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Everything posted by Jacqueline

  1. Thank you Thomas I believe. I want to say Merry Christmas to you and everyone here at worthy as well as a happen new year. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU Jacqueline
  2. I guess I'm a babe. I'll go study the scripture. One question when was our spirit given to us? If our spirit is to develop as we grew in Christ as I do believe when were we given this wonderful gift? God Bless You Jacqueline
  3. We were first created in the image of God right? Jesus said that God is a spirit which means that we were first created as a spirit right? Then God made our bodies from the ground and then He breathed into our nostrils the breathe of living life and we became an living-soul. Is that right??? Someone please explain this to me. God Bless You Jacqueline
  4. Jacqueline


    Is Gaza part of the land that God promised the Jewish people? If so why are they given it up? God Bless You Jacqueline
  5. I think every one whose read my post knows that I've had a real hard time at my place of work. I take a lot from the people I work with boss or no boss. Everyone here thinks that because I'm always willing to help out and I'm not going to fight with them that I'm a push over. In fact I'm not a push over at all. I've learned alot about people in general and my self, but most important I'm learning alot about Jesus here as well. That may sound funny, but it's true. One of the most important thing that I've learned is that no one has the power to take away the peace that Jesus has giving me. I choose to give it up when I allow any one or any situation to get to me. I pray that He will protect my thoughts and my heart and mind and that any thing that is not of Him will die on my tongue. It is very hard sometimes to not say the things that enters my thoughts. But I know that that will only give them satisfaction. What helps me is keeping Jesus center most in my mind at all times. Don't get me wrong theres times when my reaction to some thing that they've done or said leaves me praying for forgiveness. God is my peace and I can't... won't let anyone or any situation steal it from me. God Bless You Jacqueline
  6. Lately I've felt like I'm trying to be someone that I'm not and can never be. We as Christians are suppose to follow Christ and in doing so be transformed into the likeness of Him. I've tried and I've tried to be like my Lord and Savior, but lately I've felt like it's an no win situation. There's just so much of me that is not of Him. And yet even with this feeling I know that He is every thing to me. All my dreams and hopes and faith lies within Him. I've come across a few people in my life who after we've talked made statements that more or less said that my faith in God is stronge and that I'm grounded in my belief. After I'm alone I've found my self questioning that. If that was really true wouldn't these questions and feelings not exist in my walk with Him. Have you ever felt this way? God Bless You Jacqueline
  7. I want to give out books about our Father this Christmas. Do any of you know of any that you'd recommend I give to an non-believer. Any help would be highly appreicated. Thank you. God Bless You Jacqueline
  8. I love giving also. That is why Christmas is my favorite time of year. I give throughout the year, but Christmas still holds a special place in my heart. God Bless You Jacqueline
  9. Humans are made up of three parts. The spirit, the soul and the body. In the beginning we were created as God, which is a spirit so we were created as a spirit first. Then God gave us a body and then we became a living soul. Right or wrong???? Okay if I'm right when God made Adam and Eve leave the garden because He didn't want them to eat of the tree of life He did so because He didn't want them to become immortal in body and soul. Right??? If I'm right so far that means that our spirit which was made in the image of God can't be destoryed. This is one of the topics that me and my cousin spoke about when we talked about hell being real or not. God Bless You Jacqueline
  10. I purchased the movie about six months ago. Your right it's an awesome movie. God Bless You Jacqueline
  11. Not to die to live. God Bless You Jacqueline
  12. If he denies the Word of God, what makes you certain he is a Christian? You lost me. First you say you don't believe there is such a place as hell, then you say it's up to us to choose. Choose what? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What I meant was I don't believe that God wants any one to go to hell that is why He sent His Son to die for our sins. But because of who He is sin isn't something that He will allow in His present. He gave us the choice to believe in His Son, His only begotten Son who willingly died for us. God doesn't send any one to hell. We willingly go by not excepting Jesus. Something else he said is that when you die if you don't believe in Christ you are burned up in a pit of fire. Burned to nothing. Your spirit, soul, flesh everything gone like you were never there. God Bless You Jacqueline
  13. Okay..... I was talking to my cousin yesterday and he asked me to look up the word hell in the bible as well as look up the word that it was translated from in Hebrew and Greek. He asked that I prove that there is a hell. Now I do believe that there is a hell and that any one who do not believe in Jesus will go there. If any one knows any thing about the word hell in Hebrew or Greek any information would help. He is a Christian but he doesn't believe that a loving God would send any one to a place like hell. I for one don't believe that either. I believe that God gave us a way out of going to hell and it's up to us to choose. God Bless You Jacqueline
  14. WOW!!! Thank you Super Jew. I use to be one of those people who said if I walked with Jesus like John and the rest I wouldn't have run away and I really believed it up until last year when I was placed in a very odd situation and I did just want they did, I ran. Thank God He is so forgiving. God Bless You Jacqueline
  15. Can someone please explain how to attach graphics to an email as .gif or .jpg files. I was asked to do this and I don't have a clue of how to do it. Please if anyone can help....please help. Thank you in advance. God Bless You Jacqueline
  16. I had another dream last night. This dream is really messing with me. I can't get it out of my head. In the dream I was invited to a party by one of my cousins. The dream started with me and my sisters getting ready for the party. Nothing really happened that's different from what really goes on when we're getting ready to go somewhere. We were running all over the place trying to get ready and trying to buy the perfect gift for her. (normal...really normal....) Okay we get to the party and my cousin has invited his gentlman that she wants me to meet. This is where I'm having a hard time with the dream. The first thought that enters my mind when she tells me about this man is he will not like me when he hears that I'm a christian. Even when we finally meet I said hi to him, but the thought that he wouldn't like me because I'm a christian kept repeating in my head over and over again to the point that after saying hi I excused my self and walked out of the room. The dream gets really weird here and I won't go into it because from here a lot of embarrassing things happened to me and even though no one in the party knew about them the thought never left my mind. I remember being in the bathroom looking at the door and I knew that he was out there in the next room and the thought he wouldn't like me if he knew that I'm a Christian raced through my mind. I didn't want to walk out of that door. As I walked into the other room where he was I woke up. This is really messing with me. I'm so opened with my walk with Christ. I know what he delivered me from and I don't care who knows that I love Him. He is my light in a world that is so dark. He is my guild. He is so many things to me.... I don't understand this dream. I hope someone can help me. God Bless You Jacqueline
  17. Yes God does. Sometimes as He did for me He gives us our hearts desire in order to show us that what we think we want isn't want we really want. Sometimes want we want we can't have and have Him as well. We have to make a choice. God or it. I choose God. Hard lesson to learn, but I thank Him for the lesson every day. God Bless You Jacqueline
  18. I've always believed that you should be careful what you ask for. I've also always believed that the hell you wish for others is the hell you will receive. Theres a woman at my job who said this morning that she wants an ex-employee to go to jail. This ex-employee is actually doing what my employers did inorder to start the business that I'm now working for. My question is, am I right? Is the hell this person wants the ex-employee live to be is the hell that she will receive? When she made that statement with a smile on her face as if she'd said something good I wanted to tell her exactly that, but I wanted to asks you my brothers and sisters if I'm right before I say anything to her. My heart breaks when I see people getting pleasure from the pain of others. God Bless You Jacqueline
  19. I'm thankful that He's giving me another day to be a light for Him in a world that is so dark. I'm thankful that He's saved my family no matter if they don't know it yet. I'm thankful that He loves us so much that He was willing to become a mere human and died for us so that we, even though we don't deserve it, can be with Him. I'm thankful that He gave me what my heart wanted only to show me that it wasn't what I wanted. I'm thankful that even though I walked away from Him He never walked away from me, but help me to see that what I thought this world could give me can only be found in Him. I'm thankful that He's forgiven me and has allowed me home again in His embrace. What am I thankful for.................... Everything and everything and everything............. OUR God IS AN AWESOME GOD. God Bless You Jacqueline
  20. Lately I've had this one on the brain. Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through Christ, who strengthens me." God Bless You Jacqueline
  21. I thought this was a very interesting question my uncle asked me this morning. i couldn't really answer it. How was people saved before Jesus? My answer was if they kept the ten commandments then they were saved. Do anyone know for sure how God saved these people? God Bless You Jacqueline
  22. A few nights ago I had a really bad dream. My family and I got off a bus going to my job. I had just yelled at one of the little kids for running in the street on a red light. This kid and I started going back and forth about him crossing on the red with him saying that he didn't and I telling him that he did. There was some men working on the street. One of the men yelled across the street at me that he didn't run the red light and I in turn yelled back that I wasn't blind the light was red. He yelled back yea, but I'm controlling the traffic today not the lights and I flashed green. I was going to yell back at him, but at the corner of my eyes I saw something run into the street so I turned to see what it was. It was my little one year old nephew. A second after I notice that it was him I saw a truck race pass toward him. I started running, but I was to late. The truck hit him. I ran until I could see him lying on the ground clearly. I stopped a scream trapped in the throat. I tried so hard to release that scream, but I couldn't. I sat up in bed. Two things ran through my mind as I sat there. One I need a cig. The other I need to pray. I got up and went to have a cig and then I prayed. As I got back in bed I thought to my self why did I go have a cig before I prayed? The next morning as I was on my way to work that question played over and over in my head. Why did I go have a cig before i prayed? Then by the grace of God the answer and given me. It just pop into my head out of nowhere. You choose the cig to comfort you instead of praying to me for comfort. Man that was a completely shock. At first I was like can it really be that that is why it has been so hard to stop smoking? I use it to comfort me? After reveiwing when I smoke I've come to see that that is actually right. I do. This knowledge hasn't made it easyer to stop smoking, but it has made me stop and think before I smoke. I guess stopping is the next step. God Bless You Jacqueline
  23. I went through a lot with satan and his little friends, but through the grace of God I am not afraid any more. Pray and pray and pray and when you can't pray any more pray some more. It really helps. For those who don't believe... when I was little I use to see things in my home all the time. In fact my whole family did. My brother named her betsy. Some friends refused to come back to our home after seeing these things. So it's not always a one on one thing. Some of these demons don't even care who sees them. God Bless You Jacqueline
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