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hippo's hope is HIM

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Everything posted by hippo's hope is HIM

  1. AHhhhhhh!!!!!!!! PRaise God !!!!!!!!! ThANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
  2. What is the compound CHCCH3 ????? I have looked and looked, and still cannot figure out what it is. any one know????
  3. My poor little kitten is eat slap up with fleas. I mean she has lumps of flea crusty things. It is terrible. We've bathed her, and that helped for a few hours, but that night it would be festered up again. The fleas are huge!!!! and when we took her for her shots, they gave her a flea pill thing, but that didn't help. And my poor baby is suffering!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!! Any remedies!?!?!? What should I do? Poor Sassy can't take no more scratching!! (plus I think she gave em to me :x: ) Milo (The big male tabby cat who is older) now has them too. Stupid vile little bugs.
  4. wow..... I do not know where to begin either. As a kid I was the one that hugged every one. I loved everyone. Even if they called me that dumb fat kid. Even when they picked on me, and made me cry. As I got older I developed a tool to help diverge my pain so to speak. I tend to use humor to insult people, but it makes them laugh. So I mean it, but I don't want to hurt them LOL. plus always being the odd one out, I wanted some way for people to like me. So believe it or not, humor and strongness did just that. I began to push back. "Go big guh what you gone do" the chant I had through school. lol. People began to like me. I still had a love for old people, but I began to hate youth and adults. and I rejected most of them. As most of you now know, I was sexually abused by my siblings when I was younger. After then I began to despise people that were like my brother. That talked about sex, or dirty jokes or anything like that. I never really accepted love from any one. Not that I neccessarily rejected anyone else really, but I never felt the love. I thought I wasn't good enough. so I was the dog in the corner that gave up, and didn't want to fight for the meat. I mean woah willow. This blessed me as much as SuperJ's first post. After the abuse, I was scared of everything really. I would lay in bed and plan what would happen if someone would try to rape me, or if someone broke into the house. Meticulously I planned every possible situation. I became such a strange thing. It does hurt. And even though I AM loved. I didn't want it, and it hurt more than it helped. My parents love me, but all we do is fight. and yeah love isn't a feeling; I choose to love those who've hurt me. I still get scared that if people know about my past, and what I've done, and what was done to me, then they won't love me any more I often wonder though. Why is it so much easier to love and accept love from other's than it is from God. I still struggle with that. With trusting Him, and loving Him, and knowing that He loves me.
  5. A big AMEN! I mean look at how much I was exposed to sex. It screws with your head. I know more about guys than I do myself. It is quite sad what they teach us. All I can say is Lord come!!!! and that he would purify our minds and our hearts because they are getting perverse earlire and earlier.
  6. Guilt, shame, worthlessness, death. I hated everything about me, about life. I felt so ashamed to even breathe. I was drowning in guilt, and I felt worthless. God saved me from myself. HE saved me from living in fear, he forgives me of all that bad stuff I do. In His eyes I am a princess, I am beautiful. He saved me from living a life full of bitterness. For me, it wasn't about hell. It was about falling in love with someone who won't turn away from me, who loves me for who I am, a mean stupid little girl who is unsure of everything. ABout being set free. I am redeemed, I can breathe again, and I have my first love again. God is so good :il: :hug:
  7. What would I do without the mods??? Boy, do they help me out a lot!!!!!! Traveller, IslandRose, Wayne, Bob :hug: :hug: :hug: How often do ya'll help to rescue this damsel in distress :oww: seriously though, you guys rock!! SO much!!!!!! You each have blessed me SO much I mean I can't even describe. and No ted, I am not sucking up to the purple queens and kings. I am but a mere mortal, all the colors have had their impact on me. I am yet but a rainbow in life's skyway. A mosaic if you will. God is putting my pieces back together, and with each advice, prayer, and hug, I gain a little bit more color.
  8. WOW!!!!!!!!! Dude, that is pretty awesome!!!!!!! GOD is sooooooo Awesome!!!!! HE is the Potter, the Refiner, a friend, our Abba, and yet, the judge too. What a guy!!! or err God!
  9. AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! LOOK that the hippos!!!!!! How awesome is that!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: You have helped me alot to sis. Thank you. I wish! There were more christians at school. It is basically the few, plus alot of lukewarmness, and alot of cutting, self mutiilation, depression and whatnot. The kids are hurting so bad!!!! The problem I have is that I KNOW what these kids are going through, and yet they think because I am a Christian, because I claim to know God, I have no idea what it is like. and that is WRONG! Lol. We have a SYTP meeting coming up, and they have a fellowship Christian Student thingy, but I Can never get to school early enough And there are so many ttat have helped just by your threads!! like wow! And like Koppen and Bob and Kitkat, Senerhu, John, I mean the support around here is so tight. Traveller, Called, Born Again, KMB (The caring sisters :oww: :hug: ) SO many of you. man, GOd is good!!!! Look how he made all ya'll!!!! So cool!!! A little bit of Daddy in each of you :hug:
  10. I hit a really low point a few days ago. I pm'd several of you (Wayne, Carol, Called, Born Again, Traveller, GymRose,Nebula and several others.) I got several replies, each to which I am extremely greatful. I needed those verses, that advice, that encouragement, and God sent ya'll to help me. I haven't had the time to reply to each Pm( Due to homework and practice and sleep and loads of stuff) but I wanted everyone to know that I appreciate what each of you did. (YOu know who you are :hug: ) Thank you so much. I dunno what I'd have done. Ya'll quickly got my eyes back to Jesus, you got me IN the Word, and right where I should have been in the first place. I guess this sheep never learns her lesson So, since that day, until now I have been pretty out of it. But ya'll the Lord has given me a new peace, and even though things are still crazy and I am still hurting, I know now that God is right here beside me. LOL Today I even went and talked to my school guidance counselor. I really like her, it is more like talking to an adult friend rather than some stuck up phyciatrist or somethin. And she doesn't like analyze or anything. We just talked. and that is good to do sometimes. Especially if you don't get to talk to others very much. Although I am still down and what not, it is different than before. I Think it is because I kept trying to do everything on my own. I thought I, ME could handle it. WRONG!!!! I can do nothing without Jesus. Thank you all for your compassion, your time to talk with me, and to pray for me. I really sincerely with all my heart appreciate it.
  11. I am just scared that being in this stupid place, being near my parents and all my crazy family that I will be just like them. Crazy, confused, and weird. **cries** I just don't know what to do any more. I can't handle my mom off her meds, and I sure as heck don't want to be crazy. But I've got genes against me, my environment. Simply speaking it would make sense for me to end up like her. But with Jesus I can over come right??? Oh Lord, I am so scared. God you alone know what is going on, and I pray that YOU guide me, and shine through me. That I would not have the same things my parents do, Lord that I can be whole, healthy, and of a sound mind.
  12. A burning question, does how you are raised, where you grow up , and where you live affect you? How you think, what makes you you, will you repeat the same things that you were exposed to? What do you think?
  13. I have to write one for school. LOL, I ended up writing about a hippo, that isn't a personal experience. Good thing the rough draft is due!!!!! I have time to start over! Would you mind giving an example??? (Don't worry, I wouldn't dare use it as my own)
  14. I am looking for what makes a story a humerous anecdote. Are there certain things you must include for it to be considered as such....or is it just a funny story?
  15. I have no idea what it is. I have tried searching google, tried reading stories, and ya'll!!!! I just don't know what it is. An exampls is Mark Twains "A Boy's Ambition" and "The Notorious Jumping Frog" but I cannot figure out what it is. I have to write one. but uhm....I am oblivious. Any one know what it is???? (Bob, Botz, Carol Wayne somebody HELP!!!!)
  16. There is a verse that talks about God knows each star and calls it by name, and the few verses before and after that are really beautiful, I mean like God is so cool. ANy idea where it may be??? Might be in Isaiah but I am prolly wrong
  17. Hey mod!? Can you delete this thread for me?????????? thanks God bless
  18. Lol. hey cow. well. You roll down the window, and you yell HEY COW!!!!! And you count how many cows that turn and look, and at the end of the trip whoever had the most cows look back wins. :oww: Believe it or not, I have played Those LONG youth trips can call for desperate measures.
  19. LOL a tour of Montgomery??? Not much here, although is a very nice old lady that works in the visitors center That would be so awesome!!!! It would be much fun. hehe you could always come down during the Third Day Concert, then we could have a huge singing jam. Too bad we can't meet somewhere in the middle and just pile into one vehicle and blast the music and have a worship session in our car cruising down the road looking at all the cows :oww: (we could play "hey cow" ) OHOH! You could take a road trip to come and get me, and then take me home with yoU!!! :oww: :x: cause then there'd be plenty of road, and I could see the beach, and ya'll could see montgomery! Where's that dreaming thread at :hug: Love you guys!!!! ya'll rock.
  20. Agnostic I respect you, and I am glad you're hear. But I want this discussion to be only from a Christian perspective, and I leave no room for dissention or arguing on this thread. So please don't try to start anything. God bless.
  21. His hands Gently lifting me out of the murky quagmire, Setting my cold shivering body next to the blazing hot fire Warming my frigid soul, filling me with desires His hands, oh his soft nurturing hands. Turning around away from His face, Hiding from His abundant grace, Running in a maddened fury, he calls my name and beckons me resting me assuredly. His callused hands caress my tear-streaked face. Worn from years of putting every person in their own special place Whispering gently into my ear, he tells me to leave my disgrace, To look up, to look into His beautiful face Taking His hand in mine, He tells me of His glory divine, how He is the true vine And to him I should be intertwined. As I grasped his hand, I gasped in shock. To feel the hole of the hand that was knocked. The hands that were bruised and broken and bleeding, For He alone followed His Father
  22. Not a problem Koppen! For there are a couple differnent ways to be broken, I should have clarified more. But again, each post was there for a reason, and had an impact on certain people. ALL forgiveness toward EVERYONE???? I dunno. I thought I had. But in all honesty. I am angry and kinda bitter. And not at who you would assume. I know that, that is a part of it. That is part of what i have to let go I think. But I not exactly sure how to.
  23. WHAT THE FREAK is people's problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because my brother was taught sex ed in school he exerimented on me!!!!! I MEAN HELLO!!!!!!!! THE sooner peolple find out the more crap that happens!!!!!!!! GIVE me a break!!!!!! For goodness sake!!!!!!! THAT IS ridiculous!!!!!!!!!! AGHHH!!!!!! IF my kid is exposed to that, someone is gonna get hurt!!! Kids are KIDS and just that!!!!! They do not need to be exposed to sex, and all that. WHY do you think society is soo messed up! there is porn all up on the t.v. the internet, people are getting raped and molested all the time. Due to what? MORE and MOre exposure to it!!!!!! If you don't know about it, how can you do it (Unless of course someone takes advantage of you) I am ticked off! disgusting people.........ugh!
  24. I am in the very middle of a not so south alabama!!!!!! Montgomery is almost smack in the middle!!! WOOT uhm, there isn't much here......the capital, the riverfront, uhm, San Marcos, a YUMMY mexican place. **cough*cough** Called and Born again, Kmb, aghem. I am gonna come see you......did you say beach???? I LOVE the beach.
  25. I know I prolly asked this to some of you before. But it is something that is on my mind a lot these days. So I ask, what does it mean to pick up your cross, what is your cross???
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