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About godslilpromise

  • Birthday 05/10/1975

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    horseback riding, reading, writing, drawing, painting

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  1. Most importantly stop believing that you have no way out because Christ died so you would have the power to have a way out. He gave you complete power over sin through his blood. Start believing it. apply what he did for you.
  2. So if someone was fliritng with your own wife, you would just pardon the guy and not even protect her???
  3. Actually you can be tempted to do something you detest. Jesus was. He was God and he was tempted. There are many things that a person can be tempted to do that they detest. Most of the time the enemy will look for your weakness and then tempt you. Even when jesus was about to die for us, he was tempted in some of the worst ways. No servant can be greater than his master.
  4. just my thoughts......it had to be God. How could a man touch the socket of a man's hip? Hands don't go through flesh, right?
  5. If he has three wives, than he's already commiting adultery. (This reminds me of my question that if a man looks at other women(than his wife) is he committing adultery?
  6. If I had the answer to that I would have the answer to all my problems.
  7. I believe the rapture is something real and is going to happen. Jesus Christ will step out on the clouds in all his glory, he will call us home to be with him. It's comforting to know that after this life we will finally be free. Sometimes heaven feels too far away.
  8. I just wanted to say I have been through the same doubts that you are going through and I wholeheartedly believe your making the right decision. It took me a long time to let go and realize that I had nothing to feel guilty about. You have every right to protect yourself from this person and I agree that you should report him to the authorities. My heart goes out to you and your children. Abuse is never okay in any relationship, and you should get away from such a dead end life. Your husband is really on a path of his own self destruction and he was taking it out on you. Stay as far away from him as you can! Do NOt let this person back into your life. No matter how hard it is for you. I will be praying for you and your situation. May God always keep you in his loving arms.
  9. My guess would be that it doesn't really have anything to do with you, but with himself. If this was me(and it was at one point) I would be so angry by now I would be livid. How can another person who claims to love you treat you in such a hurtful way. Women especially need to be given attention and they need loving comments and to be talked with. I'm sure you try to be loving towards him? Maybe you could break the ice around his heart, but I know if he was to open his heart up to God he would begin to heal whatever is keeping him so angry. Either he is doing this to have control, or there is something else going on with him. Unfortunately in a situation like this what can you do to change another person's reactions to life? You can only change your own. Have you tried to talk to him? I know this may not be an option. I know how much it hurts to be ignored in everyday life by your own husband. It really really hurts... I don't know what advice to give since you cant make anybody change it has to come from within them. Pray for him, go and talk to somebody about how this is affecting you. Don't loose sight of yourself. Stay active with your own life. There are people out there that won't ignore you.
  10. If a person has desires to act out homosexual than the sin lies in their hearts. Lust is a sin in the hearts of heterosexually oriented people and has fully been birthed in someone who is homosexual. I see it as the same disease but one person is in a worse state than the other. Homosexuality is abuse of God's beautiful design, it is a perversion of what God made and loved. Man and Women. There can only be two distinct halves to a whole complete identity and that is man and women, not women and women, or man and man. Homosexuals can not see that we love them, that is why we say what we say about the truth of God. If someone calls themself a christian and worships like a christian then they should really come out of all darkness and become a full christian. Fornication of any kind is prohibited in the bible.
  11. the very fact that you are confused about whether what they are doing is right or wrong shows that you are no longer in control of your own life because it has affected your inner person. I recommend that you get away from the people who are doing this and don't look back! if it's family put distance in between you and them. take back control of your life. it will feel like a huge burden being lifted from your shoulders. i went through this with my husband and my family. it helps to seperate yourself from the source. you can't get back to feeling good about yourself unless you don't have to listen to what they say about you. anybody who verbally abuses doesn't feel good about themself, so they direct their self hate toward you. they transfer their own feelings about themselves onto you. this over time is very damaging and can errod your inner person and make you really doubt yourself, your purpose in life and your identity in God. if you can i would get away from the people inflicting it. find healthy people to involve yourself with. not everyone is like this.
  12. I have talked to him about it. No answers as of yet. this year i'm trying to reenter school, and get on with my life and met my own needs. I don't talk to my husband. I'm not going to live with someone who is physically abusing me(for any reason). My husband has been in court. I didn't press charges, although if i had it would have been completely fair! I just don't know what is going on with this person i trusted at one time!! Too many bad things happening and coming together at one time?? now everything is messed up?? I don't have any answers as to what is what. I only know some base details(like what was happening at his job with that foreman) and with another foreman. I don't know about my husbands life anymore(not like he ever told me to much anyways) what a complicated situation.
  13. the thought of money is not entering my mind. what enters my mind is all the suffering me and him have been through in the span of two short years. nobody has the right to touch somebody on a job, any job. it's sick and despicable. it makes me sick to my stomach that there are people in this world that think that it's a necessary evil to pushing people for the sake of a company(if thats what these guys are doing) frankly i think they SHould pay through the nose for the things they are allowing to happen to employees that innocently sign on with them. we put our trust in those who employ us to fair and honest. it's a sad day in these great United States when somebody picks on a young person, and directs sexual innuendo towards them all for the sake of feeling powerful, don't you think? Essentialy, thats what has taken place. i know we are not suppossed to bring wrath on another person, God deals out his own perfect justice. But I must say I feel that what these people allowed to happen and what they have been doing(for only God knows how long) needs to be exposed and something needs to be done about it. Sorry, I just get so ticked at the thought of what has been going on. Funny thing, he punched the guy in the shoulder(told him he shouldn't have done that) but he felt good to have stood up for himself. The guy goes to say that he could have him arrested(he could have) but the funny thing is that this guy was doing a whole lot worse stuff and my husband just shut up and took it. I wanted to go about it through legal avenues. But then, feel the desire to allow God to handle it. Now it's five months later, my husband hurt me and he's out of my life. How much of this was because of these guys? I have suffered because of these guys humiliating my husband in front of other guys(men) while he is trying to work. How embarrasing and defacing is it for a man to have to get sexually harrassed by another man. How many men could just 'grin and bear it'. I mean who would put up with that? Money is not an issue although i feel like it would be justice for them to have to hurt for what they do(did). this guy is STill employed, this program still runs. When i met my husband he was someone who knew the stories of the bible, and he took it so seriously. when my husband is leaving he is now someone who doesn't care about anybody on this planet, not even me. he know has an injunction served on him because i'm afraid of him because he gets physically violent with me. I don't know what happened? Calling the police was a last resort and i felt like i was doing the wrong thing that night. but what do i do??? This was not my life. anyways, i appreciate all the feedback. i have been asking for an answer from God for a while. Nothing yet.
  14. I believe that God alone is the judge of all people. Not man. I know that when Jesus returns he will reward everyone according to their works. But, I have a question about the position we should take when we are wronged in a brutal way that is something that we should maybe not just overlook. My husband was a christian when he came together with me five years ago. I believe in what the bible says about a christian loving another christian. We are suppossed to be there for one another and protect each other. This is/was my own husband. My husband had a way of hiding the bad things that were happening to him. He wouldn't tell me about them(i don't always know the reason why) but one point at the job he is currently working at, a man that was his foreman was being indecent towards all the young guys that were working there. (i wont go into details) but i will just say that it would to me be assault and battery. He never mentioned this to a police officer or to a lawyer(the more common route). He was too afraid of losing his job. Many other young men that worked under this guy were treated the same way. one young boy that stood up to him was later fired. his father was encouraging him to sue. This is where my question comes in. I don't know but I think that alot of what my husband was doing to me was coming a lot from this situation at his job. I don't know this for a fact though. regardless, I am about to be going into the paralegal field. I will soon have access to lawyers and attorneys as well as better money. I am trying to make a decision as to what position to take with my husband, but i also want to sue the company in question, who committed these assaults on my husband. i dont know if i should, or just sit passively by(maybe not passively, maybe let God deal out his own justice towards the perpetrators). what would anybody else do. would you sue or would you let God have his own say? should we as christians take matters into our own hands? what would be the correct thing to do in this whole situation? any ideas.
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