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Everything posted by kamusat

  1. I believe it was Sammuel. That is why the witch was surprised. She knew that her "conjours" were either faked or demons. She knew this wasn't either one, that is why she "cried out at the top of her voice....." 1 Sam 28:12 Blessings, kamusat
  2. I totally agree with Traveller and Keith's answers. AMEN, AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN!!! Blessings, kamusat
  3. Giaour - We are to keep steeped in the WORD. The WORD is our only source of truth. I believe that God speaks to us through His Word. Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21: "Test everything, hold on to the good" Study, Study, Study!!! I want to commend you for even asking this question. It shows that you are seeking the truth, the truth from God, not from man. I, myself am skeptical when someone says "God told me..." By knowing the Word, you can discern what is true. No, I do not get angry. In fact, if someone cannot discuss and debate something in a mature, calm and responsible way, that in itself, is your answer. I have found that people who get angry when you disagree with them are "on milk", as Paul would say. Yes, I do want to get angry sometimes, but anger is NOT one of the fruits of the Spirit, (Galations 5:22), so you know this anger is not from God. I hope this helps. God bless you for seeking discernment. Blessings, kamusat
  4. I was an athiest for 20 years. I was always vastly amused at Christians who tried to "prove" to me that there was a god. What is "proof" to a Christian is not "proof" to an athiest. It's seem almost pointless to get into these discussions. The Christian posts something, and thinks to themselves "SEE I TOLD THEM!!!" And the athiest does the same. But in neither case is anyone moved. You see, an athiest does not have the spirit. They cannot understand nor comprehend the Christian faith. They can from a "book learning" perspective, but not a spirit filled perspective. And that is what Christianity is! It deals with the spiritual life! It is hard to explain, but none the less true, at least in my experience. I'm not saying that these discussions shouldn't take place, but don't be so sure you are "proving" anything. Just be thankful that an athiest for some reason, has chosen to amuse themselves at a Christian site. A mustard seed will be planted and maybe someday grow. Blessings, kamuat
  5. I "rescued" two cats from the pound last year. They were implanted with this chip. However, in order for it to be activated, I had to register it via paperwork they gave me to fill out and send in. (To where, I do not remember). I simply threw it away after I got home. That being said.... a word of caution. I am an information technology professional and have been in the business for many years. Let me say that what you see in the movies and read/hear in the news about technology isn't necessarily so. I always am amused at how many times I have heard those entities report something about technology that just plain isn't true. I'm not saying they do it intentionally, but if you are not in the business, it's really easy to be confused and not really understand what you are reporting on. I'm sure that is true for other professions as well. I'm not making a statement one way or the other that this chip technology is "The mark of the Beast", but just offering another perspective. Blessings, kamust
  6. I am confused about how intercession prayers work along side with free will. The Bible tells us that God gave us free will. We are free to choose our course in life, whether good or bad. At the same time, others can pray for us. If someone chooses a course for their life that is not in God's will, how can God answer prayer from others, who choose to pray to help that person? Wouldn't that be violating their free will, if God chose to change the course of their lives because of the prayers of others? Blessings, kamusat
  7. No, the media is not that stupid. They deliberatly do things to try and embarass the President. Believe me, I work for a national newspaper. Blessings, kam
  8. I was an athiest for 20 years before I converted. As a former athiest, I can tell you several reasons why I would come to this site. First and foremost, it would be pure entertainment. Athiests find Christian beliefs silly, delusional and nonsensical. The other reason would be to try to "trap" Christians by luring them into discussions that are designed only to get the Christian to doubt. Others do want to know about Christianity, but only from an intellectual point of view. Blessings, kamusat
  9. IMHO - To me, "wittnessing" is mostly how you live your life, conduct yourself and act towards others. These things say more to non believers than anything else. It is very easy to find Christians who talk one way and live another. Believe me, non-believers are watching every move you make to "catch" you and show the world what hypocrits Christians are. I know, because I was an atheist for 20 years. This doesn't mean that preaching, in any one place is the wrong thing to do. I tend to agree that "in your face" situations are ineffective no matter where they are carried out. Blessings, kamusat
  10. Hi Footprintsinthesand, I have always wondered the same thing. God has given me such an affinity for animals. I have had all kinds of pets, from cats and dogs to lizards to chickens to cows... you name it. I always said that if animals go to heaven, there will be a stampede coming towards me when I get there because of all the pets I have had! Good post about the horses in heaven.. never thought of that before! I too have had animals that were suffering. It is a terribe thing to go thru. I have had them put to sleep, but I sometimes wonder if that is right. At the time, I believe I am alleviating their suffering, and I have ONLY done it when the vet tells me there is no hope and the animal is suffereing.... It doesn't make it any easier..
  11. Hi Losty, I came to this board as well because of marriage problems. I have found good fellowship here that has helped me tremendously. You have come to the right place! I will be praying for you!! God bless you! In Christian love, kamuat
  12. Hi Elisabeth, I feel your pain! I know what you are going thru! I have been married for 23 years to a man that has some kind of personality disorder. I came to this site for the same reasons you did. I too am totally exhausted by the relationship and it does affect everything in my life. My husband is too a christian, and that makes it even worse. He is a recent convert, (4 years) and I was so happy, I thought that things would change with him. They didn't. They just get worse. I do not believe in divorce either. But I must say I think of leaving him every single day. It is so hard to maintain hope, I know. I recently did my own research on personality disorders, and found a plethra of them that fit my husband to a "T". I thought that by understanding his behavior, it would help me. My husband has never been physically abusive, but he has been verbally abusive. The pain he has caused me I can't even begin to explain. I am an emotional wreck too. I have been praying and praying and praying. I will pray for you Elisabeth, because I know EXACTLY what you are going thru. Please, feel free to PM me anytime you want and blow it all out. I understand, I have been there. When I first came to this site, another poster came to me and let me know she too, had the same problem. It was such a help, such a comfort, to know that someone understands and cares. I care, because I know the pain you are experiencing. You took the right first step. Getting with Christians who can pray for you and offer support. Believe me, it works. If you care to communicate with me, I'll tell you all about my husband. I'm sure yours will look like the Pope when I am finished. (you can't even begin to imagine.) I'll be praying for you.. Hang in there, we love you!! Your sister in Christ, Kamusat/Kathy
  13. They hate us because we are christians. It's that simple. People hate what convicts them. It is a religous war with good against evil. People can postulate all they want about what causes terrorism. Poverty, envy etc... etc.. but in the end, the only thing that matters is that now, Christianity is being spread in the middle east where it never was allowed before. That infuriates them, because in their hearts, they know it's the biggest threat they can ever face.
  14. I didn't read thru all the other posts here, but I feel led to tell you about my personal experience in this area. I was born and raised in the church. I believed in God with all my heart. I went to church, Bible studies, you name it. In high school, my car had christian bumper stickers, even though it caused people to laugh at me and make fun of me. When I got out in the world on my own, one thing led to another and I somehow came to the conclusion that there wasn't a god. I don't remember the exact chain of events, but I remember something in my brain just seemed to "switch" and I truely believed there was no such thing as God. I knew it with a surity in my heart I cannot explain. Twenty years went by. I moved out to the country. After a few months of being surrounded by nature and personally wittnessing sunrise and sunset daily, I begain to wonder if there was something out there after all. Around that time, a Jehovah's Wittness came to my door a couple of times and I consented to a Bible study. I became very suspcious when she kept telling me that the Bible was not meant to be read and understood by "regular" people. I kept thinking why would God write a book that was supposed to be a guide for Christians, and it wasn't meant to be read?? So, in definance of my JW teacher, I started reading the Bible, much to her consternation. I compared the christian Bible with the JW bible, and it made me want to read more. I read the christian Bible thru 4 times in 6 months. Then, one day, I remember it clearly, I was walking down my 1/4 mile driveway to get the mail, and another "switch" happened in my brain and I realized there truly was a God. I feel on my face and confessed my sins and praised His name for allowing me to see the truth. I immediatly canceled my study with the JW because it was apparent to me then that their religion was a cult. I always thought I was lost during those 20 years without God. Was I? I now realize that I was an infant in my faith as a youngster, but I did believe. I also remember during the 20 years as an atheist that I had a hatred in my heart for Christians that I could not explain. I remember attending church for a funeral one time during my "time away". I burned with anger at what the minister was saying. (He was talking about Jesus being raised from the dead.) I remember thinking to myself, why am I angry? Why should I even care what these people believe? I thought I should feel sorry for them for believing such nonsense, not be angry!! People have told me that I didn't have "real faith" in my youth. I beg to differ. I really did! I was on milk, but I TRULY BELIEVED. The "switch" I keep talking about is something I cannot explain. I don't remember reasoning with myself or studying to disprove Christianity or anything, it just happened. No one could have told me there was a God at that point without me laughing at them. I feel my heart had to have been touched by God, so that my blindness would fall away, because I have no other explainantion for it. I think I was so close minded about christianity during that time that Jesus himself could have come down from heaven and I still wouldn't have believed. I would have thought he was an exterrestrial or hallucianation or something, but my heart was so hard I'm sure I would have dismissed it. So, what happened to me? Was I saved, lost then saved? Or was I saved even when I "went away" for awhile?
  15. Thank you so much for your post Micah68. It really helped. I knew that Jesus used Scripture to make the devil flee him, it never occurred to me to use it myself. I actually spent most of the day yesterday reciting Luke 12:31. I felt an inner peace come over me that was not there before. I plan to write down all my favorite verses and keep them on my desk, right in front of me every day at work. I pray that the Lord blesses you for your kindness and comfort you showed me. I praise God for leading me to this site. I pray that I am able to show kindness and comfort towards others having difficulties.
  16. I am new to this site. I found it while desperetly searching for Christian encouragement. I feel like I am at the end of my rope. My believing husband is the darkest person I know. There is no light, no joy, no happiness in him at all. He became a Christian 4 years ago. For about 2 months, he was completely new, just like we are told in the Bible. Then, that disappeared. He is constantly angry, bitter and hatefull, day after day after day. In fact, he is worse now than he ever was as an atheist. Anything and everything he is angry about. Politics, his health, it's raining, it's not raining, the list could go on forever. He isn't happy no matter what is going on. Anything at all that doesn't go exactly the way he thinks it should go, sets him off. Not that he ever is happy with anything anyway. I am not exaggerating. When I talk to him about it, he claims that Christians are supposed to be depressed and angry, because they hate sin. He thinks I am wrong when I tell him that Christians should have great joy and happiness. The ironic thing of all is that he is constanly studying the Bible, which makes no sense to me at all. Where is the light in his soul? How can he read the Scriptures and not have great joy? I am at the end of my rope. I try to be an example to him, I try to help him and encourage him, but it all seems a waste of time, and never helps. My life is so completely and totally blessed in every other area, it humbles me. I am miserable in this marraige and I constantly think of how to get out. You see my husband cannot support himself financially, and because of his attitude, he has no friends and has alienated his family. He has no one else but me. If I left him, he would have nothing. I am also scared to leave or ask him to leave. With his mood and attitude the way it is, he would loose it and I would fear for my families life and the lives of the animals on our farm. You see, he looses his temper and goes crazy. I cannot rule out physical harm from him, although it has never happened before. A prime example of this behavior occured several days ago. We were working livestock, and had trouble getting one of the cows into the shoot. This is something that is expected, business as usual, nothing new to anyone who has ever worked a farm. But to him, it enrages him, and he goes off. This is typical behavior for him. This anger and depression isn't the only thing that is bad about him, as if that wasn't enough. He literally panics at times and is incapable of being rational. If we have a thunderstorm with high winds, it throws him into a panic, he is convinced we are going to get killed by a tornado. He will run around screaming at us to find flashlights etc... and bullies us all. After he calms down, he tells us everything we did wrong. I know this sounds like I am making this up, I wish I were! I have come to realize that he must be mentally ill, but his behavior has sucked me dry and I don't really care, I just want out. I know that is wrong, I should be praying for him and being a helpmate. I have found myself starting to scheme to get him to want to leave us. That is the only way he will go peacefully. I know God hates schemers, but that is how desperate I am. I am willing to risk God's wrath just to get this man out of my life! If anyone out there who reads this can offer encouraging words, I would appreciate it. If anyone out there has been thru similiar things I would love to correspond. I need and long for Christian fellowship.
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