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Northern Princess

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About Northern Princess

  • Birthday 12/10/1984

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  1. Well, it's not a bible college anymore. So, it's just Messiah College. But good guess/research/whatever it was! It was definitely a guess a friend of mine went there a few years ago so I just took a stab in the dark Laura
  2. So I used to be HotPaws in the chat room in here (must admit I haven't spent much time on the boards til like... yesterday...) I was HotPaws because me and a girl I worked with last summer got very very hyper, and I had to go in the big walkin freezer to get my product ready to be baked (I worked at a donut shop)... and I was wearing Hot Paws gloves. So being very very hyper, it became my nickname. I joined worthy like 4 days after that, so it was still very fresh, and when I tried to type in Laura (which is my real name), it turned out that there was already someone named Laura, and I believe she happens to be blue, so I can't steal her name I am now Northern Princess, because people thought I was a boy as HotPaws.... I live in Canada, so Northern.... and I needed a girly add on so people would know I was a girl... so Princess. There you have it Laura
  3. Yup. Sorry, but less letters typed means less fingers hurting. I don't get too wrapped up in denominations, myself. Some of the more conservative Baptist church's Statements of faith and stuff like that pretty much sum up how I feel about stuff. I tend to lean more on trusting what the Bible says about Jesus rather than some of what more "progressive" and modern churches say about him...in general, that is. Baptist is just the name of the denomination which I associate my beliefs with, that's all. Not so much the Southern Baptist stuff, but more along the lines of the Independent movement that broke off with them back in the 50's -80's. The SBC had kinda moved away from fundamentalism back then and some of their people decided to get back to their roots and broke off. Today, the SBC is pretty split down the middle between conservative and more liberal groups, much like the Methodists are. Check out some of the junk in the Lifeway Bookstores sometime. The SBC owns that chain. And still do, as far as I know. In short, that's why there was a resurgence in Independent Baptist Churches over the past 30-50 years, or so. Each church is self governing and has no higher authority other than Jesus. There are no "higher-ups" to tell them what to preach or tell them which new organization to align themselves with. In fact, most of the IndyBap churches shy away from any alliances with other groups like the World Baptist Alliance or groups like that. Why? Because most of these groups will turn more liberal to gain members. So, we kinda just stick to ourselves. That way, we can handle problems locally, within our own membership. To tell you the truth, I'm probably more in line with the Amish or Mennonite groups, but I just can't bring myself to live like a hermit just yet. t. I have to say I wasn't aware southern baptists were split down the middle, so I just want to say I'm on the conservative side. I wasn't aware the SBC allowed women to preach either, which another poster mentioned. The Baptist churches I've attended are very informal (just happy to see you there), and sing all the old hymms with a piano player. Just good old fashioned worship, I guess you'd say. Missionary work is very important though. I honestly don't worry about denominations though. I started off in a Baptist church because they had the doctrine that made complete sense to me, however, I don't believe Baptist's, or any other denomination, have the market cornered on God or salvation. After all, God was the one who loved us enough to send His Son, and without the Holy Spirit revealing that knowledge to each of us, we'd all still be lost. Now, we're His children!! Amish or Mennonite! Being a hermit I could handle, no electricity though--yikes. I really like a hot bath at my fingertips. Not to mention, no computers. hehe so I fall into the Brethren in Christ demoninational category.... which to my best recollections, no one in chat has heard of, but it has Mennoniteish type roots.... doesn't mean I'm Mennonite, just means I think that's where we came from. At any rate, I hope you do really well on the paper, it sounds like an interesting topic, wish I could do one on it.... but instead I get to dissect causes of the American Revolution..... (*thinks it might be more fun if she were actually American....*) Laura
  4. First, allow me to state my position as coming from a Canadian point of view Yes, we have some liberal leaders that messed everything in our country up, we've had a few of them actually. We've also had some conservative ones who've messed things up royally too... so associating the recent sponsorship scandal and Paul Martin in general with liberalism probably isn't the best way to talk about liberalism. Mainly because while I don't agree with liberal ideals in and of themselves, which is why I'll do my very best to vote them out of office this coming Jan. 23, I'd like to make it clear that not every liberal person embezzles 100 million dollars out of their government while the finance minister "doesn't know" and then later becomes Prime Minister. And not every liberal person on earth is a bumbling idiot when they get in front of the microphone. Lots of people that aren't liberals do it too, but if it isn't televised, we don't know. I voted in this poll as they don't do everything right, but they also don't do everything wrong. Pierre Trudeau (a Liberal PM in Canada) gave us our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Not everything in it is good, and not everything in it is bad. And its important to keep in mind that Trudeau, while, yes, Liberal, was one of our best Prime Ministers. I guess what I'm trying to say is that while liberal people are associated with being pro whatever they wanna do... its hard to judge an entire group of people like that. The liberal party in Canada is pro homosexual marriage, which is wrong. They're pro a lot of things that are wrong. And I therefore will never vote for them, but grouping everyone who votes for the liberals into this category is a little.... stereotypical I think is the word I'm looking for. The problem with twisting it toward politics is that it doesn't matter what political party you vote for, there are generally going to be things you don't like. The Liberal party of Canada wants to legalize homosexual marriage (sadly already has in Ontario), but the Conservatives want to destroy our Education System, our Health System, and dump money into our military. As a pacifist, who is against homosexual marriage, you can see where I have a dilemma. SO to conclude. I don't like liberalism. And I don't like Conservatism. Liberals have a "no absolute truth" way of looking at things, and conservativism, at least what I've seen of it in the Canadian government, is equally as misguided, just in different areas. Laura
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