= abortion, gayrights, kicking Jesus out of Country, etc, etc, etc... but thats another thread....... Just a question there about wormwood...how would an asteroid not make waters bitter? Could bitter mean there something like undrinkable...needs to look that scripture up in the greek...
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