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Everything posted by GymRose

  1. Sorry guys should be able to see the pics now. http://img33.photobucket.com/albums/v101/GymRose/Family/ http://img33.photobucket.com/albums/v101/GymRose/Australia/
  2. That would be Rhys Miss Pryzma heis in the Bulls top. He's 11.5 but actin like a 15 year old and really tryin us BIG TIME. As most 11 or 12 year olds do now from what I hear. As for the pig pen what my darling Hubby is refering to is the fact that our boys are EXTREEMLY active and in their efforts to use their energy they tend to destroy things. Our youngest is now 4 almsot 5 and they have almost gotten totally out of that horrid behaviour. Thank You all for your comments on our boys.......... We do think they are rather spech even if they do push our buttons daily. Anyway here is a tease to get you all to thinkin bout coming to our beautiful country. http://img33.photobucket.com/albums/v101/GymRose/Australia/ http://img33.photobucket.com/albums/v101/GymRose/Family/ Of course they were out woop woop and we live in Adelaide. Dan and I might go to our local beach and the hills this weekend and take some pics for you to see as well. We live 20 mins from the beach and 5 mins from the Adelaide Hills, best of both worlds.
  3. :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww: :oww: YUP 6 of us. Daniel and I had been married before we both had a son each from our previous marraiges and we have 2 boys together. 4 in all yours mine and ours. Daniels son lives in Melbourn with his mum and stepdad and mine lives with us, so 3 boys full time and 4 boys during school holidays. Oh and I shouldn't forget my Worthy son Russ who has adopted me as mum. Rhys, Jake, Joel & Ethan
  4. Hey Botz You got room on the floor for a family of 6 LOL. Either that or Dan would leave me for a week to visit you with all that fishing. Sounds like you and Yukon should do a trade off.
  5. Plenty of opportunities to stay with others and get to know one another too.
  6. People are always welcome to come and stay with us. Hillson didn't actually stay with us but he did have a meal with us and stayed for home group which was so cool. Our doors are always open to friends.
  7. WOW.......... YEAH..........COOL......... I tell ya Dan would sure be in that............. BUT......... I don't know that you'd want our boys stayin in your nice freshly painted home. Sounds so cool aaaaaaannnnnndddddddddd you'd get to stay in the home you played a part in us being able to buy. Everyone who prayed for us during such a seemingly impossible venture has contributed something so valuable to our lives and Artsy and Yukon that SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO includes you guys. How cool would it be to do that hey.
  8. As one of our pastors says - the only way to have a church without problems is to remove all the people from it and just have a building. Meaning we are all sinners we are all not perfect we all have different personalities thing is to have unity though. One cause one goal and work together for that cause regadless of each others imperfections. I'm not perfect and about the worst thing I think is why am I the only one doing dishes for the kids on a Sunday morning and other people see me doing dishes and just dump theirs there for you to do and don't even offer to help ----- Every Sunday. Yup I'm guilty of having human emotion and difficulties from time to time. But I have not seen or felt what you are talking about in our church. We have at least 10 different nationalities I would say at a guess and skin colour ranging from white to black, with some Sudanes women wearing the most beautiful traditional dress and their long dark hair in time consuming braids, we do have some language barriers but that is here nor there, we have several blended families, single mums, wayward youth & have had drug addicts oh and yes a prostitute ( that I know because she was a family member but was honest enough to tell the pastor it all ). As far as I know we have not had any gay people but I don't see why there would be a problem as long as they are willing to change in Gods time as His Spirit leads them. I am one of those that can't afford many clothes at present and go in jeans, the same two jumpers week about and sneakers and I can honestly say I have never felt looked down upon. Not saying ours is perfect or anything but I don't think we have the problems that you are speaking of as a church. Personally I battle in the home as a witness and everyone knows when I'ma strugglin. I'm one of them that can't hide the steam from my ears when I'm seathing no matter where I am.
  9. Right there with you The email form from the link only has US states on it though it would be good to see one with other countries as well. Everyone round the world grows up wanting to go to Disney Land this is not just a US thing but worldwide due to how well known Disney Land is. I wouldn't step foot in the place now though even if I did have the money to go.
  10. TOO COOL Lady C Oh for the days ................ ( slips off into remenisant thoughts of dancing to Foot Loose behind the school hall............................. )
  11. And here I was thinking I was the only one who still wanted the 80s here. I loved the 80s and everyone thinks I'm a nut............... Ok well that maybe true but so is the fact the 80s was the best decade. Sorry for the tangent just had to say that.
  12. Just a second thought on the issue............ Brining it to a "Childrens Fun Park".......... open acts of sexual behaviour and such................. Isn't that like Pedophillia (sp?)????????
  13. I am so tatally shocked and appauled. Not so much about the witch thing because that has always been within the Disney structure of fantasy but about bringing in the Astrolergy and above all the Gay Days. I had a look at the other sites and CAN NOT believe what I saw. I will be posting those links on the Australian sites I visit as well, for those Aussies that maybe planning a visit. I simply can't believe that they don't legally have to display some form of warning for this pornography.
  14. No neither of you are alone at all. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows and never the twain shall meet. No even ground. I thought it was just my manic personality.
  15. Ladies we also need to support the guys on this and ask for it too.
  16. I think that is brilliant Lady C and I mean that in all seriousness. And I'm ganna be real up front here on the open forum and say when I am PMSing I put my whole family through turmoil so much so I'm having an op as soon as we have the money to get it done with the doctor I want and I'm also on medication to control those mood swings. My Man needs a shoulder during those times I tell ya he is so wonderful and understanding I don't deserve him but wow how he keeps it all together I'll never know. I don't even like livin with me. So in all seriousness great point Lady C.
  17. Could be a good point JP, about the lock. The ladies lock didn't actually go on until there was some very serious and intimant discussions on abuse that warrented it but maybe if there was a lock it might encourage some more up front discussion. Hey there is plenty of fun and games to be had in the fellowship hall. I know full well men and women are different........ Sheesh ................ do I know........ I'm a woman in a house of 5 males. LOL But I'm just going more on what I here Hubby say and what I read others are saying. I'll get him to look at the site.
  18. http://www.worthyboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8945 This is the original thread and what the guys are saying.
  19. A thread was started as a joke around in Fellowship hall but I think it is far too an important issue to go unnoticed I'm now on a misson here for you guys cause I know for a fact my Hubby is looking for honest to goodness down to earth serious topics where men can be real with one another. He continually complains about the fact he can not get into a serious conversation or a thread that doesn't turn into a free for all payout, pie throwing contest. It doesn't even have to be serious but not turning everything into a joke. OK you guys here have proved some of you want the same as him.................. Sooooooooooo are you all just ganna sit back and complain and say well just shut the thing down cause we can't get it to work. COME ON GUYS get it together, what about the guys who NEED to talk about ~~ Divorce ~~ Marital Problems ~~ Custody Issues ~~ Rights and Wrongs as Christians ~~ Abuse ~~ Teenage and Young Adult Issues then the light hearted issues ~~ Meeting The Right Girl ~~ How to Know She is The One ~~ The Best Razors to Use ~~ Did You Learn from Your Mischieveous Ways Need I go on. Ours works because we are open and honest without turning it in to a total joke and put down session because the issue maybe somewhat embarressing or shocking. You older guys need to be a shoulder and an example for the younger ones by using your life experience to help, strengthen and encourage. Those who have been through divorce and custody issues should help those going through it. Those in strong loving marraiges should be an example to those struggling. Likewise the younger can also encourage and teach the older ones of the issues the young ones face and how to be a strength for the younger ones. Then of the practicle issues...... deoderants, shaving, cars, fitness.............. even guys have eating disorders and some may not be comfortable discussing it for women to see. COME ON GUYS THIS FORUM IS EXTREEMLY IMPORTANT AND NEEDS TO BE USED
  20. How come cats and dogs don't mate. Same for same creates new isn't that how it works today.When am i going to evolve into something else.
  21. I have to say when it comes to posting prayers and weather it is right or wrong we are told to pray for one another and with one another. We do so in home groups and chuch and we do it out loud so it can be agreed with. On the net we are not able to pray out loud as would be done in a home group or in couples and to write it out is to speak it out on here. So I personally don't see how it can be wrong to do so. The words in a post are to speak it out and unless it is done in a self serving act in the persons heart it is not wrong but even if it is done in that way only God knows that persons heart and we can not judge. And even if it is done in a self serving way to edify ones self the prayer could actually be an encouragement to the person it was ment for and only injures the relationship between the person who was trying to edify themselves and God.
  22. We have a group of people from Sudan and Egypt at our church in Adelaide, South Australia and have had the amazing opportunity to hear the women sing worship songs in their own language and cultural style and it is absolutley amazing and when they sing in English it is just as amazing. I have not heard one out of tune Sudanese person in our church, these people have an amazing gift with their voices that just causes you to want to worship with the same heart as them. They have come from herrific circumstances so bad some will not speak of it and yet their voices during worship carry such heartfelt adderation and worship for God be it in English of their own language in which they jump up and down and bounce to the beat as you see all African tribes do on the documentries but there is no mistaking where their singing is aimed. God is so amazing the way he has created us to be able to share our hearts with one another across what in other situatons would be a language or cultural barrier be it culture or barriers made up by society from one class to another there is no mistaking his anointing to reach all people where they are at.
  23. BPC I understand where you are coming from but it sounds as though this is more of a personal thing God has spoken to you about for YOUR life, not everyone else. I personally will not listen to Metal because it once took me from God, going from chritian metal to worldly influences such as Iron Maiden, Metallica & Guns n Roses just to name a few. For me it reminds me of a very difficult time but not only that for me personally any form of Heavy Meatal gives me a major attitude but that is me personally and only for me. Kinda like some people can drink and it is ok because they know their limit but others can not drink because it has a negative effect for them. Even though I wont listen to certain music because of what it does to me does not make it wrong for others. In fact I believe for every band out there tearing down God can use one to build up be it Worship or Metal or Rap. Hip Hop or Rap is stories of experience to a beat and I tell ya at 31 I'm learning to love Hip Hop because it is so much at the heart of the matter, it is the words not the music and I have heard some amazing testimonies through Hip Hop. So maybe satan did use Hip Hop or Metal for his purposes but God has turned the table on that one and using it for His glory. God knows how to speak with His children and that we are all different and respond in different ways to different things because He delibratly made us all different. Maybe like me this is something just for your life and not everyone else and no one is wrong until it stops glorifying our Father in our hearts. For you glorifying Him is strictly worship or praise for another it is testimony through Hip Hop and yet another making a specticle of yourself to get others to listen as the concerts do. And you know what Dan and I were talking and both of us thought Jesus jammin or stage diving Yup we could imagine him doing it and neither of us mean that in any blasphemous or disrespectful manner. Jesus would have fun, it is a love for life. The thought of the children being held back from Jesus and him saying let the children come, comes to mind here for me. We put Him in a box, a man with a straight face and too upright in manner to have fun. God created us with a love for life and to have joy and happiness and I can see Jesus being a fun person like as we as parents need to get down on our kids level and he did with the youngsters in the Bible.
  24. Just curious which christian artist this refers to I don't know of any that do anything like that, not christian. Not pickin, just asking?
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