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Everything posted by Shelby

  1. Oh honey, That is the same thought of marrying a man so you can mold him into what you think he should be. Those of us who are married KNOW you cannot change a man. I would encourage you to date who you feel God leading you toward. That is your time to witness to them, and pray for God's guidance, but I wouldn't marry him unless he was a true Christian. God tells us very directly do not be unequally yoked. I have friends and family members who chose this very thing, and things that they still feel God calling them to do, are a fantasy now because they do not have the same vision and focus as their spouse. You cannot save him, God will, and he will save the right one. So no don't count an unbeliever out, but I wouldn't become to serious without their recognition of Jesus as their Savior. There is a connection that no one could understand besides a believer. It is hard even being married to a believer. Because sometimes you are at different places in your walk, and you have different understandings of God and convictions too, so I can't imagine being married to someone who couldn't understand the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and have God as the center of the marriage so that all things are filtered through the love and Grace only he gives. I have a friend right now who is acting quite desperately to find anyone. She even offered a friend (who has ALOT of baggage) to marry him so that he wouldn't be deported. Seriously, God will provide. I tell her when she stops running around trying to find someone to love her, God is right behind her waiting for her to see that he will love her, and that he has been waiting for her to chill so he could show her the man he has for her. GBU
  2. I know I am late, but was quite intrigued with the whole story. I am sorry for your wife's grief over being treated in this way. Being a minister, we really need to guard ourselves from the idea that it is "our church" then we start running and doing things our own way and we stray from creating a worship and holy experience for the people we are ministering too. Now I think there must be a little more, and I am sure there is ample support against it, but I would still request a meeting, but make sure that your wife brings someone she knows will support her and I would say bring her dad, that way, they will be forced to be civil and not nit picky. It becomes so hard when the people you least expect to dissappoint and reject you do it so willingly. God bless you and your wife. I hope that God would remove the obstacles and personal feelings and get to the heart of the matter. Because God has a purpose for this for all who are involved. I would also pray about you two finding a church together that is in line with your doctrines, and worship style. Where you feel welcome. Take some time visiting different churches and pray God leads you to one who will help you grow in your walk. It will be good for you both to attend together. GBU
  3. If a cow laughes hard enough, will milk come out its nose? Why didn
  4. Well most of those you guys have listed, I have never even heard of, or are my mom's type of crowd. But I have met just a few. I met the late Chris Farley outside the Water Tower downtown Chicago. I was ringing the Christmas Bell at The Salvation Army Kettle there and he walked past, then I saw him again, and I grabbed his leather jacket, and then discreetly asked him for an autograph and he put a nice donation in, even though he was so rudely interrupted. Turned out he lived next door in the Hancock Building. I also met Steve Harvey at the same place for the same reason. Didn't say much, but talk about an entourage! I met Amy Grant also at the kettle. She was with her kids and her mom. Amy asked us how to hail a cab, and one of her kids took a huge wad out of Amy's purse and stuck it in the kettle. Good people. Ozzie Smith lives close to where I grew up, and my prom date knew where he lived. So he drove me there before prom, didn't really meet, but it was cool. He has a house in the back just for the maid. Then at the many church functions I have met: Sarah Groves, Chris Rice, Dick and Melody Tunney, Chris Jaudes & Carol his wife (grew up with his daughter) Carol was the lead in CATS until it ended, and Chris plays solo trumpet in the pit for CATS and now still play on broadway. He taught me how to play my first instrument, and she taught my drama classes as a young person. Salvador, they are cute! and really down to earth guys. I am sure there are more, I just can't remember them right now. I actually have a friend in the NBA. Corliss Williamson, but we call him "Peanut' (because of his peanut shaped head). That head was that big even when he was a scrawny little guy!
  5. I think we all just need to keep in mind that they came to a CHRISTIAN chat board for a reason. Whether it was to come stir up something, or just any other reason, God can work with that. They may not see it now, but God lead them here for some reason. Even if they did come wanting to refute our faith. I won't and don't argue the Bible with someone. In John, I think, it says something to the effect of 'don't bicker about your faith' and I won't. I won't scripture pick, and I won't feel the need to justify my beliefs to someone who wants to argue. Now I do try, (try I said) to just lovingly let them know what I believe, and how I came about my decision. God bless those atheists who are lead to our Board may we show true Christianity to them. MHO John 6:43 "Jesus said, 'Don't bicker among yourselves over me."
  6. I love all kinds of music. I love the praise and worship during the morning worship, I think it really helps to personalize and literally bring a person into worship. I also love the hymns. I love it when my husband and I take trips. During the drive we sing most of the way, harmonizing, and when we are with his family, it is melodious! I love it. I love R&B and Rap too. I am Glad that God blessed some great Christians with some magnificient talent to offer some really great Christian alternatives. Now country music, still working on that one, not going to be an easy sell.
  7. I also would like to point out that it said above that the Christians got a permit from the police to be on that corner. So it wasn't a suprise that they were going to be there. Why didn't they tell them they would be arrested then. I think that people are focusing on the rights the Gay Pride Party had because it was such a huge event with much publicity, but the Christians didn't just walk up and start doing their thing, (which I am not into this commando converting) they went through the proper channels. I am guessing the police there were under much pressur from the community they were around. I think these charges will prove alot about our country.
  8. I also didn't vote, because I don't have a guess and it is of no concern to me. If I am ready then I am ready. I am not going to cram now if I failed in the past, hopefully the Lord will find me faithful. I think it is useless to guestimate when the rapture will happen. What will it add to your life to know when? I am glad I do not know the future. Praise God he saw fit to not let us know so that we are challenged to always be ready!
  9. In one word, security. I think most of the rest of our needs are met in this one word. Finances under control, marriage, children, family relationships, faith, church.... They all have a need for security. Security in all things will give peace we think. Although we know that only God can offer the type of peace that we think our personal security will take care of. It is hard to let go of that, but it is then when we find true security. For me atleast, this is a daily surrender to God. I am human and have a deep need for security. I do have security, it just feels lost once in a while.
  10. Well, I have a 2 sided answer. 1. I do watch the show. So, to explain the extravagant giving is that the theme for 2004-2005 season is "Wildest Dreams Come True". She is telling the country that none of our wildest dreams are unreachable. So that is what she is doing, fulfilling some of her viewers wildest dreams. 2. I have a huge problem with her wishwashy spiritualism. I would never say that she claims to be a Christian. I would say she uses Christian terminology to explain her "Spirituality Beliefs", which I think stem from Maya Angelou. I do see women freak out when Oprah enters, and I think it can be a bit much BUT don't you remember going to a concert when you were a kid and being overwhelmed with excitement when you saw the artist. Even at Christian Concerts. It is exciting to meet someone who you watch everyday or listen to their music, they seem so unreachable, and then there they are. So I understand the pandemonium. I love watching her show this year because I LOVE watching people get things they have wanted all their life, I love to see the joy, like Extreme Home Makeover. I also like her informative shows about women all over the world and Africa etc. I often, don't like her commentary, but I don't feel like she is a very educated woman anyway. It is the show she delivers that I watch, not her. I think that many women are like me who watch the show. We don't idiolize her, but if we met her we would be a little star struck. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Here is a link to a discussion from before http://www.worthyboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14379
  12. Any one read this book. Well first I will say it was a little weird reading. Second, it was short, real short. I think with a title like that, it would have plenty of time to expound on it. I did like it, it wasn't so much a philisophical book to me, more fiction. It does cause you to think of the subjects raised. Physics, consciousness, mind& body, morality, God, and the menaing of life are some of the topics hit on. Nothing real in depth. I thought the book (Avatar, one of the 2 Characters) did a good job of asking many leading questions to force the reader to reconsider their thoughts and biases. For that I say good Job Scott Adams. Bottom line, sorry if I give it away, but the idea that I think is posed the greatest for the reader to embrace is that God willed himself out of exixtence. The book accepts the ver simplest answers to the topics listed above, which basically embraces the principles of parsimony. Then Adams finishes the book by pointing out that the books conclusions are incorrect, so as to ask the reader to try and figure out the missing link of logic. Very thought provoking, but not as indepth as it could have been. I enjoyed it for the most part, got bored sometimes. I chalk this up to a well written, thought provoking fictional novel. He has some great ideas. One last tidbit, did you know that Scott Adams is a hypnotist....... Now that helps me put a few things together. Thanks Wix for the recommendation.
  13. Rusty Angel, I hear that. I saw that on Dr. Phil too! I was flabbergasted, (however you spell that). She had already divorced another man for that reason, so he knew what he was getting into. He really had no confidence. I felt so sorry for him. I work as well, and I am happy to. 22 years, congrats!
  14. I honor my husband by acting in private how I act in public with him. I show endless love and devotion. I show interest in the things that he likes, even if I don't really like them. I participate because I like spending time with him. I honor him by telling him of all the wonderful attributes I love about him. His intelligence, humor, respect for me, respect for others, he is a great friend not only to me, but to others. He is very loyal and chivalrous. I honor my husband by being the best example of a Christian wife I can be. By submitting myself to his authority and showing him not only my love for him but Gods, in hopes that it will help encourage him as the spiritual leader of our family. I hope to be better today in my job as his wife than I did yesterday. I am going to create a great day. PS. I also love to do little things that I know he loves and appreciates, make his favorite food, but him something small that he wouldn't get himself, intiate a fun time, throw a HUGE party with all of his friends from all over the midwest for his 30th B-day. He is worth it and much more. I wish I had more ideas of how to show him how much he does mean to me. Thanks for the Topic. GBU
  15. Well, I got great gifts this year. My husband did buy me ANOTHER appliance, and I am so not into appliances, but I know he will use it and I will try, to show him I will use it. But he also bought me something he had no clue what it was, nor do I. I am gonna look into it though. For my first birthday after we were married, (3mths after) my Birthday was the day we were moving in, so we woke up, and immediately got my Birthday stuff over with. As I opened my gift I was not careful to guard my reaction, and my husband caught on real quick that I wasn't extatic. BUT I did like it. Well for our wedding I registered for Tupperware, and I got SO MUCH!!! I had so much tupperware that I used it like gladware and tossed it after one or 2 uses. So what did he get me, A HUGE BOX OF TUPPERWARE, and since all of our stuff had been packed for the summer, he had forgotten that I already had tons. He felt awful and so did I. I am now very careful. This year, I opened what I thought was my last gift. Binoculars????? Then he handed me an envelope. He got me season tickets to Broadway in Chicago. I get to see Little Shop of Horrors, Wicked, Les Miserables, etc. WOW, the best gift I have ever gotten EVER!!!!! Besides him and my sister. God is awesome, and how far my husband has come!
  16. There are so many who have been so nice and encouraging. I would say specifically Hippo Beth. She is so amazing, and though I haven't seen her in a while, when I first joined I was in the ladies forum, and she PMd me a very encouraging note. We wrote back and forth and she promised to be a support to me and I to her. It was a while later that I found out she was 14! How amazing are our teens here. They are so insightful, and wise. God bless all of you. Many have touched me. GBU
  17. I would say it is a power trip. They want to see if you are going to assume that you are off, or just take the day off on hearsay. Maybe it hasn't been approved yet. Who knows, it sounds like they have something against you. IS there someone you can speak with above the person handing out the orders to not inform you?
  18. I love those ideas Deirdre. You know I love owrking with teens, and any fresh Ideas help. It is hard sometimes to see what is going on in their heads and what is troubling or giving them pause at the moment, so really they decide the topic. so then the leader must be up to par in their devotions and reading of their Bible since it really is an on the spot synopsis. Question?? Did you just leave the questions from the prior weeks in the bag, and then add each week, or did you make new questions each week?
  19. It isn't blind faith, this is a tangible faith. Lets take for instance the wind. You don't see it, but you see the effects it has on the leaves, and trees, and sometimes in storms houses. You can't see it, but you feel it, hear it, and see the effects of it. That is God. Really, can you imagine how freaked out we would all be if the creator of the entire universe, who has more knowledge that our entire world could asertain, coming to earth in a visible form? Really? I would be freaked out. That is why he knew we needed it to be different. He knew we could not handle his awesomeness. So he came in the form of a baby. Something everyone can relate to. A baby doesn't judge, or hold grudges, or keep record of wrongs, or lust, or anything that people would be in fear that an ALMIGHTY GOD would do. So he came as a baby, to show us that he really does keep no record of wrongs. Once we realize and accept him as God, and accept his precious gift, Jesus (himself coming to earth) to save us, and then conquering our worst fear, death. To me there isn't a way that I can't believe there is a God and that he is the one and only God. Now don't get me wrong, and I will admit it, we all have our days when we have a moments pause, "God are you real?", but atleast for me, I get a mental smack in the head. Duh, of course. For me, if things "just happened" wouldn't make sense. Coincidence? No there are no coincidences. God is in control, and if he has to use a miracle to make something happen he will. No coincidences, just miracles. I hope that I helped you. I do hope you will stay and chat. You have challenged me and helped me to hold strong to my faith. Thank you for the great questions.
  20. Some us don't even fall down, we tend to slam right into a brick wall sometimes. I heard it once that some people have to walk through the puddles of life to know they are there and there are those God gives vision to see them beforehand. I think it depends on how teachable your spirit is. I am quite the stubborn one, and I have been emersed in a few puddles.
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